Zim Politics & Society. Global Affairs. Watching Birth of Multipolar World. I like proper analytical journalism.
Oct 31, 2021 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Blame it on the Weatherman?
That @ZANUPF_Official conference held this past week failed to animate and generate any public excitement is a sad indictment on it: the Party is suffering a severe drought of ideas, either expressed in content or form or both. 1/
Some commentators have derisively labelled this generation as "a ruling class without ruling ideas". The paucity of ideas demonstrated by the just-ended indaba, which ordinarily must have led to strong debates, within and outside the Party, shows how dangerously true this is. 2/
Aug 19, 2020 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Twoboy's two minutes of fame... @ZANUPF_Official Director Tafadzwa Mugwadi's reprehensible performance on @ajplus yesterday got me reflecting me on the clash I had with the comrade while at @HeraldZimbabwe (We made up, I think). A thread. 1/
While coming from SA some 18 or so months ago, I was surprised to note that Mugwadi, having been given a dubious role of social media coordinator, had also been allowed to sit in our editorial mgt meetings, which I immediately felt was irregular. I was then Political Editor. 2/
Aug 1, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Pyrrhic victory...
What @edmnangagwa admin achieved yesterday is what this is called: a victory achieved at such a huge cost it leaves you weak. Think of resources into police, military and paramilitary training, mobilising and propaganda. Cost could be US$1m spent over 2 weeks
This is unsustainable and regime will not be able to keep soldiers and police in a constant state of mobilisation and morale, ready to thwart any demos. Apart from this operational nightmare, the regime is now on the psychological backfoot: what's being planned next?
Jul 4, 2020 • 17 tweets • 9 min read
Game theory in @ProfJNMoyo (and others) v State 1/ There is, indeed there should be, an end to the political games between the State (read @edmnangagwa) and Jonso and his so-called G40 allies who are accused of being fugitives but whose real crime is opposing the status quo...
2/For the record, the most prominent members of the G40 also include @Hon_Kasukuwere@PatrickZhuwao#GraceMugabe#MandiChimene#SarahMahoka#JeppyJaboon#GodfreyGandawa, among others who coalesced around ex President Mugabe before he was removed in a coup in 2017....
May 21, 2020 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Energy waenda kwasara Joji...
No, I'm not rejoicing. This time last year the ex junior Minister @energymutodi forced me to write a report on why I had been pictured, on different ocassions, with opposition leader @nelsonchamisa and youth leader @BvondoChidziva. 1/
2/His superiors in the ministry laughed the order off because he had no real authority to do so. However, I did it for strategic reasons not least because the allegations formed part of dossiers alleging that I was an @mdczimbabwe plant and that I had met @nelsonchamisa in Moza
Apr 15, 2020 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
Content is king
Just how Zim State media, both print and broadcast fail to optimise vast resources at their disposal to produce is an abberation and national disservice that enlightens us to a number of things 1/ @AlexanderRusero@VTKAHIYA@nickmangwana@TrevorNcube@Jamwanda22/ There is no worse time this has been exposed than during this Covid-19 crisis when the @ZBCNewsonline has shown us how vacuous in both material production and imagination it is, as it has churned poor quality on rotation when it has a whole family-centred market to itself...