Timothée Olivier, MD Profile picture
Oncology (sarcoma, H&N, CUP). EBM, Health Policy @HUG_ge (Geneva), @vkprasadlab (UCSF). Geneva Ethics Committee. Co-EiC ESMO Rare Cancers. No COI. Views mine.
Jan 31 8 tweets 3 min read
How many patients with advanced or metastatic cancer respond to immunotherapy (checkpoint inhibitors)?

Our new paper in the International Journal of Cancer tackles this question, led by @AlysonHaslam with @VPrasadMDMPH

🧵 1/8 Image First, check Table 1: the number of immunotherapy compounds—anti-PD-1, anti-PD-L1, anti-CTLA-4, anti-LAG-3...

➡️ A lot of 'me-too' drugs in this space.
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Jun 8, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Hey #ASCO2023, keep following !

Let's have a 👀 at the LUNAR phase 3 trial,
showing an OS benefit with tumor treating fields (TTFs) in addition to SoC in platinum refractory meta NSCLC❗️

3.3 months median OS improvement,
Wow... a new SoC ❓

A few thoughts🧵👇
First the design :

+again and again, a restricted physician's choice
(see our work here : bit.ly/3DsYqPx)

but let's be fair, it's the same in both arms
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Jun 4, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Some toughts about the INDIGO phase 3 trial, vorasidenib in IDH1- or IDH2-Mutant Low-Grade Glioma #ASCO2023

- setting = residual or recurrent disease
- primary EP = PFS = improved from 11.1 to 27.7 Mo (16.6)

Here are some toughts 🧵
1/6 Image First, we can see that median time from diagnosis ≥ 2.5 years in both groups, so it really looks like mostly recurrent disease.

Now let's make some comparison with another trial, the "PCV trial" -->
This trial was in first-line patients ❗️
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