Tom Bilyeu Profile picture
Co-Founder @impact_theory Creator of @Projectkyzen
Jul 19 8 tweets 2 min read
I’ve built 3 multi-million dollar companies.
Across 3 wildly divergent industries.


By following a simple formula, which I’ll give you in plain English at the end.
But if you skip forward, you’re going to fail. Here’s why:

Reason 1:
To succeed, you have to fail a lot, but failure hurts. So people quit.

Reason 2: People don't stay focused and they can’t prioritize well. They bleed energy and capital.

Reason 3: People lack business acumen. They don’t know how to block and tackle, let alone solve novel problems.

Let’s dig deeper…
Jul 13 11 tweets 2 min read
This took me 20 years to learn, I’ll teach it to you in 3 minutes.
Here's my exact approach to executing on my goals: 🧵 1. Extreme Clarity

Get crystal clear on your goals.

Map out the exact path of execution including the expected results of each step.

Hold yourself accountable to results, and learn from your failures.
Apr 8, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ Please meet Flexx (or as his mother likes to call him, Max Flexx)!! This is the first character reveal from @projectkyzen. Retweet this then register to collect the first of the 7 airdrops! Instructions below. LFG!! 2/ We will be releasing a total of 7 2D character concept art reveals over the coming weeks. Each one will have a #NFT airdrop you can collect. Be sure to collect them all! That’s very important.
Apr 6, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Collect @projectkyzen's 7 initial character-reveal airdrops to get a limited-edition NFT. Here's how. 🧵👇

Starting this Friday we're going to unveil 7 characters from @projectkyzen's deep bench of upcoming characters. Here's the silhouette of the first one. Image Each time we reveal a character, if you are a member of our Discord and you retweet the image, you'll be able to register for a free airdrop.
Jul 25, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Don’t let your failures break your enthusiasm. I’ve seen incredible people pull back because they fucked up. I get it. Taking a big L to the face SUCKS. But it’s inevitable.
Dec 27, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
I've MAJORLY changed directions in my life several times already.

As Carl Jung said, life really does begin at 40.

Everything up to then is just research.

So if you're young and feel lost, just focus on learning - even if it's just learning from a string of painful moments. I was such an idiot when I was in my 20s, and really deep into my 30s, if I'm honest.

But I began to realize that if I stopped trying to look clever at any one moment and just focused on the lessons to be learned, that on a long enough timeline I looked like a genius.
Dec 19, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
If you’re having a shitty day, do yourself a favor and stop thinking of yourself as unique and start thinking of yourself as an animal.

Let me explain... You are an evolved biological creature with tendencies.

You have the tendency to think you’re not good enough.

You have the tendency to want more. The tendency to compare yourself to others. To doubt yourself and think you’ve made stupid choices. Etc.
Dec 4, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
You ready for an unpopular opinion?

The feeling that you’re not good enough serves an evolutionary purpose.

It is part of the motivational cocktail that compels humans forward. The reason this feeling is so common is that it is essentially universal.

The key isn’t to try and eradicate the feeling, the key is to understand its origin and purpose.

Allow it to push you to seek improvement, but don’t allow it to diminish your sense of self.
Oct 13, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
The world breaks most people.

At some point they put their head down and just accept things as they are.

They lose the will to fight.

They come to believe that the odds against them are simply too great. You can see in their eyes that they’ve given up - and worse - they come to resent those that refuse to break.

They become bitter towards those that are hellbent to change things.

If you ever feel the impulse to give in, squash that shit. Immediately.
Jun 29, 2018 13 tweets 2 min read
Here are some tips I've developed over the years on how to feel JOY in your life... People ask me about money so often, but the truth of life is this - all that’s ever going to bring you joy - or steal joy from you - are the things you do, and you can’t “do” money.