Tom Buck (Five Point Buck) Profile picture
Husband, Father, Pastor of FBC Lindale, Director of @G3conference Expository Workshops.
2 subscribers
Jun 21, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
If the BFM2000 has been enough, why did it take 23 years to vote out a church in KY with a woman pastor (multiple SBC leaders spoke at that church from 2000)?

If the BFM2000 has been enough, why did @NAMB_SBC plant Pinewood Church with a female co-lead pastor... even though @kevezell told everyone at SBC24 that's never happened?

And why is it still in the SBC?Image
If the BFM2000 has been enough, why is Echo Church... where Stacie Wood was an Associate Teaching Pastor for years and currently has a female pastor who teaches/preaches... still in the SBC?

They partnered with @sendnetwork to plant multiple churches who had women serving as teaching/preaching pastors.Image
Jun 5, 2024 23 tweets 8 min read
In this lengthy but important thread, I demonstrate ONE example of how @kevezell operates when a concerned pastor contacts him privately and respectfully to get answers to serious questions.

In this thread, you'll see all the emails.

But first, let me set the context.
1/22 On 2/13/22, David Uth defended FBC Orlando baptizing openly practicing homosexuals and allowing them to serve in his church.

He said they need to "belong to believe" and that "every truly healthy church has two things: heretics and people who are sexually immoral."
Jun 12, 2023 14 tweets 7 min read
I want to address this misleading statement made by @SEBTS: "The Board Officers offered to meet with the Bucks prior to our Spring 2023 Board Meeting, but the Bucks rejected that meeting." Let me give the full context (with all dates) of how we "rejected that meeting." 5/11/22 In a Zoom call with @DannyAkin , @kswhitfield, Rachael Denhollander, Two @SEBTS Trustees, @JenniferBuck65 and me... all parties agreed to hold an independent investigation into what happened to Jennifer. No evidence was presented at that time.
Jun 8, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
As you watch the videos, here are the SBC leaders who failed to care well for @JenniferBuck65.

1) 2022 SATF, led by Bruce Frank, didn't grant request to meet when Jennifer’s rough draft was used to blackmail us. They said it was outside their scope, but they met w/ Willy Rice. Image 2) @KSPrior and @kswhitfield hid from Jennifer that her story, which contained information of her childhood abuse, had been stolen and was going to be published by a news outlet.
Nov 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Christians can’t just rage against abortion. We should advocate for and be proactively involved when able in…

1. Supporting Life Pregnancy Centers

2. Opening our homes to foster care

3. Adopting children and helping others adopt. Adoption is often expensive, but consider how you could make the sacrifice. @JenniferBuck65 and I considered ways we could do it.

I sold my sports card collection to go toward our first adoption (including Michael Jordan rookie card).

We used home equity for second adoption.
Oct 31, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
After four years of calling attention to serious problems in the @ERLC and @NAMB_SBC, I want to explain why I intend to no longer engage in this way.

When you've done all you can to try to reform something, there comes a time to focus your energies elsewhere. That time has come. Back in 2018, I began to share concerns I had with the @ERLC and @NAMB_SBC. After communicating those concerns privately and being rebuffed, I began to share them publicly.

At every turn, I was met with little more than obfuscation.
Oct 28, 2022 13 tweets 12 min read
Many in the SBC are calling for Saddleback to be disfellowshipped from the SBC for having a woman functioning as a pastor. But please explain the difference between Saddleback and Echo Church - both SBC churches and both had the same female pastor.
1/10 ImageImageImageImage Yes, Saddleback should be removed by the SBC as a cooperating church because of its position on women pastors. But it's hypocritical to target Saddleback because it made national news and ignore that @NAMB_SBC has had church plants with women serving as pastors for years.
Oct 14, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
I thanked @kevzell for this and am glad he changed course. But I read the statement again and it continues to bother me.

The reason Dr. Ezell gives for changing course demonstrates the problems at @NAMB_SBC.

The change of course wasn't theological but pragmatic.

1/6 He opens saying @NAMB_SBC is "all about the gospel."

But the reason he gives for withdrawing from @HeGetsUs was "the effort is too broad for us." That's a pragmatic reason at best.

The problem with @HeGetsUs is not that it's too broad but that it's devoid of THE GOSPEL!

Aug 11, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read

My wife, @JenniferBuck65, and I are praying for the conscience to be pricked of all who were involved in either spreading or receiving her stolen rough draft. Every person who spread it or received it was involved at some level in an act of political retaliation.
1/11 There are multiple people who have direct knowledge of how @JenniferBuck65's rough draft was spread.

Does anyone in the SBC have a conscience informed by Scripture to do what is right?
Jun 27, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
As I think about the stunning silence of some evangelicals after the overturning of Roe, I had a few thoughts:

One thing the overturning of Roe has destroyed is any argument that voting Democrat can be a “good moral choice.” Some of the silent evangelicals have argued that.
1/10 The evangelicals who argued for voting Democrat as a "good moral choice" were able to hide behind Roe and say it doesn’t ultimately matter that a Democrat is pro-abortion because Republicans can’t get anything done about Roe anyway.
Jun 15, 2022 21 tweets 10 min read
We’ve had three months of turmoil simply because I reported to Willy Rice that he had someone serving as a deacon who had a predatorial past. I’ve been charged with acting politically even though I did exactly what the SBC says we should do. This serves as my final thread. I’ll cover two final issues to address false accusations made about me yesterday.

First issue: It was said yesterday that I was being political because Willy already knew about his deacon’s past and I should’ve left it alone. I’ll prove Willy told me he didn’t know.
May 10, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
I'll say it again...

The SBC is in a liberal drift - evidenced by the proliferation of women pastors/preachers.

The 3 largest SBC churches (Elevation, Fellowship, Saddleback) all have women pastors.

Several SBC churches had women preaching yesterday. Here's some I found... Beth Moore preached yesterday at LakePointe in Rockwall, TX. It's an SBC church and the pastor of LakePointe is a graduate of SBTS.
