Tom Taylor Profile picture
Oct 13, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
@TheBrandonMorse Yeah. I had a hunch, Brandon. Because I woke up a couple of days ago and was very surprised to find my comic was on the “news” here in Australia. It seems our “Gay Superman” was being cancelled due to “abysmal sales” on the same day we were #1 on a bestseller list. @TheBrandonMorse This made even less sense because we’d just reported that Jon Kent was actually going to headline a newly retitled series “Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent” - an iconic Superman title as I’m sure you know - which I’m already writing.
Oct 12, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Happy Coming Out Day from #Superman.
#ComingOutDay2022 Just learned #Superman fans are drawing Jay and Jon for #ComingOutDay. This is beautiful. Join in if you’d like. #JayJon #JonKent #JayNakamura
Jan 25, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
Stick around for the end of this. It's worth it.
Today, I woke up to piles of strangers in my mentions attacking the sales of Superman: Son of Kal-El issue #6 and celebrating the failure of our comic... 🧵 Now, this was pretty confusing. I don't believe a story's worth is measured by its sales. But our Superman is selling pretty well. Issue #5, where Jon Kent comes out as bisexual, made the Top 10 in comic sales for November.
Dec 11, 2019 20 tweets 35 min read
A subtle Marvel/DC crossover in today's Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.
Sadly, yes, this is our last issue.
I hate saying goodbye.
Thread... @ledkilla In September 2018, I was trying to work out my next gig. I had some wonderful offers and opportunities and was weighing up several when an email appeared in my inbox from @nick_lowe_.

“Do you want to write Spider-Man?”
Mar 25, 2019 138 tweets 30 min read
So, hey.
I somehow managed to book a creepy log cabin to do some intensive writing in for a few days... I’ve been laughing to myself about just how cliched-horror-movie this cabin is. But at 5.30am, out of nowhere, despite it blowing a gale out there for hours, wind chimes start chiming for the first time from the porch...
Mar 11, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
Quick thread.
A couple of days ago, I shared this image of my youngest son looking at a picture of #CaptainMarvel.
It got quite a bit of attention. Most of it very positive... ...But it blew me away that people could see this picture, and use it to launch an attack.
As a writer for @DCComics AND @Marvel, I genuinely love the heroes at both companies. And I want nothing but success for all their films and comics. #ManyUniversesOneFamily...
May 14, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Damn it!
I am so very sorry to hear about Margot Kidder. I was fortunate enough to spend a bit of time with Margot.
And she WAS Lois Lane. Or rather, what made Lois great was Margot.