Tim Hogan 浩勤 Profile picture
UMass Amherst Political Science, Int'l Rel & 中文 Minors. JD Univ. Hawaii. Liberal. Still have my Kennedy/Johnson button. Jin Jiyan Azadî
Barb Profile picture Bill III (Taylor’s Version💛🧣🕛 💃🏼 💜) 🖥 Profile picture Homac Profile picture 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐔𝐩𝐭𝐨𝐧🍀 Profile picture Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture 192 subscribed
Sep 12 4 tweets 1 min read
MAGA has begun to devour their young. It's certainly about eating something. This is a Loomer post an hour old. Doubling down on the Trump disaster. They know this is causing people to flee the crazy train. Image
Sep 6 10 tweets 2 min read
1. I think I know who Co-Conspirator No. 5 is any it may be why the Special Counsel delivered something secret to court on Wednesday. Conspiracies are dangerous for defendants. Evidence that would usually be kept out comes in. 2. Here is the description of Co-Conspirator No. 5 from the Superseding Indictment: Image
Sep 2 8 tweets 2 min read
1. I was never a Mueller fan. That happens when your brother investigates someone but declines as he declined on Reagan, Bush41 and Barr. Mueller's team was made up of solid, ethical, courageous career DOJ pros. But Mueller was a GOP insider with baggage hidden from our view. 2. The truth about Trump's treason was in the NSA and CIA intercepts. We never saw them and may never see them. It's the flaw that may bring us down. A dangerous remnant of the Nixon years that, when they came crashing down, allowed people like Barr to burrow into the system
Aug 31 4 tweets 1 min read
1. The press has again dropped the ball on holding Trump accountable. What we need to know is where was Trump during the time after he landed at Dulles Friday night? Who was with him? Who witnessed it? What came is a reset. Pro-Kremlin stooges appeared in his campaign. 2. Who authorized Trump's photo op at Arlington that a private citizen doesn't get? That person gave him the trappings of a sitting @POTUS. Who was that? What communications did that person or their team have with people in the emerging Trump/Kremlin team?
Aug 25 4 tweets 1 min read
I have kept quiet about this because I don't like to engage in what might be considered stereotyping but the @nytimes is so far off the rails that it must be said. We need to consider that Carlos Slim is compromised by Russian connections to drug cartels who he knows can reach him and has used his early significant and now more minority stake to infiltrate the Times' management, line reporting and editorial staff.
Aug 17 6 tweets 2 min read
1. If Putin declares he'll revert to nuclear weapons to save his corrupt regime from ignominious defeat, we should consider a declaration of war with a commitment of no first-use of nuclear weapons that takes that threat off the table. But what that declaration would do is this: 2. The moment POTUS signs the simple majority joint resolution of a declaration of war, all Russian national assets of any kind in the US or subject to US control become the permanent, irreversible property of the US Custodian under the Trading with the Enemy Act.
Aug 17 15 tweets 3 min read
1. I first read Roe v. Wade when it was released in 1971 during the year I had taken off before college. During that time my views were shaped working at the nation's oldest Women's college in my home town. I was a feminist and remain so today. 2. Much later, I took a PhD level Constitutional law class at @UMassAmherst. Then I won the ConLaw Am Jur in Law school. I have thought long and hard about Roe. This won't be well-received but Roe was not a good decision.
Aug 14 5 tweets 1 min read
1. @Fortune500 CEOs think they can join a fascist coup to overturn our democracy and install a person who proclaims he will be a dictator without consequence. These pro-fascist CEOs think we are powerless. 2. We need to identify the CEO's who are supporting Trump. Donor records are a good start but we can add evidence of their support from many sources. Once we have clear evidence of their support for the fascist dictator wannabe we then brand the company they
Aug 11 8 tweets 3 min read
1. Putin's foolish strategy in #Donbass that made places like #Bakhmut worth 50 thousand Russian Army casualties, has had long-term impact on Russian force readiness that is now coming home to roost. Two regiments are on the border and might be able to assist in stemming 2. the rout shown here with yellow circles, are on the flank of the Kursk salient but were both burnt-up in Bakhmut and Chasiv Yar. These units were likely put there for show knowing that they did not have combat capability. They face envelopment by the growing salient. Image
Aug 10 5 tweets 1 min read
1. I'm not going to be shocked that Iran is the source of the Trump hack but I'll wait for more information. Every authoritarian regime he's in bed with will go after the feeble weak clown in hopes to curry favor with the victor. They don't understand us. 2. The day Trump took credit for assassinating Qasem Soleimani, I knew Trump would regret it. Silence would have left ambiguity whether it was the Israelis. I still believe Trump green-lighted the missile attack on our base at Al Assad to try to appease the Quds Force.
Aug 8 9 tweets 2 min read
1. Could Trump be thinking about dropping out? Was the Mar-a-Lago Club presser branding instead of Trump Vance ticket deliberate signaling? 2. He has filed numerous Bankruptcy petitions so he knows how to push restart and leave the suckers behind.
Aug 8 6 tweets 1 min read
1. I have believed since 2014 that "ISIS" nka #Daesh was, in significant part, a Russian project to pin the US down in a war in the ME while Putin moved on Europe starting in Ukraine. The ISIS connection to Vienna is not likely random but simply part of this Russian strategy. 2. Putin needs Trump to stop the Russian collapse in Ukraine. I'd want to know if @taylorswift13 is active in support for Harris. The tendency to view events as disjointed random occurrences is a weakness in our intelligence services' monolithic @ODNIgov structure.
Jul 28 11 tweets 2 min read
1. I've pondered SCOTUS' Trump immunity case and conclude it has a flaw that will easily support its overturning.
Roberts claims POTUS has near-unlimited power but then, without authority, strips away the 2. power of the Executive to employ the Executive branch's records to punish a traitor who refused to relinquish power after losing an election. If POTUS is so powerful and the Federal
Jul 25 4 tweets 1 min read
1. The standard briefing order is fairly expedited as is. I think he's looking at other alternatives with the 4th floor. With the case shut down they can empanel a grand jury in DC or NJ to look at a foreign dissemination charge. 2. Cannon lost jurisdiction. Her order can easily be overcome by simply giving the prosecution to the Deputy who puts Matt Olsen at the National Security Div in charge. He can onboard Jack Smith as part of his
Jul 25 4 tweets 1 min read
1. Putin is in trouble. His economy is starting to show signs of damage from sanctions and war costs that he can't hide. He needs to expand the conflict without actually getting into a fight with our superior forces. 2. Our reaction to these provocations should be to give more support to Ukraine. Make clear that it won't stop. Focus on Kremlin elite. Announce coming wave of sanctions against them and their extended families.
Jul 25 5 tweets 1 min read
1. My money's on the Kremlin having a big book on James Donald Bowman, aka James David Bowman, aka Jimmy Hamel nka JD Vance. Kremlin thinks Trump made a critical mistake nominating him for VP. Image 2. If I'm right, about the Kremlin book on him and the desire to get rid of him, I'd expect some very damaging Kompromat to be teed up. I'm watching former James Donald Bowman to announce he's leaving race
Jul 21 5 tweets 1 min read
1. I'm concerned @LeaderMcConnell is calling for Biden to step down, IMO likely part of ongoing coup conspiracy. By jamming up Congressional choice for new VP that Biden's withdrawal would necessitate 2. a single assassination would allow the deviant anti-democratic @SpeakerJohnson to become president. Kamala will have the @SecretService detail of a POTUS nominee, a VP and the Football. That's enough.
Jul 19 4 tweets 1 min read
1. The billionaire class wants to make sure they don't have to give back the loot. We're stuck because they also fund our campaigns. We have to cut the cord with the people who seek to pass the cost of governance to 2. the working class. The only way is for the working class to fund our campaigns. We need a party commitment that one of first things that comes in 2025 is a 70% effective rate on the super rich. That can peel-
Jul 19 8 tweets 2 min read
1. Problem for Democrats is the election in key states comes down to undecided voters who can be swayed. The numbers are showing Biden has lost the ability to sway them over an issue he can't fix: His age. 2. I don't know who put him out there to look like a coma victim but I hope someday we find out. But, in the mean time, the fascists are licking their chops. Don't listen to me, but listen to the pros. @LarrySabato
Jul 16 5 tweets 1 min read
1. My initial thought about Cannon is that she did it to ditch the case. I think it's unlikely it ends Trump espionage charges and equally unlikely the case ever comes back to Cannon. 2. A quick summary grand jury can give DOJ the ability to charge it fast and, with the high likelihood that Trump has been selling secrets, the Govt will have other places chose from for the venue of the brand new case with a
Jul 4 5 tweets 1 min read
1. Because SCOTUS has ruled @POTUS @JoeBiden is above the law, and in light of the national security threat that Donald Trump poses as a person who has stolen classified information, caused an insurrection and 2. threatens a dictatorship, Joe Biden should do the following: Release all evidence of Trump's foreign corruption and his attack on Congress. Because the evidence from the period during Trump's administration