Timothy Reigle Coaching Profile picture
Helped 150+ men heal P🌽RN Addiction in 90 days or less, save their marriages, and become strong, Godly men.
Oct 5, 2024 18 tweets 3 min read
Be a Man.

Not a Man-Child

What is a man child?

Let me tell you this difference.

[A THREAD} A man-child is someone who is an adult by age, but not in maturity.

He complains about his life but does nothing to improve it.

He blames everyone else for all his problems

He takes zero responsibility for his actions
Jan 23, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read
"I keep relapsing to porn"
"I do good for a while, but always go back"
"I feel stuck"

You're stuck in a RELAPSE CYCLE.

Here's how to break out of it.

//A THREAD// Tell me if this sounds familiar…

You realize that porn is a problem in your life and you decide to quit.

But not matter how motivated you are and how hard you try, you keep relapsing after a few days or weeks.
Sep 26, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Christian men shouldn't have to go outside the Church to find the masculine guidance they need.

Yet, so many men are looking to Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, David Goggins, Jocko Willink and others.

They should be looking to their pastors.

Why aren't they???

🧵 Image Because the Pastor's aren't appealing to the men the way those guys are.

Men don't want to be like the pastors they see.

Many pastors are fat, weak, and feminine. Their sermons are geared towards women. They're more like TED Talks than convicting, inspiring Bible messages. Image
Aug 4, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Christian men shouldn't have to go outside the Church to find the masculine guidance they need.

Yet, so many men are looking to Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, David Goggins, Jocko Willink and others.

They should be looking to their pastors.

Why aren't they???

🧵 Image Because the Pastor's aren't appealing to the men the way those guys are.

Men don't want to be like the pastors they see.

Many pastors are fat, weak, and feminine. Their sermons are geared towards women. They're more like TED Talks than convicting, inspiring Bible messages. Image
Apr 20, 2023 22 tweets 5 min read

You may think it harmless. It's NOT.

After years of my own addiction and now years of helping hundreds of men find freedom, I've learned how destructive porn is.

Here are FIVE ways Porn is ruining your life.

🧵 A THREAD Image 1. Porn Ruins Relationships.

How many marriages have been destroyed because the husband could not stop watching porn?

According to @CovenantEyes , Porn use is cited in 56% of divorces.
Apr 19, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
Do you want to get married and start a family?

Fix yourself first.

I have an amazing marriage now..

But I nearly destroyed it from the start.

Single guys, learn from from my mistakes.

Here are FIVE things you need to find BEFORE getting married

🧵 Image 1. FIND MISSION:

Every man must have his own mission.

Too many men make their woman their mission.

This is a great error.

Your woman should be your partner, your helper, ON the mission.

But your whole life shouldn't revolve around her.
Mar 19, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read

Do you know the story of Nathan???

Who is he?
Why does he matter?
Who do we all need our own "Nathan"?

I bet you've heard of the story that precedes him...

Gather round and learn a great lesson...

/A THREAD/ Many of us are familiar with the story of King David and Bathsheba from the Bible.

In 2nd Samuel 11, King David saw Bathsheba bathing on a roof and was immediately filled with intense lust for her.

He committed adultery with her knowing that she was married.
Mar 18, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The Gym is not just a gym.

The gym is a school that will teach you life lessons no place else can.

Here's what you'll learn if you commit to hitting the gym in 2023 Image 1.

You’ll learn you’re stronger than think.

You’ll also learn you’re NOT as strong as you think.
Mar 15, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
THIS is the #1 sin most ignored by Christians today. ..

It’s not Porn
It’s not Sex
It’s not Alcohol
It’s not Lying or Greed or Envy

This is SO common in the church, not only do they ignore it, they glorify it!

I’m speaking of Obesity.

🧵 Look around your church this Sunday.

Do you see healthy, in shape people?

Or do you see many more overweight, obese people struggling even to make up the stairs into the church?
Feb 14, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
There are 100's of passages of Scripture on the role of men in the church, family and society.

But there's only ONE passage that sums it all up.

Let's take a look at the 5 commands God gives to men.

A THREAD 🧵 The best description of the role of a Christian man is 1 Corinthians 16:13-14.

While other passages certainly go in to more detail, none other comes close to encompassing what God designed our duties to be.
Feb 11, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
I want to talk to you about a guy named Ben.

Listen to his story and tell me if it resonates with you.

//A THREAD// A few months ago, Ben was struggling. He was hurting. He was stuck.

He’d been addicted to porn for years and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t break free.

He was watching porn and masturbating almost every day and had been doing it since he was a teenager

Oct 23, 2022 31 tweets 6 min read
Want your woman to look at you like this?

Here's 5 ways to make your girl look at you with passionate desire and respect:

//A THREAD// My wife didn't always look at me like that.

For a long time she looked at me with scorn, disgust, anger and hurt.

She looked at me like a loser, liar, and a cheat.

She didn't look at me with respect.

I wasn't worthy of respect.
Oct 23, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read

I'm a big advocate of a "Screen Sabbath"

What the hell is a screen sabbath???

Glad you asked.

//A THREAD// We all spend WAY too much time on our phones, on computers, and in front of the T.V.

We think we have to always be “connected” or we’ll miss out on something; the dreaded FOMO.

Most people can't go an hour without checking their phone.
Oct 18, 2022 26 tweets 6 min read
How I overcame 15+ years of Porn and Sex Addiction, restored my marriage, and became a better man.

Buckle up kids, this gets heavy.

// A THREAD // I started watching porn as a curious teenager.

I grew up in a healthy, loving Christian home.

But the only thing I learned about sex was "DONT DO IT. WAIT UNTIL MARRIAGE"

So I learned about sex and explored through porn

Aug 30, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read

I hate this statement.

A THREAD on why your spouse is NOT your best friend. Friendship is an important aspect of men’s lives that very often gets overlooked.

Men have buddies, but it’s becoming rare to have close, intimate friendships.
Aug 4, 2021 26 tweets 6 min read
How I overcame 15+ years of Porn and Sex Addiction, restored my marriage, and became a better man.

Buckle up kids, this gets heavy.

// A THREAD // I started watching porn as a curious teenager.

I grew up in a healthy, loving Christian home.

But the only thing I learned about sex was "DONT DO IT. WAIT UNTIL MARRIAGE"

So I learned about sex and explored through porn

Aug 2, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
The battle over addiction is won not in the moments you feel powerful,

but in the moments you feel weak.

The battle is not won or lost when you question whether or not to open that browser, text that girl, or spend a few extra minutes in the shower.

At that point, you’ve already lost.

Jul 28, 2021 27 tweets 6 min read
How I overcame 15+ years of Porn and Sex Addiction, restored my marriage, and became a better man.

Buckle up kids, this gets heavy.

// A THREAD // I started watching porn as a curious teenager.

I grew up in a healthy, loving Christian home.

But the only thing I learned about sex was "DONT DO IT. WAIT UNTIL MARRIAGE"

So I learned about sex and explored through porn

Jul 25, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
How to be a great Dad according to the Bible:

Instructs his children (Proverbs 22:6)

Shows compassion but not weakness (Psalm 103:13)

Provides for his family (1 Timothy 5:8)

Disciplines but does not provoke (Ephesians 6:4) Shows tough love (Proverbs 13:24)

Is a refuge for his children (Proverbs 14:26)

Teaches Scripture (Deuteronomy 6:6-7)

Leaves an inheritance (Proverbs 23:24)
Feb 3, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
Who “WEARS THE PANTS” in your family?

If the answer is not unquestionably you,

You’re failing as a man.

Men, it’s up to YOU to take charge and be the leader of your family.

Here are 10 ways that a man MUST lead his family


Instill your faith in your family

Pray WITH them
Read the Bible WITH them
Go to church WITH them

If your wife goes to church more than you do,
You are NOT leading your family.

Be the Pastor of your household.

Follow @thisisfoster to learn more.
Jun 5, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
The battle over addiction is won not in the moments you feel powerful,

but in the moments you feel weak.

The battle is not won or lost when you question whether or not to open that browser, text that girl, or spend a few extra minutes in the shower.

At that point, you’ve already lost.
