Tommy Bax πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡Ό Profile picture
Entrepreneur in Transition. Investor. Fuck cancer. Science is probably our only hope. Taiwan IS a sovereign nation! πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡ΌπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
May 10, 2023 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 1 min read
It would appear that a little covering of short positions is now finally happening. Based on data up til 30th April $NWBO regular short volume is down 4.71% to 37,419,400 shares. How much more has been covered in the past 12 days we dont know! Contextually however, the regular short position now is still higher than at any point last year until JAMA was published. At which point the shorts counterintuitively doubled down & increased their short position by 40.5% in one fortnight as a direct result of the JAMA article!
May 8, 2023 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Here is a link to my updated $NWBO Synopsis. It has been quite extensively rewritten and therefore no longer fits into a Reddit post limit. Instead it is uploaded to Google Drive as a PDF for your download. Get comfortable as it is a fairly long read:… Constructive feedback and error corrections are welcome. Please feel free to share as widely as you see fit! Thanks
Feb 11, 2023 β€’ 28 tweets β€’ 8 min read
@JasperSaberi1 @BMT094

🧡 Hi Jasper, my pleasure! Without coming off like a stock pumper, given your interest I thought I would share a little more $NWBO with you & anyone else who might be intrigued. To clarify my interest in this is indeed financial but also personal... as I have witnessed the affects of cancer up close & personal!

$NWBO completed it's #DCVax P3 trial (Trial: NCT00045968) last year after 14yrs. The results are published in JAMA Oncology authored by a Who's Who of 70 World's top Neuro-Oncologists. The results are seminal...