How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App fed level, as I've mentioned in a number of publications, TVA seems to have boosted jobs in TVA region by 250K, at cost per job of roughly $80K. See Kline and Moretti.… article makes many useful points, including: governments have trouble doing targeting, past efforts have had mixed results, success ultimately should be judged by effects on PEOPLE in distressed places, & success depends on exploiting various multipliers, such as via clusters short @UpjohnInstitute research highlight, w/ links to report (160 pp) & policy brief (4 pp) can be found here:… key point: research supports that HIGH-QUALITY pre-K has long-run effects on "authentic" adult outcomes,such as educational attainment and earnings. Research that seems to suggest otherwise is frequently on pre-K that is low-quality,or focuses on medium run test score effects, FDA might have approved more rapid albeit imperfect tests, and considered challenge trials. And govt should have reserved more doses. But faster solutions do not require throwing out commonsense ethics & standards. participated in a seminar chaired by @rodrikdani on good jobs by @InequalityHKS . I think video will be posted soon. Here is a link to my 7-minute speech draft (pdf listed under additional files) and the powerpoints (the download button)… what is evidence for persistence? As report reviews, between 2000 and 2014-18, correlation in prime-age employment rate in local labor markets is 0.88. guess I do have to wonder whether people interpret this question, which is about LONG-RUN effects on DEFICIT, not revenue, as simply: are middle-class tax cuts "good", which means they must reduce this "bad thing", the deficit? need to understand that distressed local labor markets are often not due to inevitable economic forces, but due to bad luck and bad policy, which leads to a self-reinforcing cycle of decline. In many cases, distress begins when an area is hit harder by a recession. (2/N) webinar featured as speakers: Marianne Bertrand, prof of econ at Chicago Booth; Chi Mac, Small Business Research Lead at JP Morgan Chase Institute; Maurice Jones, President and CEO of LISC, @LISCMaurice thanks to @IEDCtweets & @jeffryfinkle for inviting me. What about fiscal feedback benefits, a la recent QJE paper by @nhendren82 & @bsprungkeyser ? Could lower net costs per job a lot.… focus is on helping distressed local labor markets, defined as local areas with low employment rates. Redistributing jobs to those places can boost permanent employment rates in those areas, reducing social costs & increasing the overall national employment rate., the piece argues that calling a place "distressed"