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Sep 2, 2021 134 tweets 58 min read
Let’s take a look at *some* of the things so called “wokeness” (not a word I use often) has ushered (back) in, shall we? Much of the left fought against it tooth and nail in the 1980s - 1990s in the name of liberation and enlightenment values.

⚠️ Long thread I hope you read. >> We will start with the backstory of repressed/recovered memory junk science. In case you are unaware RM played a large role in creating & driving Satanic Panic. I will eventually be getting to its revival & multiple rebrandings on many university campuses over a decade ago. >>>
Sep 1, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
My supervisor just had the nerve to wake me up at 2:45 pm. 😏 I’m glad she did. I had woken up at 10 am and fallen back asleep. The insane rate of turnover continues at work and my shift has been rearranged once again. Pity. I wanted to make sure Lucas knew how to do multiple >>> job related tasks that his former supervisor did not teach him. If one more person leaves he is going to become a shift supervisor… with only 9 months experience. It takes one year for everything to click, and to come off your probationary period. Unfortunately the last >>>
May 9, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
@RottenInDenmark The it’s Marxism argument is absurd in general. There have been valid concerns that people have been able to discuss w/o hysteria. As the thread points out students have generally been really good about rejecting over zealous speech codes in the past. It’s been seen >>> @RottenInDenmark repeatedly. Some did point out more recent, concerning, data that showed more students were demanding harsher restrictions for the first time. I think it has more to do with changes in parenting culture as opposed to Marxism.

There are some great student free speech >>>
May 9, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I enjoy watching this cooking show. I’ve not seen her so complex recipes. Just no brainer, fun stuff (she does have great tips & use some ingredients I’ve never tried like pomegranate molasses). She just enjoys cooking with fresh ingredients and it shows.

I guess Covid is bad in Turkey. I’ve not seen any specific coverage on that but based on what she says it’s similar to India and that is horrible.
May 8, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
I’ve always been a bit of a fashion history buff because it tells you a lot about the time period and struggles of people trying to conform to the mood of the upper crust. For that reason I like this woman’s videos but she also frequently misses the mark. I understand her frustration. I grew up fawning over Bowie as Ziggy Star Dust, Prince, Adam Ant and more BUT their message was far more substantial than hers.

She correctly summed up the problem at the end of the video, but also ignored it while contributing to it. It’s a >>>
May 7, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I’m so glad my stretch at work is finished and I am now on my week off. Works.been depressing, and on that note... Here is a song my best friend claims reminds him of me BUT only because I love singing it (no plastic surgery here). Or fake fucking plants because it’s too dime store for my liking.
Jul 6, 2020 10 tweets 8 min read
@CultExpert @jk_rowling The junk science of repressed/recovered memory syndrome, which started the Satanic Panic, is deeply engrained in the current trans trend as well. This glossary from Tumblr is straight out of the Satanic Panic years. A few new terms have been added and ImageImageImage @CultExpert @jk_rowling others repurposed but most of this came out of RMS therapies, which were heavy on hypnosis. I became concerned when I saw distraught parents discussing their teens spending all their time online before they became obsessed with forgotten or hidden trauma & multiple >>>
Jun 9, 2020 44 tweets 20 min read
Ok. Let’s discuss trauma informed care... see the links & screen shots below. That fact that it is the same regurgitated psychotherapeutic junk science that started the Satanic Panic has been confirmed by Elizabeth Loftus, expert in memory who fought against it & wrongful >>> convictions due to it during the panic.…
May 7, 2020 12 tweets 8 min read
@unclelar47 @thehill Hello. I’m on the left & one of many liberals that is happy about DeVos’ reform to unconstitutional/rights violating changes made by the Obama admin in 2011. From the moment they were implemented poll after poll showed the majority of 🇺🇸 disagreed with the unconstitutional >>> @unclelar47 @thehill 2011 revisions.… College professors have started going over the 2011 Dear Colleague Letter changes and DeVos’ reversal in class with their students. They leave out names & political affiliation of those involved with both measures, and let the students >>>
Apr 23, 2020 49 tweets 44 min read
@STILLTish @RDobbson1 Long Thread (apologies): Many radical feminists pushed SRA conspiracies in every country that experienced the Satanic Panic. They were heavy promoters of abusive & unethical RMS therapies that women were primarily subjected to and they were proponents of MPD/DID diagnoses >>> @STILLTish @RDobbson1 which are usually fraudulent & made by poorly educated + conspiratorial therapists. Debbie Nathan discusses radfem promotion of RMS & MPD + SRA here. She is correct in saying that Gloria Steinem wanted it to be named MPG, multiple personality gift. They wanted several women to >>
Apr 20, 2019 29 tweets 17 min read
@Pinkerite1 Thread: Taken in context of the time no ☝️would think Camille = sociopath. What was going on in 1994? SATANIC PANIC. What started it? The 1973 allegedly true therapeutic tale of Sybil, a woman so horrifically abused as a child that her psyche shattered into multiple personalities @Pinkerite1 who remembered abuse for her so she could forget. Sybil was in therapy w/ Dr Wilbur, a woman known for her work in unethical & controversial therapies & treatments such as religious conversion, electro-shock, lobotomies & recovered memory therapies.☂ term