Titania Profile picture
Curious soul. Waiting for events to unfold
MemberoftheTribe Profile picture Dee Pluribus Profile picture 2 subscribed
Apr 21, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
Documented Major Biting Incidents

Sunday Feb.28.21

2 biting incidents this day at Biden's residence in DE.

Approx 1900- Major bit USSS agent on forearm and right buttocks. Damaged agent's rain coat.

12 hours before this incident, Major bit an agent (could be same guy) Less than a week later on Saturday Mar.06.21 at approx 2145 hrs, Major bit an USSS agent at WH in front of FLOTUS & POTUS.

Damaged agent's wool overcoat

Biden didn't seem concerned, he just continued on up to the residence.
Jan 30, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵re: Biden's deal with Clyburn & the CBC

I dug up my copy of Jonathan Allen & Amie Parnes book, "Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won The Presidency" to see how the Biden-Clyburn deal came about/went down. During a commercial break at the 2/25/20 debate in Charleston, SC-- Clyburn nudged Biden to announce that if elected, Biden would pick a black woman to be on SCOTUS.

Clyburn: "I am telling you, *don't you leave the stage tonight* without making it known you will do that"
Dec 1, 2019 15 tweets 7 min read
Thread: Schiff's hires as Chairman of HPSCI in 2019
a) Abigail Grace: Former NSC WH- China
b) Nicholas A Mitchell: Former AUSA Maryland
c) Lucian Sikorskyj: Former FBI & NSC WH Terror Transpirtation 👀
d) Conrad Stoz: Author of "Deep Fakes" article
e) Kathy Suber: Former Spook Now match reference to before mentioned person with this NYT article
Nov 30, 2019 21 tweets 12 min read
🚨Hunter Biden's Motion for Protective Order to Seal His Financial Records in Ongoing Child Support Suit🚨

Check out #5, #7 & #9⤵️

Link to Daily Mail article
tinyurl.com/wqugw3b Hunter claims he can't complete Affidavit of Financial Means at this time b/c lack of complete information necessary to do so.

Love is line: "In an effort to demonstrate to this Court my good faith, I attest that I am unemployed and have had no monthly income since May 2019" 🤣
Oct 4, 2019 21 tweets 11 min read
🚨🚨FBI Vault Released Hillary R. Clinton Part #36🚨🚨
165 Pages in this drop. Looking over first 20+ pages seem to be about DoS, Form SF-278 (Exec. Branch Public Disclosure Form) + Bryan Pagliano.
*IIRC-he never listed payments from HRC for server work*
vault.fbi.gov/hillary-r.-cli… Page 3) In Dec. 2015 interview with maybe an Ethics Analyst for DoS? Discussion of Bryan Pagliano (BP) SF-278 and the report this analyst prepared in 2010.
Sep 17, 2019 99 tweets 32 min read
Nadler is delivering his opening statement at the "Presidential Obstruction of Justice+Abuse of Power Investigation".
Corey Lewandowski is the only witness.
Rob Porter+Rick Dearborn did not appear b/c the OLC sent a letter to WH Counsel saying they were exempt from testimony. Ranking Member Doug Collins is delivering his opening statement. He has little patience for Nadler's Folly. Just said that Lewandowski would come without a subpoena, but Nadler issued one anyway... "b/c a subpoena opens a dialogue" 😳🙄