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I make math accessible for everyone. Mathematician with an INTJ personality. Chaotic good. Writing https://t.co/jYkO4bz6lL
fly51fly Profile picture ☀️ Leon-Gerard Vandenberg 🇳🇱🇨🇦🇦🇺 Math+e/acc Profile picture John Philpot Profile picture Olivier Duquesne aka DaffyDuke Profile picture 東 Profile picture 25 subscribed
Dec 4, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
Understanding graph theory will seriously enhance your engineering skills; you must absolutely be familiar with them.

Here's a graph theory quickstart, in collaboration with Alejandro Piad Morffis.

Read on: Image What do the internet, your brain, the entire list of people you’ve ever met, and the city you live in have in common?

These are all radically different concepts, but they share a common trait.

They are all networks that establish relationships between objects. Image
Sep 13, 2023 19 tweets 6 min read
Neural networks are stunningly powerful.

This is old news: deep learning is state-of-the-art in many fields, like computer vision and natural language processing. (But not everywhere.)

Why are neural networks so effective? I'll explain. Image First, let's formulate the classical supervised learning task!

Suppose that we have a dataset D, where xₖ is a data point and yₖ is the ground truth. Image
Sep 12, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
A question we never ask:

"How large that number in the Law of Large Numbers is?"

Sometimes, a thousand samples are large enough. Sometimes, even ten million samples fall short.

How do we know? I'll explain. Image First things first: the law of large numbers (LLN).

Roughly speaking, it states that the averages of independent, identically distributed samples converge to the expected value, given that the number of samples grows to infinity.

We are going to dig deeper. Image
Aug 24, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
With the power of mathematical induction, I'll prove that everyone has the same eye color.

Don't believe me? Read on.

(And see if you can spot the sleight of hand.) Image To formalize the problem, define the proposition Aₙ by

Aₙ = "in a set of n people, everyone has the same eye color".

If n equals the human population of planet Earth, we get the original statement. We'll prove that Aₙ is true via induction. Image
Aug 21, 2023 34 tweets 10 min read
The single biggest argument about statistics: is probability frequentist or Bayesian? It's neither, and I'll explain why.

Buckle up. Deep-dive explanation incoming. Image First, let's look at what is probability.

Probability quantitatively measures the likelihood of events, like rolling six with a dice. It's a number between zero and one. This is independent of interpretation; it’s a rule set in stone. Image
Aug 8, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
The Japanese multiplication method makes everybody feel "I wish they taught math like this in school."

It's not just a cute visual tool: it illuminates how and why long multiplication works.

Here is the full story. Image First, the Japanese multiplication method.

The first operand (21 in our case) is represented by two groups of lines: two lines in the first (1st digit), and one in the second (2nd digit).

One group for each digit.
Jul 26, 2023 19 tweets 6 min read
One major reason why mathematics is considered difficult: proofs.

Reading and writing proofs are hard, but you cannot get away without them. The best way to learn is to do.

So, let's deconstruct the proof of the most famous mathematical result: the Pythagorean theorem. Image Here it is in its full glory.

Theorem. (The Pythagorean theorem.) Let ABC be a right triangle, let a and b be the length of its two legs, and let c be the length of its hypotenuse.

Then a² + b² = c². Image
Jul 21, 2023 22 tweets 6 min read
Problem-solving is at least 50% of every job in tech and science.

Mastering problem-solving will make your technical skill level shoot up like a hockey stick. Yet, we are rarely taught how to do so.

Here are my favorite techniques that'll loosen even the most complex knots: Image 0. Is the problem solved yet?

The simplest way to solve a problem is to look for the solution elsewhere. This is not cheating; this is pragmatism. (Except if it is a practice problem. Then, it is cheating.)
Jul 4, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Yesterday, I posted the following puzzle.

There is a 80 m long cable, strung out between two 50 m tall poles. The bottom of the hanging cable is 10 m above ground. How far are the two poles from each other?

Here is the solution: This problem is a typical instance of missing the forest for the trees.

If you gave it any thought, you probably attempted to apply fundamental physics to model the hanging cable, then calculate the distance using a complex system of equations.

This is not needed at all.
Jul 3, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I've been studying math for 50% of my life.

The single most common question I get: why should I study mathematics as a ____? So, I have collected my thoughts for you.

Here are the most important things that math taught me: 1. The language of thinking.

Contrary to popular belief, math is not (only) about numbers. It's about abstraction and reasoning. This requires clear and concise thinking.

Thus, you can pick up an advanced thinking toolkit even from basic math.
May 25, 2023 25 tweets 8 min read
Summing numbers is more exciting than you think.

For instance, summing the same alternating sequence of 1-s and (-1)-s can either be zero or one, depending on how we group the terms. What's wrong?

I'll explain. Enter the beautiful world of infinite series. Image Let’s go back to square one: the sum of infinitely many terms is called an infinite series. (Or series in short.)

Infinite series form the foundations of mathematics. Image
May 9, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
Matrices + the Gram-Schmidt process = magic.

This magic is called the QR decomposition, and it's behind the famous eigenvalue-finding QR algorithm.

Here is how it works. Image In essence, the QR decomposition factors an arbitrary matrix into the product of an orthogonal and an upper triangular matrix.

(We’ll illustrate everything with the 3 x 3 case, but everything works as is in general as well.)
Apr 24, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
I asked Salvador Dali to imagine some of the most beautiful mathematical theorems in his breathtaking paintings. (Or maybe it was Midjourney, in the style of Dali.)

Here are the results:

1. "The set of real numbers is uncountably infinite." Image 2. The Baire category theorem: "In a complete metric space, the intersection of countably many open dense sets remains dense." Image
Apr 22, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
I described some of the most beautiful and famous mathematical theorems to Midjourney.

Here is how it imagined them:

1. "The set of real numbers is uncountably infinite." Image 2. The Baire category theorem: "In a complete metric space, the intersection of countably many dense sets remains dense." Image
Apr 21, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
The Gram-Schmidt process is one of the most important algorithms in linear algebra.

Its task is simple: orthogonalizing vector sets.
Its applications are endless: matrix decompositions, eigenvalue problems, numerical linear algebra...

This is how it works: Image The problem is simple. We are given a set of basis vectors

a₁, a₂, …, aₙ,

and we want to turn them into an orthogonal basis

q₁, q₂, …, qₙ,

such that each qᵢ-s represent the same information as aᵢ. Image
Apr 20, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
The Gram-Schmidt process is one of the most important algorithms in linear algebra.

Its task is simple: orthogonalizing vector sets.
Its applications are endless: matrix decompositions, eigenvalue problems, numerical linear algebra...

This is how it works: Image The problem is simple. We are given a set of basis vectors

a₁, a₂, …, aₙ,

and we want to turn them into an orthogonal basis

q₁, q₂, …, qₙ,

such that each qᵢ-s represent the same information as aᵢ. Image
Apr 12, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Here is a probabilistic puzzle.

Feedex and Acme are two delivery companies. Feedex trains are 80% on time, while only 40% of its trucks are.

However, Acme's trains are 100% on time, and 60% of its trucks are as well.

Yet, Feedex is more reliable! Why? Image This lesson is brought to you @brilliantorg's Introduction to Probability course. Their interactive, first-principles approach will make sure you understand and retain the things you learn there.

Since I'm partnering with them, I have a special offer for you later.

Let's go! Image
Apr 10, 2023 27 tweets 8 min read
In machine learning, we take gradient descent for granted. We rarely question why it works.

What's usually told is the mountain-climbing analogue: to find the valley, step towards the steepest descent.

But why does this work so well? Read on. Image Our journey is leading through

• differentiation, as the rate of change,
• the basics of differential equations,
• and equilibrium states.

Buckle up! Deep dive into the beautiful world of dynamical systems incoming. (Full post link at the end.)
Mar 29, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
The single most important "side-effect" of solving linear equation systems: the LU decomposition.

Why? Because in practice, it is the engine behind inverting matrices and computing their determinants.

Here is how it works. Why is the LU decomposition useful? There are two main applications:

• computing determinants,
• and inverting matrices.

Check out how the LU decomposition simplifies the determinant. (As the determinant of a triangular matrix is the product of the diagonal.)
Mar 28, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
What can go wrong will go wrong.

This is Murphy's famous First Law. Here is a probabilistic reformulation: "what can go wrong with probability 𝑝 > 0, will go wrong with probability 1". But when will it go wrong?

Surprisingly, this is encoded in the probability. Understanding probabilistic thinking is one of the best investments you can make, and @brilliantorg's Introduction to Probability will teach you the very essence.

Since I'm partnering with them, I have a special offer from them for you later.

Let's get started!
Mar 16, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
Vectors are not just arrows with magnitude and direction.

Arrows are just an example of vectors: functions are vectors as well! This opens up possibilities beyond your imagination. For instance, quantum mechanics is built upon this.

Here is what vectors really are. This is one of my favorite topics, and @brilliantorg's brilliant Linear Algebra with Applications course is the best way to learn it.

They are great at breaking down concepts into the fundamentals. Since I'm partnering them, I have a special offer from them for you later.