Tommy Schultz Profile picture
CEO, American Federation for Children (@SchoolChoiceNow), the nation’s largest school choice advocacy organization (Super PAC / 501c4 / 501c3) | @Stanford grad
Nov 4, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Warren Buffett announced this year that he will be leaving most of his $140 Billion fortune to his kids.

That’s BAD news for education – especially for poor kids.

Why? His daughter Susie loves the teachers unions, and hates school choice.

But it's not just about education. It’s about power. And the ELECTORAL COLLEGE... 🧵Image Susie spent more than a decade – and tens of millions of dollars -  trying to stop school choice from becoming a reality in Nebraska and now she’s fighting to kill a small program serving thousands of low-income kids. Image
Nov 10, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read

🧵 Takeaways from the election results:

1. Across the $9 million we deployed politically at AFC, AFC Action Fund, and its affiliated state political committees / state allies, we won an estimated 275 out of more than 360 races (76%)! 2. The hardest thing to do in politics is to defeat an incumbent. So far, it looks like we’ll have DEFEATED at least 40 INCUMBENTS this year.

We won 24 races against incumbents in the primary, and at least 16 more last night.

Lesson: Go against school choice - you'll lose.
Nov 19, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
The nation's largest teachers' union released their "playbook" for Biden/Harris and Congress.

No surprise: they attack #CharterSchools and private #SchoolChoice with the usual lies.

Translation: "We don't actually care about what's best for families. We just want power."…