Katy Peplin Profile picture
this is the account with all the support, encouragement, and real talk you need about grad school and beyond! grad students are humans too! she/her
Nov 4, 2021 10 tweets 1 min read
non word count/deadline related #AcWriMo goals you could have: one pom a day on a specific project
Aug 31, 2018 16 tweets 4 min read
a thread: it has been more than two years since i handed in my dissertation revisions and was done with my degree. i am still working through things that happened in the PhD. i am STILL rebuilding my sense of self. i am nowhere near the only one who feels like this. i went looking through my journals from my phd and i can't tell you the number of times i have written "keep your head down." that was my entire survival strategy for the phd - become as small as possible so that i attracted the least amount of trouble.