Tinu Abayomi-Paul aka Empress of Twerk. NO DMs Profile picture
Writer. Speaker. Founder. “They Not Like Us” Black. She/her See link for help, NOT DM/tags #DisabledBlackTalk #MySpoons #OwCH #ForTinu 7025088468
9 subscribers
Sep 9, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
At Oncology

The front desk person was masked

My lab tech was masked

My intake nurse was masked


BIG PROGRESS! More staff masked than not. I was the only patient masking.

There’s some people in here coughing. I had the curtain drawn.

I needed oxygen, still hooked up to it.
Sep 8, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Reminding myself to write about

how the concept of chattel slavery & yawl cosigning of white supremacy is linked to how

1- yawl AGGRESS at #BlackWomen for no reason &

2- feel entitled to steal our culture, the PRODUCT of our survival in capitalism & exploit it/us with it. It's everyone beholden to whiteness who does this.

Learn critical thinking. I'm going to make a resource list because y'all are lost.

You wanna be free with a colonized mind.

Where tf do they do that at.
Sep 8, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
I'm being for real. One day I looked at my life and one way I could make a quarter of a million dollars a year minimum But I'd have to be a HUGE liar and cover up for evil people - you don't go into reputation management thinking "I'm gonna be subcontracted to a scumball."
Sep 8, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Yea like bitch WHY would I want to work where I have to hack it?

I never would have survived disability or cancer without first leaving "corporate America" while I could still mask my symptoms.

And when I say I love my work? And that when I'm stable I could make a ft income four hours a day three days a week?

And I could hire other freelancers or get them hired by my contractor or subcontract the whole job

and just get the fuck out the way
Sep 2, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Image text reads:


In his New Book, "Unionism and Socialism."

The carth for all the people.


The machinery of production and distribution for all the people.


The collective ownership and control of industry and its democratic management in the interest of all the people.


The elimination of Rent, Interest and Profit and the production of wealth to satisfy the wants of all people.


Co-operative industry in which all shall work to gether in harmony as the basis of the new social order, a higher civilization, a real republic.


The end

of class struggles and class rule,
of master and slave,
of ignorance and vice,
of poverty and shame,
of cruelty and crime

-the birth of freedom,
the dawn of brotherhood,
the beginning of Man.


...THIS IS SOCIALISM...Image text reads:   “WHAT SOCIALISM DEMANDS By EUGENE V. DEBS,  In his New Book, "Unionism and Socialism."  The carth for all the people.  THAT IS THE DEMAND.  The machinery of production and distribution for all the people.  THAT IS THE DEMAND.  The collective ownership and control of industry and its democratic management in the interest of all the people.  THAT IS THE DEMAND.  The elimination of Rent, Interest and Profit and the production of wealth to satisfy the wants of all people.  THAT IS THE DEMAND.  Co-operative industry in which all shall work to gether in harmony as th... Before you condemn socialism? Quickly, what is it?

We lived putting community before, alongside, not instead of, democracy.

For centuries in some lands of plenty.

We only think it always fails because we only study Western civilizations & the last 2 millennia.
Aug 6, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
If you were a sick BS system

create a world where the hero of your fascist system’s religion says things like“help the poor”

And then blame poor people “what you do to the least of these you do to me” or

and then blame everyone else you think is beneath you for whatever you think is wrong with them.
Aug 6, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
It's math. If you are disabled & it takes

56 hours to sleep to minimum fxn
40 hours to treat yourself through the care gap
10 hours to get to / from doctors & pharmacy
40 hours to crowdfund (effectively)/ otherwise raise $

10 hours left in 168 hour week.
#DisabledAndNotWorking And you still haven't

spent time with friends and family,
done sick people paperwork,
paid bills.

AND you can't predict WHEN you'll get to do them.
Aug 4, 2024 8 tweets 1 min read
Who is teaching new content creators to build their following off #ControversyViews and being a dick in the replies?

Even if you get some short term success and have a miraculous amount of luck, you have to keep upping the ante to keep that audience. Put the same amount of work into joining or building community - not just a group of people, but folks that help each other as if they are the other person.

And no one can take that from you - no one can take you from you.
Aug 2, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Everyone right about disasterous things HATES it.

It’s not a pleasant existence to be abused for being truthful and protect people who HATE YOU for trying to help

To the point you end up asking them to at least not stand by while you die.

I got other shit I’d rather do. If you are one of those people who would rather only be right at happy or lucrative things?

But are also right a lot about things that harm reduction could help mitigate or eliminate?

And enjoy being correct about the latter.

Please let me know.
Aug 1, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read
Why does capitalism or white supremacy care about you being an individual?

Groups are harder to gaslight and control, unless that group is reinforcing their programming. Not the only reason. Working cooperatively lessens their power.

Working outside the prescribed systems lessens their power.

Fixing your problems as a community lessens what they can promise you and magnifies the life you're Supposed to have.
Jul 27, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I would add that while you do not want paylinks in the first post IF you are using the algorithm to spread your posts instead of community

You do want to post links in the next, because you need people to sometimes click through so you want be accused of fraud by payment processors A burst of unexplained money can get your account STFU venomous/payyerpals/cashmesomeapp/etc

- check updated terms of service it’s BEEN illegal to seize your cash for many reasons.

Best way I’ve seen to combat - and only way people seem to win on appeal

- is that some people during the influx of money clicked a link to donate instead of cutting and pasting your username
Jun 11, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
“We can’t save anyone” feels correct but it’s not true.

We can’t save EVERYONE if we don’t save SOMEONE.

And. You eventually save one person. It feels like you made a Herculean effort for nothing.

But that person’s solitary life is as important as yours is.

Jun 3, 2024 23 tweets 5 min read
Worrying takes a lot of energy that you need for other things.

Always wanted to do a course about it but here’s a few tips. First work on your mindset.

Once I realized that worrying is like a request to your mind to have the thing you’re worrying about,

it became easier to spot when I was wasting this energy.
May 10, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Y’all saying “but the constitution” fr?

women told you
Black peoples told you
disabled people told you
every LGBTQIA+ community

That one day your rights would nothing just like us
That one day the protection you think laws give you would be ignored

1/3 How do we have a nation-state ignoring the ORDERS to their representatives by 70% of the country

& operating illegally according to a world governing body IT STARTED?

And you really thinks they finna obey the Constitution??

Never mind the ADA.
Apr 26, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
The poor Democrats. They can’t do it because excuses!

If they’re not in charge when they’re not in charge, that makes logical sense to me.

Although the Republicans have figured out how to run things when in the minority? But there was a supermajority not that long ago and we weren’t in charge then either.

Or where
The fuck

Did our Supreme Court Justice pick go?

Think of how much more power we’d have.

They were in power if all branches then.
Apr 24, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Saying we’re a family also seems to be code for “don’t tell me the truth. Even if it’s good for me.”

My family has more… silence? That outright lies. A generational curse that I am also trying to break because I don’t think they realize it can be different?

Or better? I can’t help it in some cases because #BrainFog so I just gave up.

Either don’t talk to me or we start talking quiet stuff.

Only I didn’t ask permission or make any deals. I just started saying stuff and people can do whatever theee fuck they like.
Apr 13, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Ok I remember why I came back here.

If you find out you have a(mother) serious illness or condition that will result in a lot of interface will the medical system?

Fill out all the surveys. If it’s by phone record your side. Some free tools like will transcribe for you.

tools like will extract snippets for reviews or blog posts

though I can’t vouch for their security, it’s not like Dropbox is more secure.

Plus you can always cut and paste it into word if open office and save it yourself your hard drive.otter.ai
Mar 27, 2024 24 tweets 7 min read
🚨Too Real rn update🆘

Haven’t finished processing what just happened.

I just know I need more help.

I just cannot do what needs to be done, consistently. Even to crowdfund.

Let me explain.


/1 Before I get into this long

but hopefully helpful thread for

people who need help but don’t know how to help,

I’m asking for your help./ 2
Feb 25, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I used to make "after the pandemic" plans.

I used to make "after a vaccine that prevents against future infections" plan.

I used to go outside on a day I wasn't already going to the doctor. Now there's MORE diseases my body can withstand.

One that does what COVID does but on the first try.
Dec 29, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
At least two people I can think of, that you can find searching Twitter, have said that their kids were taken away for them for taking NORMAL COVID PRECAUTIONS.

They are called either:

- “unhinged” Or
- “conspiracy theorists “

“Unhinged” is both ableist & dangerous. You may disagree but the facts are not in your side.

No one gets to decide if a word is ableist- it simply has to fall under the definition.

The most accurate one is from @talilalewis.
Dec 13, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I am not a failure. Survival is a thing I am actively doing. Somehow I am not dying. I am actively not dying.

I’m doing a good job.

You, reading this. You are why I am reminding myself in public, so you can read this in second and first person. You are doing a good job. The death cult did this so you would die because that is their solution to everything. Less of us.

Easier to control, ensalce without knowing we’re enslaved.

Living a certain way, thinking what they want us to think, doing what they want us to do.