How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App is precisely what they are constitutionally bound to do: to administer a legal system premised on & inextricable from, the classical liberal principles of individual rights. Congress passes statutes. It does “not tell you what the law is”—i.e., interpret & apply statutes or determine whether they’re constitutional. More abstractly, statutes are not necessarily “the law,” bc the Constn says only the statutes that are “in pursuance of” the Const Constitution says “Each State shall appoint, IN SUCH MANNER as the Legislature thereof may direct.” If his theory were right, it say “Each State shall appoint, as the Legislature thereof may direct.” The phrase “in such manner” reflects the fact that the legislature directs take an oath to support & defend the Constn—for good reason. For students to be indoctrinated w hatred of that document, relentlessly mistaught abt its meaning & legacy, is to sabotage American const’l democracy in ways far more destructive than any terrorist act. the case I litigated last fall in VA, the govt gave my clients documents under FOIA. Then the govt changed its mind & asked the court to order my clients to remove their publication from the web & not disseminate documents. The court issued a *temporary* order to that effect,’s not just that teaching students that “all property is theft [from X race]” isn’t gonna help them pass the bar—that’s probably a good thing, honestly—it’s that the legal profession is vital to the survival of const’l democracy & teaching them contempt for the basic principles the law entitled Pres. Trump to seek a remedy in court, not to disrupt a const'ly-mandated process. & Pres. Trump knew how to pursue election claims in court—after filing & losing more than 60 suits, this plan was a last-ditch attempt to secure the Presidency by any means. ambivalence is absolutely crucial to the #1619Project for several reasons. For one, it allows project participants to simultaneously call America evil and also claim not to be anti-American. Moana encounters the Kokamora, she grumbles "Coconuts" before begins whacking them. ALWAYS say that what they’re doing—no matter how dumb, corrupt, futile, or illegal—will “promote the general welfare.” If that’s the limit on their power then there is NO limit to their power.