Tony Evans Profile picture
Writer. Radical. Scouse Separatist. Contact: New novel Good Guys Lost. Order
Feb 26, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
Liverpool win and as night follows day, Hillsborough is trending. Yes, we boo the national anthem. Yes, we are angry at the treatment of our city that goes way beyond 1989 and is rooted in anti-Irishness. But how can anyone, from almost any background, endorse the class system? How can you think, in this class-ridden country, that singing God Save The King is a good idea. Shouldn't we be a society where achievement is prioritised over accidents of birth? Where opportunity is valued rather than the appalling Eton-Oxbridge-Westminster production line?
Oct 12, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
Let's talk about FSG. When they took over, they thought Premier League football would be a doddle. They made loads of mistakes. But they were never bad owners They wanted success but the club had to generate its own cash. I was very critical of their approach early on while at the same time having a relationship with JWH (not any more). The criticism was justified. Then they employed Klopp
Oct 11, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Wrote about this season in the 84 book… The violence around the event is better covered in Far Foreign Land: available here UK £8.50, Europe £14, ROW £16 postage included The 84 book is largely from the perspective of the players. Their stories are funny and sometimes mindboggling. Souness is the anti-hero. I said he had a ‘killer instinct a hitman would die for.’ He liked that. Loads of the team were generous with their time
Sep 20, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Been a bit of a struggle this year. For the moment I've got no mainstream outlet for my writing - so anyone who wants a highly experienced (yeah, old) writer/editor get in touch. What's frustrating, apart from the lack of income, is not having a voice apart from twitter There is so much to say at the moment - in football and beyond. It was particularly galling to see the 10th anniversary of the Hillsborough Independent Panel pass with so little coverage, although that was in part to do with the royal death
Sep 18, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Over the past few days, walking around Westminster, some phrases came back to me. The insane placement of flowers for the dead queen made me think of this one: 'The mawkish sentimentality of a society that has become hooked on grief...' Yes, flowers for the lost pubs, streetsigns and corgis of old England. Almost every tree in the area has numerous bouquets of flowers at the base. But back to the article. You can pick out bits of it and apply them to many aspects of British life
Sep 12, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
Ten years ago today there was a brief period of optimism. The findings of the Hillsborough Independent Panel were so comprehensive, so damning of the authorities, it seemed like 23 years of lies had been swept away and justice appeared inevitable How stupid was I for thinking that? For believing that it was in the public interest for the authorities to be held responsible for catastrophic and deadly errors; that police cover-ups are an obscene insult to the people of this country; that safety at civic events mattered
Feb 7, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
So let's talk about 'woke'. It's a silly word but the ideas behind are worth taking about. But first, let's talk about me I woke one morning as a kid and realised that I was at the bottom of the social scale and realised that myself, my family and everyone in the neighbourhood were living in poverty
Feb 5, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Think we need to talk about 'cancel culture.' It does not exist. It's a construct created by those who know they are saying and doing unacceptable things to try and avoid the consequences of their actions We went through a spell where people - even if they thought it - realised they could not articulate their racist and sexist views in public. That time has passed. The phrase 'cancel culture' tells you this
Oct 5, 2021 22 tweets 4 min read
Let's talk about @Keir_Starmer again. As someone who has worked for newspapers and other media outlets whose political stance is very different to mine, it might be worth giving you my slant on this When I started working for The Times, there was very little in the mainstream national press about Hillsborough. @BrianReade in The Mirror and @david_conn at The Guardian never let it go and are heroes. But elsewhere?
Oct 4, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
If you don't understand why we're all so angry at Starmer, have a read of this So Starmer will go in The Sun and think he can convert their readers. He won't say 'the majority of political views expressed by this newspaper are abhorrent. If you form your opinion here, you are working against your own interests.'
Jun 15, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
I'm going to do a thread. Not a happy one. I guess most people can't imagine how hard it is for me to talk about, write about Hillsborough. I'd suggest they watch the documentary on BBC iplayer. I've only seen the trailer but I wince seeing a man on the verge of a breakdown Every day, every battle, has a huge impact on myself and my family. I don't want sympathy. It is worse for the families and those who were in the pens. But Anne Williams made me realise I'm a survivor. What I'd love is the abusers in the same room as me. Cowardly online shitbags
Jun 15, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
My subtweet has made a few people angry. So, let me explain how respond to being asked about where you're from. If someone asks, you say 'Scottie.' No one from Liverpool is confused that you might come from a Lane or and Avenue If they are not from Liverpool, you say 'Scotland Road.' Occasionally, if you're bring a bit pompous (even to other people from the city) you might say 'Thee Scotland Road.' To emphasise its importance
Jun 12, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
No one can rationally think that England players - or any other footballers - taking the knee is linked to Marxism or the downfall of western society. Black lives matter, in the sense of the pre-game protest, is a generic term, not a narrow political movement We've been here before. In the early 1980s, the political folk devils were the Militant Tendency. I was more than willing to associate myself with them. I sold the newspaper on the streets. People would say: 'Get back to Russia!' I'd never even been there
Jun 11, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Taking the knee: it doesn't insult anyone, it doesn't seek to take away anything from anyone. It highlights that racism is a problem in our society. That truth shouldn't make you angry. Tory MPs say it's a threat to the 'nuclear family.' Seriously… Scott Benton, MP for Blackpool South: "[It] promotes some disgusting... policies, such as abolishing the nuclear family and defunding the police."
Jun 9, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
For those interested on finding out more about Hillsborough, the BAFTA-winning documentary is back on the BBC iPlayer from tomorrow night. It was unavailable because of the criminal trials. Take a look The day after it was originally shown on the BBC I got in a taxi. The cabbie said: ‘I know you. You’re on TV.’ I said: ‘Not really.’
Jun 7, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
OK. It's worth answering this. First of all, your point was we wanted "vengeance." I was correcting you on that. But I'll address the accountability issue. We have long given up any idea that anyone will be held responsible You know better than me the phrase "all the evidence" does not tell the whole story. First, the charges matter. Many of your esteemed colleagues believe that the wrong charges were brought in the criminal cases. That is open to question
May 4, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read
I've snapped. And I'm going to say it. All the dickheads who are niggling me over Hillsborough have pushed me to the edge. But making money out of it? Being a 'Murdoch rat'? You know, for years we banged our heads against a brick wall. Everyone in Liverpool knew, the rest of the country believed The Sun
May 3, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
I don't want any sympathy from any one. But I'll tell you what the sort of tweets that I got from @kentriley do to people like me You go through spells where you don't think about what happened. You live with it. You even cope with stuff like the trials and the disappointment. But Hillsborough hangs around. It trails you. It sneaks up on you
Apr 19, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
Some thoughts about clubs and fandom. You should divorce the team you support and your idea of fan culture from the business of that club The boardroom and the terraces have (generally) wanted the same thing: success. But for different reasons. Supporters for glory, owners for profits (though they love the glory and the prestige)
Mar 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
100k a year? 😂😂😂😂. Oh, lad, you are so clueless. You have no idea how the world works. I wish you were right ‘Socialist elite’ Here I am at Eton singing the boat song
Mar 9, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
Part of me thinks we should ignore the kerfuffle around the royal family. Not dignify it with comment. Except for one thing. The monarchy is the cornerstone of the class system and British society. Everything else that follows is a consequence of this system The idea of 'commoners' is insane. The notion that the aristocracy have a 'duty' to those 'below' them is a myth they spread. The Queen believes she is carrying out duties. What are they? Being born. Being superior. Being regal. Visiting, waving, pretending to look interested