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AAPI lawyer; general counsel to the Felix Legions
Mar 29, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
I've always believed in donating strategically. And *I believe* that purging antisemites from our ranks in the House is good strategy.

This thread will detail where to put your money in the days to come, based on review of the House primary calendar.


@RepSummerLee ($1.16 million COH) has a primary on April 23. Her challenger is @PatelForPA ($238K COH) Image
Mar 21, 2023 10 tweets 8 min read
@VP will be traveling to Tanzania, Zambia, and Ghana this month. @GullahRehabbed will explain the importance of her trip to national security and opposing the Chinese Belt and Road project.

Let's put it in context and look at what's been done in the South China Sea. A thread: @VP @GullahRehabbed To scare its neighbors into accepting its illegitimate claims, China:

(1) Instructs Kim Jong Un to fire missiles off the coast of Korea and Japan
(2) Directs large fleets to raid the fishing grounds of other countries
(3) Builds artificial islands in international waters
Nov 13, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Lotta people are heaving misogynistic BS at @ChristySmithCA this morning. @jfchen is in the same hole, yet none of the same hot takes have been directed at him.

Here's my suggestion: wait for the ballots to be counted before you uncork your ignorance. Image @ChristySmithCA @jfchen @GavinNewsom would not spend political capital on a lost cause.

As we have seen this cycle, coattails from a popular governor and Senator are enough to drag candidates across the line. Wait for the millions of ballots to be counted. Image
Nov 9, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Guys, we flipped control of the Kentucky Supreme Court and nobody seems to notice.… Dems retained their 4-3 majority on the Michigan Supreme Court....…
Nov 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Y'all should get over your misgivings regarding these two because we're going to be campaigning our asses off for them shortly. The next Senate majority depends on it. No, she’s not losing the primary.
Nov 9, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
The forecasters spent millions on dev and design for their electoral models and other voodoo bullshit only to be beaten by a lawyer's Excel spreadsheet and steadfast commitment to the laws of political science You know how I knew we were going to hold the House? Because there are iron laws of political science that people like @NateSilver538 and @Nate_Cohn ignored for fun and profit.
Nov 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
What I like about how intense and close this election appears to be is the fact that it has stunned Republicans and pundits silent. They lost their wave scenario for which all the stories were pre-written, I'm sure. I think they expected us to roll over and die. Not today, and never again
Nov 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
So you and all your friends were wrong? You guys forecast election results for wages, right? What's the punishment if you're this wrong this badly?
Oct 1, 2022 6 tweets 15 min read
With 38 days to go, we are in the home stretch for the fight to retain the House. Here, I identify the easiest pathway to 218. It is based on 3 reasonable presumptions:

1. @TomOHalleran is beaten;
2. All other Dem incumbents survive;
3. As a result of No. 2, Dems have 214 seats. @TomOHalleran Easiest way to 218 is to go hard on FOUR OPEN seats in BLUE states b/c open seats are easier, esp if the candidate can reap the "Coattail Effect" from a popular Governor/Senator. Our FOUR:

CO-08 (@YadiraCaraveo)
PA-17 (@ChrisForPA)
NY-19 (@JoshuaUE99)
Oct 1, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
Splintered in Clark County Is this bad for Republicans in Nevada?

Has @AdamLaxalt seen this yet?
Jul 16, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
What reason is there to do this? Even setting aside the major legislation passed in the 117th Senate, he's the reason 70 federal judges have been confirmed so far, including the first Black woman to the Supreme Court. Under @SenSchumer's leadership, the Senate has passed:

-2 new hate crime laws
-the biggest investment in infrastructure and the post office in decades
-the most sweeping gun safety law in nearly 30 years
-a stimulus responsible for the economic recovery.
Jul 15, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
16 nominees were released this week and not one of them were named Chad Meredith. I prefer to operate in the realm of facts, not wishcasting. The only pushback it got was from terminally online people on Twitter and political journalists.

Curious that those same people who worked themselves up into a tizzy over a nomination that didn't happen had nothing to say about the slate of diverse nominees named this week.
Nov 14, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
Let's assume this isn't an outlier. What are you going to do about it? I have some ideas. First, donate to our fund for @CheriBeasleyNC and @valdemings. It's important that we expand the Senate majority because even if we lose the House, we can keep packing on the judges.

Nov 13, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
These media types are so privileged. They all trot the same line about things being shitty because it drives engagement.

What about the jobs report, stock market, vaxx rate, two major pieces of legislation with a third on the way and 28 federal judges is shitty? I don't understand why Dems on this bird app don't forcefully defend AG Garland more.

@TheJusticeDept is supposed to be unbiased and free from political influence. What @ElieNYC says on a daily basis subverts it into a political weapon.

Did any of you vote for that? I did not
Nov 13, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read

THREE states have passed their House maps into law. MT, UT, and ID have created 8 more safely GOP seats (2 for MT, 4 for UT, and 2 for ID).

VT, DE, WY, ND, SD, and AK are at-large states and do not participate. But now 13 states have completed it. 1/2 OR, ME, NE, IN, WV, TX, CO, NC, AL, IA, and now MT, UT, and ID have all completed their redistricting.

This has created 31 Dem Seats, 69 GOP seats, and 7 competitive seats.

It might look like we're behind, but we control the pen in some big states like NY and CA. 2/2
Nov 7, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
The 5th Circuit halted the federal vaccine mandate, opening the door for the GOP 6th and 11th to follow That's why it is so important to fill the vacancies on the appeals courts, if only to moderate them.

12 vacancies remain with no nominee. A summary: RI Supreme Court Justice Erin Prata should fill the vacancy on the 1st in Providence, RI.

On the 2nd, CT Supreme Court Justice Raheem Mullins and district court judge Victor Bolden should fill the New Haven vacancies, while Sharon Aarons should fill the Syracuse vacancy
Nov 5, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
REMINDER: Do not go to see Shen Yun despite the avalanche of advertising that the Falun Gong, it’s owners, are about to loose on an unsuspecting world. The Falun Gong is a dangerous, right-wing religious cult that loves Donald Trump.
Oct 28, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Well, the poll had its intended effect. Donations are flowing into @TerryMcAuliffe's coffers and I just signed up to phonebank this weekend. @TerryMcAuliffe I'm $50 poorer now
Oct 28, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
Elizabeth Prelogar (Emory 02, Harvard Law 05) has been confirmed as the latest U.S. Solicitor General, colloquially known as the "Tenth Justice" due to their outsize role in SCOTUS litigation. It is one of the most powerful positions in the federal government. The U.S. S.G. is behind the Associate AG (@vanitaguptaCR) but holds a ton of power because they argue the government's position before the Supreme Court. In certain cases, the Court will issue a "CALL FOR THE VIEW OF THE S.G." on whether a case should be granted cert.
Oct 28, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
I know a lot of you feel like racism against Asian Americans doesn't exist despite the year of murders, assaults, and targeting in the wake of COVID, but under no circumstances is it ok for anyone, including an Asian person to drop the term "slanty eyes," in casual conversation. There is no historical tradition of Asians reclaiming racial slurs like there are in the Black and Latino communities.

We did not reclaim "chink," "gook," "zipperhead," "coolie," "Jap," "oriental," or "celestial." Therefore, anyone using these terms is just being racist.
Oct 27, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Huge bummer Get 53 Senate seats and we can get it in the next reconciliation.