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Comedian, fair & brutal, self-aware & oblivious, pragmatically delusional. Independent & codependent. Account managed by the Titus Team.
Ken Tancrous Ⓥ 🌱 Su An Profile picture TD&B Mom Profile picture Michael Burgess Profile picture Amy Corfu Profile picture 10 subscribed
Nov 21, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Joined twitter in 09/10, weird time, of course compared to now it was Narnia. Great recession, “For Lease” signs on 50% of businesses in Los Angeles. We had a steady hand on the wheel of America, Barack was so good they nailed him on a tan suit and having Mustard on a hot dog. Twitter was a fun place. We were doing Charlie Sheen jokes about Tiger Blood and “WINNING!” Sheen was Ye before Ye. I joined the platform to promote my gigs. Thought it would force me to become a better joke writer. Ahhh but the dopamine hit you got from likes and retweets. Crack
Nov 7, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
I don't get it, I really don't. The @GOP fucked it up for four years and two of those years they had, House, Senate, Presidency, They did shit, gave rich people more money and the crumbs normal people got disappears bit by bit until it's gone in 27. Companies keep their tax break They lost, they fucking lost, there has been 61 court cases with Trump appointed judges, there were up to FOUR recounts, cyber Ninja's took six months and found MORE votes for Biden. Yet 61% think something was wrong in the count. There's a barcode on ballots, you can't fake it.
Nov 7, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
They’ll be a new place. Twitter was a real reflection of the country and the world. Writing your thoughts makes you look like a decent human or an asshole. It was evident. Twitter found it’s own level. Day to day it would expose the bullshit. Amplify the good, again it took a bit To expose it but eventually people like @RexChapman and @richardmarx @rmayemsinger And the rest of the funny maniacs stood for right and called out the wrong, embarrassed the wrong on the daily. What Elmo said he wanted, he already bought. He didn’t want fairness or democracy.
Nov 5, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
Hey @elonmusk you may not understand this but there is a reason you are getting drug on this site you bought. When you started and talked about “changing the world with electric cars” you talked about “climate change” and a “multi planet species.” We get now, it was all a grift. I don’t know if you were always this narcissistic douche, desperately trying to be cool, or if fame and money did it. There are many billionaires whom don’t desperately need the focus on them. @elonmusk when you wore the cowboy hat at gigatexas, I felt sad. It’ll never be enough.
Nov 1, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
I find it hard to fathom how whiny some Americans are. Just 20 months ago 5000 a day were dying, we'd just had an attack on democracy ordered by the current president and they tried to kill the vice President. Gas prices, inflation? That's your concern? We had an attempted coup! And you people have just moved on. It's not like you can't remember what was done during Orange Obese's tenure. He lost 6m jobs, tripled the trade deficit, gave three bases to Russia and screwed our allies the Kurds in one move. He cut a deal WITH THE TALIBAN. And you're cool?
Oct 17, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
1. To all of you in the media, @cnn @msnbc can you please start reporting on the actual economy instead of POLLING on the economy. That's not news, that's telling people what their own OPINION is. @KatiePhang @SRuhle @Acosta You are journalists, yet aren't reporting the facts 2. You are treating Insanity candidates, people who are racist, anti semitic, snake oil salesmen with dual citizenship and a one with literal brain damage. Two have killed dogs, some helped foment January 6th. And you keep talking about them like they are viable. Not journalism,
Oct 15, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Gonna deal with these one at a time.
American Rescue Plan ($1.85 trillion) – COVID relief bill, funding to state and local governments, $1,400 payments to individuals, expanded unemployment benefits, new money to combat the pandemic, Because Trump fucked up the pandemic response. Stock market: The day Trump announced he was LEAVING, Dow jumped 450+ hit a record high 30,046. The S&P up 60 points, Because shithead left.
Biden hit 68 records before Ukraine war. It's now 29,634. a 412 point net drop, with a war, saudi cutting production, You're full of shit
Oct 15, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Another shooting, five dead, including a cop. We watched treason on TV and the ONLY people involved in stopping it were democrats. The only people facing facts are democrats, the only people with a plan are democrats the only people WHO FIX PROBLEMS are democrats, Let's talk About what made me a democrat, getting into politics started during Obama, it was stunning that his brilliant, caring thoughtful CONSTITUTIONAL LAW EXPERT, was attacked repeatedly. Mitch McConnell said "we'll do all we can to make him a one term president." That was on day one.
Oct 14, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I get really emotional when I watch the Jan 6th video, seeing my fellow Americans trying to destroy democracy for this fat orange loser. I'm a D-F student, my father was a salesman that made 24k a year but because I was born here, I got to find where I could excel. I got to rise above my birth, become something I'm proud of. My entire job depends on the first amendment and the freedom to tell the truth. Watching the attempted coup, the insurrection, the treason committed by people that came from where I came from. Stuns me. They claim the word "Patriot"
Jul 25, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
LIBERAL has been an insult, or at least used by the right as one. Always thought I was a factualist, what are the hard facts, statistics, history etc. I like to think I always vote for what's best for all of us, what works elsewhere in the world and how to be better as a country Since we started our podcast and the armageddon update 12 years ago, I have had to be accurate with our weekly updates, so I do research. That research has showed me how brutal, vicious and what a grifting shithole the republican party is. Lets deal with facts okay? Here we go.
Jul 4, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
We’re not free, we are held hostage by a small minority with a lot of money,
We are not free, we are scared in public, at school, the movies, we plan escape routes on date night
We aren’t “free” it’s a lie, told by pale pathetic “patriots” who love guns more than country. We aren’t “free,” The rest of the world has healthcare, while we spend our life savings on treatment at the end of our lives, a life shortened by HAVING NO HEALTHCARE.
We aren’t free, we constantly transfer our wealth to the already wealthy before we die, free? What a joke.
Jun 19, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Hahaha, by what metric? BMI? Trump was a lazy fat fuck who slept until 11, tripled the trade deficit, put farmers on welfare, screwed the Kurds, gave THREE US military bases to the Russians, while he was polishing Putin’s taint, got laughed out of the UN, broke up families, 1/65 Talked shit about Muslims, Mexicans, blacks while he praised Nazis. Fucked up covid response so bad we had 40% MORE deaths, gave rich people tax cuts and ran up 4T in debt, golfed 300+ days, payed off porn stars was impeached TWICE! Once for withholding weapons from Ukraine. 2/65
Jun 18, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
Conservatives, why do you vote against yourselves? Guns, Gays, and Abortion? Really? Well, little insight. No one wants your gun. Just want to make sure you know how to use it, safely AND you're not insane. So we stop the daily massacre in America, that's all. So we're ALL safe. Why do you Conservatives think SO MUCH about LGBTQEIEIO? I don't get it, I don't think of who my straight friends fuck or how they fuck, seriously What The Fuck? There are like 14 trans kids playing school sports countrywide, how is that affecting you? Do you see the @GOP con?
Apr 20, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
Hear me out republicans, in the last five years things have gotten insane in your party. From MTG and Boebert to the constant whiny chickenshit sniping of Ted Cruz and then you have DeSantis, I have never seen someone as humorless and dull, and his policies are just psycho juice. Again, hear me out, you need to ask “what has the @GOP has done for me” seriously. They’re anti union, anti women, anti free speech except for themselves, anti worker, anti health, anti raising the minimum wage AND they voted to overthrow the election in 2020, do you get that?
Apr 2, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
This has to be addressed, regarding performers getting attacked onstage, whether it’s a comedian or a musician, Rae and I have friends that were brother-close to Dimebag, he was shot and killed on stage, so where do you idiots think this stops? The Oscars stage has been a showcase for the rich and famous to be given mild slams for decades, since the beginning of the Awards, Jimmy Stewart never popped Bob Hope, Denzel never cracked Billy Crystal. Stallone never hit Carson.
Mar 25, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Our American world is crumbling if not already shattered. Nixon resigned out of fear of being impeached, he didn’t want it as his legacy. Fat Golfer was impeached twice and thinks he still did a great job. For the first time since the civil war our nation was attacked by people who claim to be patriots. The weird thing is, we know who they are, we know who planned it, and we know who and where the traitors are. Congress. We WATCHED them try to overthrow the government after planning its overthrow. We saw tweets “1776”did they think they’d get away?
Mar 14, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Magats and “No matter what” republicans, can you hear me out for a sec? Then you can call me a libtard snowflake or whatever new slur Tucker is making you Parrot
Let’s break down the difference between the parties and analyze their records, let’s talk about their policies. Cool? Throughout history, at least back until Eisenhower, the Democrats have grown the job base, the GDP, got you health care. They invested in education and roads, they invested in new tech and they stood for all men created equal, in voting, employment and housing. They care.
Feb 2, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
We are headed down a totally disastrous road. If nothing is done about the corruption of citizens United, voting restriction, blatant racism, banning books, and unpunished treason. It’s over. This isn’t hyperbole, it’s history. We were a stunning experiment for 250 years. However Our time as a free nation, where majority rules is ending, or has ended. When one party uses a bullshit rule like the filibuster to obstruct the will of the people, As the other party is so ball less it can’t kill the filibuster out of fear of it own failings. Democracy is over
Nov 18, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
How is it possible that the polls are showing the GQP leading in 22? Did you sleep through the last 4 years? They did NOTHING for you unless you were a multi-millionaire. They had a woman running the education department that tried to cut education. Ben Carson did nothing except Order furniture. They passed a tax cut for RICH people, cut for the middle, already gone. Corporate tax cut was permanent. During the time the Republicans were in charge, 500k died, the president said it was a hoax, then wondered ON TV if people should inject disinfectant. WTF?
Oct 30, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
I have a great friend, love the guy, we've split on the whole vaccine thing, we've split on Trump and the @GOP slow moving coup. regarding the vaccine and ivermectin, I quote Fauci, worldwide studies the FDA, death count, lifetime organ damage, all verified... He tells me I'm "Indoctrinated" and following the "Government's narrative" To be clear, I'm a comic whose heroes are Carlin and Williams, two guys who went after the bullshit and lies. Due to my podcast "Armageddon Update" I have to know what I'm talking about. He's smart, truly
Oct 11, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Stunned at the stupidity that's infected our country, not just stupid, it's delusional at a cult level. These Magats make Jim Jones crew look reasonable. This has never happened in my lifetime. America always held itself up as a nation that handled the peaceful transfer of power. We used to back each other up and although politics was divided at times, I only remember joking with someone that didn't agree with your political view. Not wanting to punch them. I'd watch Carson doing jokes about both sides and both sides would laugh at jokes about both sides