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Feb 19 ā€¢ 18 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
If You Donā€™t Read This,

šŸšØYouā€™ll Keep Failing with WomenšŸšØ

Men have been lied to for centuries.

Female psychology that society wonā€™t teach you.

Ignore this thread & youā€™ll stay blind forever.

Read on, or stay blind forever. šŸ§µšŸ‘‡ Image 1/ Women are Both Creation & Chaos

Women are Shakti (creation) and Maya (illusion).

- She gives life, but also destroys it.

- She nurtures, but also tests endlessly.

- She loves, but only respects strength.

Mastering this duality is the key to mastering relationships.
Feb 13 ā€¢ 19 tweets ā€¢ 8 min read
11 Reasons Why Your Absence Is Mandatory to Make a Woman Fall in Love with Youā€¦

Women's Seduction ThreadšŸ§µImage Before starting this thread, keep in mind:

If your presence doesn't matter to her, then neither does your absence.

First, let me define a man's presence.

The word presence is derived from the word present.

This means the more a man is present in the moment, the more his presence is felt by everyone.

The more a man is absent or detached from the present moment, the more he will be neglected and unfelt.

The more he is conscious, the more he is aware. The more oxygen his body takes in, the more vital and vibrant his presence becomes.

The more vital and vibrant he is, the more he will participate and engage with his surroundings, making him impossible to ignore.

He will act spontaneously because all his actions stem from living in the present.

On the other hand, the more unconscious a man is, or the less oxygen he takes in, the less vital and energetic he becomes.

At the same time, his mind is consumed by the past or future.

When he is less present, his presence is barely noticed.

If his presence is weak, no one pays attention to him, and no one cares if he gets physically absent tooā€”because mentally, he was already absent 80% of the time.
Feb 6 ā€¢ 17 tweets ā€¢ 7 min read
11 Harsh Truths About Women

She Doesnā€™t Want You to Know šŸ¤«

(A deeper understanding of womenā€™s nature.)

Thread šŸ§µ Image #1.

A woman is always in searchā€”not for a handsome man, but for a man who can love deeply and understand her.

She looks for a man on whom she can shower her love.

It is the thirsty who comes to the well, it is not the well who runs after thirsty people.

Similarly, it is women who come to men for shelter, protection, and love, not men who go in search of women.
Jan 23 ā€¢ 14 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
10 Things Mentally Strong Men Donā€™t Do.

šŸ§µ Thread //

(99% of men donā€™t know) Image 1. > They don't enter into relationships due to aloneness or desperation.

Mentally strong men know how to remain self-fulfilled, cool, calm, and relaxed all the time.

Men have an unfair advantage when it comes to being alone or not being in any relationship for a long time.

If a man isn't desperate for sex and love,

then his aloneness will take him to the apex of masculinity.

There, he will emerge as a man:

- Who holds more wisdom.
- Who holds more strength.
- Who holds more money.
- Who holds more skills.
- Who holds esoteric knowledge and better consciousness.

To be mentally strong, practice meditation, pranayama, prayer, and do reading.
Jan 23 ā€¢ 15 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
Women love those men who understand these 12 golden rules of successful relationships,

but they won't admit it.

šŸ§µThread: Image 1>.

Women are attracted to men who are beyond their control and are unattracted to the men they can control and manipulate.

They hate their failure at not being able to control, manipulate, and dominate the man they desire,

but that is the source of all their attraction and love towards that man.
Jan 20 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 10 min read
One of the wisest men in history, Aurobindo Ghosh, sent a beautiful letteršŸ’Œ to his wife.

In this letter, he shared the ultimate three masculine principles that every man must follow and every wife should clearly understand.

-- Here it begins --

30th Aug. 1905

Dearest Mrinalini,

I have received your letter of the 24th August.

I am sorry to learn that the same affliction has fallen once more upon your parents.

You have not written which of the boys has passed away from here.

But then what can be done if the affliction comes.

This is a world in which when you seek happiness you find grief in its heart, sorrow always clinging to joy.

That rule touches not only the desire of children, but all worldly desires.

To offer, with a quiet heart, all happiness and grief at the feet of God is the only remedy.

I read ten rupees instead of twenty and so I said I would send ten rupees. If you need fifteen rupees I will send fifteen. This month I sent money for the clothes Sarojini bought for you in Darjeeling.

How was I to know that you had borrowed money to stay there?

I am sending fifteen rupees you need. If you need three or four rupees I will send it next month.

I will send twenty rupees at that time.

Now I will write about the other thing which I spoke about before.

I think you have understood by now that the man with whose fate yours has been linked is a man of a very unusual character.

Mine is not the same field of action, the same purpose in life, the same mental attitude as that of the people of today in this country.

I am in every respect different from them and out of the ordinary.

Perhaps you know what ordinary men say of an extraordinary view, an extraordinary endeavour, an extraordinary ambition.

To them it is madness; only, if the madman is successful in his work then he is called no longer a madman but a great genius.

But how many are successful in their lifeā€™s endeavors?

Among a thousand men there are five or six who are out of the ordinary and out of the five or six one perhaps successful.

Not to speak of success.

I have not yet even entirely entered my field of work.

There is nothing then for you but to consider me mad. And it is an evil thing for a woman to fall into the hands of a mad fellow.

šŸ’«For women's expectations are all bound up in worldly happiness and sorrow.

A madman will not make his wife happy, he can only make her miserable.

The founders of the Hindu religion understood this very well.

They loved extraordinary characters, extraordinary endeavours, extraordinary ambitions.

Madman or genius, they respected the extraordinary man.

But all this means a terrible plight for the wife, and how could the difficulty be solved?

The sages fixed on this solution; they told the woman,

šŸ’«ā€œKnow that the only mantra for womankind is this: ā€˜The husband is the supreme guru.ā€™

The wife shares the dharma of her husband.

She must help him, counsel him, encourage him in whatever work he accepts as his dharma.

She should regard him as her god, take joy in his joy, and feel sorrow in his unhappiness.

It is for a man to choose his work; the womanā€™s part is to give help and encouragement. šŸ’«

Now the point is this.

Are you going to choose the path of the Hindu religion or follow the ideal of the new culture?

šŸ’« Your marriage to a madman is the result of bad karma in your previous lives.

It is good to come to terms with oneā€™s fate, but what sort of terms will they be?

Will you also dismiss your husband as a madman on the strength of what other people think?

šŸ’« A madman is bound to run after his mad ways.

You cannot hold him back; his nature is stronger than yours.

Will you then do nothing but sit in a corner and weep?

Or will you run along with him; try to be the mad wife of this madman,

like the queen of the blind king who played the part of the blind woman by putting a bandage across her eyes?

For all your education in a Brahmo school you are still a woman from a Hindu home.

The blood of Hindu ancestors flows in your veins.

I have no doubt that you will choose the latter course.

I have 3 madnesses.Image
The first one is this.

I firmly believe that the accomplishments, genius, higher education and learning and wealth that God has given me are His.

I have a right to spend for my own purposes only what is needed for the maintenance of the family and is otherwise absolutely essential.

The rest must be returned to God.

If I spend everything for myself, for my pleasure and luxury, I am a thief.

The Hindu scriptures say that one who receives wealth from God and does not give it back to Him is a thief.

So far I have given two annas to God and used the other fourteen annas for my own pleasure; this is the way I have settled the account, remaining engrossed in worldly pleasures.

Half my life has been wasted ā€” even the beast finds fulfilment in stuffing his own belly and his familyā€™s and catering to their happiness.

I have realized that I have been acting all this time as an animal and a thief. Now I realize this and I am filled with remorse and disgusted with myself.

No more of all this. I renounce this sin once and for all.

What does giving to God mean? It means to spend on good works. The money I gave to Usha or to Sarojini causes me no regret.

šŸ’« To help others is a sacred duty; to give protection to those who seek refuge is a yet greater sacred duty.

But the account is not settled by giving only to oneā€™s brothers and sisters.

I have three hundred million brothers and sisters in this country.

Many of them are dying of starvation and the majority just manage to live, racked by sorrow and suffering.

They too must be helped.

What do you say, will you come along with me and share my ideal in this respect:

We will eat and dress like ordinary people, buying only what is truly needed and offering the rest to God: this is what I propose to do.

My purpose can be fulfilled, once you give your approval, once you are able to accept the sacrifice.

You have been saying, ā€œI have made no progress.ā€

Here I have shown you a path towards progress.

Will you take this path?Image
Jan 14 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Women will only surrender to you if you:

- Have NO deeper attachment to them.

- Can joyfully live all alone in solitude without needing or wanting anyone.

- Not dependent on any boss, parents, or anyone else. Once you have all of the above three qualities, two things are bound to happen:

She can't manipulate or exploit you because you are not heavily dependent on her.

You are self-fulfilled and free, allowing her to separate from you at any time or moment. Image
Jan 8 ā€¢ 15 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
The attraction of a woman to a man lies in his indomitable natureā€”she cannot dominate him.

Thatā€™s what makes him attractive.

But if she can easily dominate him, she thinks, Heā€™s a slave.

Heā€™s a slave to my sweet words, beauty and my charms.


Women never leave men who know these 3 elite secrets to dominate them without becoming slaves to their words, beauty, and charms.Image 1. > His selection, her willingness.

Women look down on men because they listen to everything women say.

How is a woman going to respect you if you listen to everything she says?

She tests you to see what youā€™re made of.

Right before you sit down, you test the seatā€”is it going to hold or not?

Similarly, before she thinks of sitting on your lap, she is going to check your authenticity.

She will check your authenticity and what you are made of by invoking her feminine presence, which is where most men fail.
Jan 6 ā€¢ 14 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
If you understand this, women will not be able to manipulate you.

You can always beat them at their game.

"Things" society doesn't want you to know about women ā€“

Thread: Image #1.

Women seek a reason for sex.

Men seek a place for sex.

It is a man's duty to provide her with a reason and arrange a place for it.
Oct 30, 2024 ā€¢ 12 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
No one tells you these 10 feminine ways of thinking.

šŸ§µ Most Important Female Psychology Thread šŸ§µ

- By an expert in female nature, seduction, and attraction. Image #1.

When women become like men, they will talk of morality and ethics; otherwise how they feel is all that matters to them.

If they feel right, they will do anything.

It has always been so; it is not a new discovery. T

he feminine is like that - if her emotions are fulfilled, she will do anything.

All this nonsense of morality and ethics belongs to the world of the masculine.

Thatā€™s why women often struggle to keep their word, promises, or commitments.

They may not feel remorse when breaking these, as honor and integrity are typically seen as masculine principles.
Sep 18, 2024 ā€¢ 22 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
All your questions arise from ignorance, and I can address them at their roots through a one-on-one call with me.

But here is a short answer for you.

There are two things you should keep in mind:

one is what Shiva says, and the other is what Ram says.

By Shiva:
Image By ram Image
Aug 28, 2024 ā€¢ 20 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
These 5āƒ£4āƒ£ answers provide all you need to know to solve your life problems, especially those of women.

šŸ§µ Best thread of all timešŸ§µ Image 1.> How one acquires something very great?

ā—¾ļø By ascetics austerities (tapas)

2.> What person who enjoying all the objects of sensing, breathing but yet is not alive?

ā—¾ļøThe person who do not offer anything to Gods, Guests, Servant, Pitris etc.
Jun 12, 2024 ā€¢ 16 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
9 Bitterest Realities of Life That You Can't Ignore,

Otherwise Be Prepared to Suffer Through Life Like Hell.

šŸ§µ- Enlightened thread - šŸ§µImage The more you read, the more you know.

The more you know, the more sadness you feel

unless you are protected by meditation and prayers.

You might ask why knowing more makes you feel sad.

It's because you come to realize that things are not as you expected them to be.
Jun 9, 2024 ā€¢ 18 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
Discover the 10 hidden laws of women's nature, relationships, and dating no one ever tells you about.

This is essential reading if you ever want to understand women.

This šŸ§µthread šŸ§µ is not for monks or men who are not interested in relationships with women.Image 1. >

complying with a girlā€™s requests does not end the complainingā€”she will simply find something new to Complain about

Even if you eagerly comply to a girlā€™s complaint,

she will quickly devise another complaint.

Therefore, thereā€™s no use in complying to the first

Think of a girl as being similar to a terr0rist: complying with the smallest request will simply tell her that she can extract further concessions
from you.

It starts with her telling you to wear a certain shirt, and next thing you know,

youā€™re paying for vacations to cities that you donā€™t even want to visit.
May 30, 2024 ā€¢ 13 tweets ā€¢ 7 min read
10 types of men who effortlessly win women's hearts:

All the wisdom imparted in this thread comes from the god of love.

šŸ§µThread šŸ§µImage 1. >

Men well versed in the science of love, game and women nature understanding.

In other words, @TitansVision followers: womenā€™s secrets, womenā€™s perceptions, and seduction book readers.
May 27, 2024 ā€¢ 16 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
Discover ancient women wisdom:

Here are 12 essential rules and advice for women

from the Vedas and ancient texts, offering timeless benefits.

šŸ§µ - Thread -šŸ§µImage 1.> According to Shiva Purana:

A devoted wife who wishes to increase her husband's

lifespan should not stop turmeric, sindoor (vermilion),

kajal (kohl), auspicious jewelry, or other ornaments from her body.
May 17, 2024 ā€¢ 12 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
These 10 lessons about life that every man should learn before turning 25 by Shukracharya

Guru Shukracharya is also known as a venus planet.

Shukracharya is Guru of Asuras and Daityas.

šŸ§µThreadšŸ§µ Image 1.>>

One should accept the good qualities of even the enemies and should salute him but

on the other hand even if his teacher has bad qualities, he should reject them.
May 6, 2024 ā€¢ 26 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
24 Secrets About Women's Nature Revealed by Guru Shukracharya.

Guru Shukracharya is also known as a venus planet.

Shukracharya is Guru of Asuras and Daityas.

šŸ§µThread šŸ§µImage 1.>

Wise man should not leave his place by making the young wife dependent on herself.

Women are the roots of evils.

Can young females be left with others ?
May 3, 2024 ā€¢ 19 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
30 questions and answers that you need to know to solve your life problems, especially those of women.

šŸ§µ Thread šŸ§µImage Q. 1. Who is really enslaved?

A. One who is attached to the objects of the senses.

Q. 2. What is freedom (or liberation)?

A. Non-attachment to worldly objects.
Apr 14, 2024 ā€¢ 16 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
12 Invaluable Life Lessons that most people don't learn even after they die.

šŸ§µ Thread šŸ§µImage 1. >

There Is Nothing Certain,

But The Uncertain
Mar 2, 2024 ā€¢ 14 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
6 Lessons of women's dark nature that men learn too late in their lives.

Explained in detail.

šŸ§µ Thread šŸ§µ

An eye šŸ‘ļø opening /thread/ every man must read!Image 1. > Women don't have the same level of sympathy and empathy as men.

Sympathetic view doesnā€™t last long, because Iā€™ve certainly had my fair share of falling into the trap of what is known as wanting to rescue those puppy eyes of sadness,

only to later be treated like crap despite all considerate measures.

When you later see these same women with men who donā€™t give a crap for them.