TimeWanderer #BlackLivesMatter Profile picture
Twitch streamer, video game enthusiast, creator and co-host of The Retro Breakdown podcast. Almost @Kusogrande 5 champ. I appreciate positivity. He/Him. #BLM
Sep 30, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Thread on why people are acting so shocked about Trump not condemning white supremacy:

At this point, most people already know his leanings on race. His supporters are divided between people who love that he's a white supremacist, and people who can't be bothered to care. 1/? Racism and white supremacy are still very prevalent in America, which should surprise nobody, since there are people still in government now that were also in government at a time when racism was literally the law. 2/?
Jun 8, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read

Campaign Zero is an organization that is pushing for greater police accountability and reduced police violence, using data-driven and statistically-proven methods. #8CantWait is a series of common-sense reforms that have been proven to reduce police violence AND crime rates. 5/?

What I raise this week won't make a huge difference. But this is something small I can do. I may only ever be able to do small things, but if I keep doing the small things and combine those with the small things from others, we can make a REAL difference. It's not about
May 31, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
This thread is excellent, because white privilege is a power most of us didn't ask for, and it's not something we want others to NOT have. And that sucks.

But we DO have privilege. And we need to recognize that so that we can use it where we can to promote fairness and justice. I've spent most of this weekend trying to come to grips with my powerlessness, my combination of empathy for the black community, and my understanding that I can never TRULY empathize fully, because I will never live the existential terror that is being black in America.
Dec 5, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
On day one, Trump was in violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution by not divesting himself from his private businesses, and continuing to use public office to profit privately.

He was impeachable on Inauguration Day because he was breaking the law then, as well. The whole "they've been trying to impeach him since day one" line has been one of the most frustrating GOP tactics in this process.

Yeah, of course they've been floating impeachment - Trump has not stopped breaking the law for even ONE SECOND while in office!
Jun 29, 2018 14 tweets 3 min read
I hate everything about what's happening with the Supreme Court right now.

A thread. (1) 2016 made the appointment process of Supreme Court Justices a sham, and everybody knows it. Those who argue are either lying through their teeth, or being intellectually dishonest with themselves.

But the worst thing about the Merrick Garland fiasco is PRECEDENT.
Nov 7, 2017 4 tweets 1 min read
Why Aren't Millennials Buying Brand New $40,000 Luxury Vehicles For Christmas To Park in Front of Their $500,000 Homes? Column by Lexus: I've always been put off by Christmas car commercials. Growing up, I can remember 3 different Christmases where there were zero presents.
Oct 27, 2017 4 tweets 1 min read
This is a design change made after the first wave of sex robots came back with too much DAMAGE. Think about that for a second. Freed from consequences, a bunch of men unleashing themselves on sex robots damaged them so much, the designer had to write code for it.