Tom Barraclough Profile picture
Director @ Brainbox. Digital legal systems, platform regulation, disinformation, digital case law, human rights, health policy
May 24, 2020 7 tweets 7 min read
Here's a case study that we (@verbman @curt_is_online) hope can link the great open discussions happening online to a tangible use case for #rulesascode and #lawascode. Ideally, referring to the same law will enable more detailed discussion. Rip it apart.… @mireillemoret @laurence_diver @ColinGavaghan @nullary @RoundTableLaw @mengwong @lilianedwards @lawgeeknz @piacandrews @nardwebster @scott_pm @mchardcastle @TimdeSousa @mattwadd @DMerigoux @matti_sg @BR3NDA @tjharrop @robholmesnz @craigaatkinson @gthurstonnz