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Jan 2 4 tweets 6 min read
Remembering the Oklahoma City Bombing:

•The bombing occurred on April 19, 1995, at 9:02 a.m., killing 168 people.

•The official narrative blames Timothy McVeigh, a former military veteran, and white nationalist, acting alone or with minimal help.

•McVeigh allegedly parked a truck filled with a fertilizer bomb outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.

Official Narrative’s Influence:

•The event was framed as part of a rise in domestic extremism.

•It led to anti-terrorism legislation and set the stage for the Patriot Act after 9/11.

•Bill Clinton's response to the event solidified his role as a leader during a national crisis.

Emerging Contradictions in the Official Story:

•There were numerous discrepancies, such as forensic evidence suggesting the explosion originated inside the building.

•Allegations of prior warnings to federal employees, who were advised not to report to work that day.

Investigations by Victims' Families and Eyewitnesses:

•Parents of deceased children, like Glenn Wilburn, questioned the official account.

•Local journalists and witnesses reported additional individuals and unexplained occurrences, contradicting the mainstream narrative.

Role of Forensic and Explosives Experts:

•Independent analyses challenge the plausibility of a fertilizer truck bomb causing such destruction.

•Evidence points to internal demolition charges as the likely cause.

Role of Officer Terry Yeakey:

•Yeakey, a first responder, reported discrepancies in the official story.

•He filed a detailed report but was allegedly pressured to revise it.

•Yeakey later died under suspicious circumstances, officially ruled a suicide, despite evidence of physical trauma.

Media’s Role in Shaping the Narrative:

•Early media reports mentioned multiple suspects and internal explosions.

•After initial coverage, the narrative shifted entirely to focus on McVeigh.

•Only a local news station, Channel 4 in Oklahoma City, continued questioning the story.

False Flag Framework and Historical Context:

•The concept of false flag operations was not so far fetched and the U.S. had a history of using them to create narratives needed, creating or exploiting crises to justify policy changes or military actions.

•Historical examples include the USS Maine, Pearl Harbor, and others, illustrating the use of "problem-reaction-solution" tactics.

Implications of the Oklahoma City Bombing:

•The bombing bolstered federal power and anti-terrorism measures.

•It paved the way for subsequent policies restricting civil liberties.

•The event influenced public perception of domestic extremism, tying it to right-wing militias and terrorism.

Speculative Insights:

• Many have hypothesized that elite military operatives or rogue units could have executed the bombing.

•McVeigh might have been a scapegoat, unaware of his role in a broader operation.

•The truck bomb could have been a diversion to mask pre-planted explosives.

Call to Examine Hidden Agendas:

•There is an immediate need to investigate the "permanent government" aka permanent bureaucracy, that outlasts political administrations. The so-called ‘deep state’.

•Our government must operate with full transparency and accountability. We desperately need a modern day ‘Church Committee’.

The Shadow Government (The Unconstitutional Power of Government Secrecy) i.e., CIA, CFR, MSM, FISA, NSA, Silicon Valley, JSOC, DNI (17 Agencies), 5 Eyes, GCHQ MI6, DHS, DOS, NRO, NCTC, NGA, DOD, FBI and the Deep State (The System Behind the Government, unelected bureaucrats with zero accountability) i.e., the Federal Reserve (a private company NOT the government!), the Treasury, Wall Street, Foreign Lobbyists, Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) Lobbyists, the actual Military-Industrial Complex (MIC)/Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex (MICC) itself, Defense Contractors, Intelligence Contractors, World Bank, IMF.Image The Oklahoma City bombing was my first introduction to an FBI Special Agent that I believed was drugging (MKUltra) and using psychological manipulation to weaponize his targets.

In this case, Timothy McVeigh. Much of my involvement in tracking McVeigh is still classified but I can certainly comment on the rogue FBI Special Agent I’ve come to know as the connection to dozens upon dozens of mass shooters, including Las Vegas where he met with Stephen Paddock in a cafe in Pakistan weeks before the Las Vegas massacre.

In many instances, however, this SA sets his targets up to take the fall for events they actually didn’t do. Even if they thought they were doing them, another subject else was ultimately responsible.

There are so many unanswered questions regarding the Oklahoma City bombing. I do know our government has been lying to us.

Here is a summary of the transcript from "He's EXPOSING the truth of the Oklahoma City bombing and they don't like it | Redacted News - YouTube" which features an interview with investigative journalist Derek Bros. Bros discusses his documentary series "The Pyramid of Power," which investigates those behind global power structures. The series delves into the deep state, aiming to identify who these individuals are and how they control society.

Bros has produced a series of documentary videos, each episode designed to be 30 minutes or less to cater to the Netflix generation, making the content more accessible and bingeable.

The series combines Bros's original research with pre-existing documentaries and books, aiming to condense complex information into digestible episodes. Each episode concludes with suggested solutions and recommendations for further reading and viewing. The series, which started in 2021, will have 17 episodes, with the final episode exploring who or what is at the top of the power pyramid.

In this interview, the focus is on the documentary covering the Oklahoma City bombing. Bros questions the official narrative, which claims that on April 19, 1995, Timothy McVeigh, a former military veteran and white supremacist, acting mostly alone, detonated a truck bomb outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, killing 168 people, including children. Bros points out that mainstream media and government sources presented this narrative, but he suggests there might be more to the story.

He mentions that McVeigh was captured shortly after the bombing and highlights the legislative response to the event, which included an anti-terrorism bill that preceded the Patriot Act. Bros implies that the bombing facilitated a push for increased domestic surveillance and control, similar to the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.

Bros's documentary explores various discrepancies in the official narrative, including allegations that some federal agents were warned not to go to work on the day of the bombing. He also references a local police officer who raised questions about the bombing and was subsequently killed under suspicious circumstances. This officer's family continues to seek answers.

Furthermore, Bros discusses evidence suggesting that demolition charges were placed inside the building, contradicting the story that a single truck bomb caused the extensive damage. He draws parallels between the Oklahoma City bombing and other historical events, proposing that such incidents are often used to justify policy changes and consolidate power.

The documentary on the Oklahoma City bombing is part of a broader effort by Bros to expose false flags—operations designed to deceive the public and manipulate political outcomes. He suggests that the bombing could have involved a deeper, compartmentalized operation, potentially implicating various levels of government and intelligence agencies.

Throughout the series, Bros aims to provide a comprehensive view of how global power structures operate, using historical and contemporary examples to illustrate his points.…Image
Nov 4, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
This is the REAL Barack Hussein Obama II. He will go down as one of the most evil Manchurian candidates in history. You may think you know who this man is, I assure you don’t. A tool of the global elites, CIA and radical Islam, his goal was to destroy America.

There’s a reason his Washington, D.C. residence is a quick 5 minute walk from The Islamic Center of Washington D.C..Image Despite Barack Obama’s public image as an advocate for change, his connections, including his mother's association with USAID and the Ford Foundation (both noted for CIA ties), indicate deep links to intelligence networks. His early life, including a mysterious year during college, aligns with a pattern of potential recruitment by intelligence agencies.
Aug 31, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
Marijuana-induced psychosis was always the plan by the Chinese Communist Party which funded push for state legalization in at least 30 states. Average levels of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC—the psychoactive compound in weed that makes you feel high—had more than tripled compared with 25 years earlier, from 5 to 16 percent. Weed has become a bioweapon.…Image It’s why Rogan bros have handed the keys to the communists. Stupid motherf*ckers.
Aug 15, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
President Trump WILL 💯 be sentenced to prison on September 18th. I’m told the sentence will be one year but we’ll see. The marxist judge could change the sentencing at the last minute but he is definitely sentencing President Trump to at least one year. Rikers Island already has special accommodations ready. This is two months before the election! Andrew McCarthy: Prepare for Judge Juan Merchan to Sentence Trump to Prison Trump on Sept. 18 – Two Months Before Election…
Jul 19, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The shooter visited the rally location five times in the week leading up to the rally. Three times exiting his Hyundai Sonata and walking the area, even on one visit entering the American Glass Research corporate offices located at 603 Evans City Rd, for approximately 6 minutes, and then walking to the American Glass Research building located at 615 Whitestown Rd, where it appears he went into the building spending approximately 12 minutes there, departing and immediately driving to Meridian Lanes bowling alley where the data indicates he spent 97 minutes at the Bullseye Sports Bar & Kitchen. Lastly, we are analyzing two devices located within a meter of his device for most of that 97 minutes. Who drove the van with Arizona license plates? Is it just a coincidence the shooter took a quick turnaround trip to Arizona on the same date as the retired FBI SA was there? The same retired FBI SA who met Las Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock in a Pakistan café just before the massacre.
Apr 19, 2024 6 tweets 4 min read
Friends of @SpeakerJohnson are saying he changed instantly after exiting that SCIF. He is scared to death, but not necessarily for our country but his fear seems more personal, more likely his personal life is about to blow up if he doesn’t cooperate with the deep state. Image This was the tee up… look at @SpeakerJohnson’s body language. Then the visit to the SCIF brought it home. Image
Feb 21, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
They still have no idea what they’ve done. What is that sucking sound? I do not want to cause any additional anxiety for my partners but our family office is working on pulling $2B out of NYC as cleanly as possible. A number of pension funds that have already abandoned ESG are now divesting from NY real estate.Image Image
Nov 15, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
My partners and I have been lifetime data scientists. We own the digital ID of every mobile device/computer in the U.S. and have indexed and archived every IP address in the world. Our extensive experience in big and deep data, including geotracking and geolocation makes our dozens of data companies the top authority for providing data to corporations, law enforcement and U.S. government agencies like the CIA, NSA, DoD, DIA, NGA, NRO, FBI, as well as Interpol and foreign intelligence organizations.

There are a number of videos documenting these ghost buses as well as a number of mostly nondescript DOJ vans that dropped off ninja wearing individuals that appear in other videos to have breached the Capitol cutting fencing, removing barricades, opening doors, and other nefarious behaviors.

We also tracked the infamous J6 ‘pipe bomber’ from one of these vans. Later, we eventually tracked them to a Virginia Metro station where a perfect capture of their vehicle license plate was made.

The FBI has ALL of this information. Shortly after they were alerted, however, AT&T mysteriously ‘accidentally’ corrupted that and only that particular cell phone user’s data.

Additionally, their mobile device was used hundreds of times before and after J6 accessing keycard required DOJ/FBI parking garages and buildings.

Nov 7, 2023 7 tweets 10 min read
Even Mexican officials are starting to spill the beans…

And then there’s this confirmation that the US provided protection to Sinaloa in exchange for information on rival cartels.

The relation between cartels and the US government can be hazardous to explore in detail. My friend, Gary Webb, the journalist who first covered this connection in his series “Dark Alliance” died under mysterious circumstances.

Gary was receiving death threats, being regularly followed by people he referred to as government operatives, and that he was concerned about strange individuals dresses in ninja like outfits who were seen on multiple occasions breaking into and leaving his house climbing drainpipes.

Gary told me multiple times they were trying to kill him, in fact, my last text message with Gary, was on December 5th, 2004 at 1:15 pm PT, just days before his ‘suicide’, Gary joked “Just for the record, I am not suicidal! 😝”

Authorities in Sacramento never even contacted any of us after we came forward.…

Gary’s most famous work, the "Dark Alliance" series, remains a significant moment in the annals of American journalism, both for its audacity in alleging connections between the CIA, Nicaraguan contra rebels, and the crack cocaine epidemic in Los Angeles during the 1980s, and for the fierce backlash and scrutiny it invoked. When I first met Gary, I thought he was insane but looking at what was happening on the streets of South Central Los Angeles, I finally realized he was right. We flew to Panama, Columbia, Arkansas connecting dots.

The 'Dark Alliance' Series

In 1996, Gary Webb, then a reporter for the San Jose Mercury News, published a three-part series titled "Dark Alliance," which outlined a labyrinthine network that purportedly funneled profits from drug trafficking to support the CIA-backed Contras in Nicaragua. At the heart of Webb's narrative was the claim that this drug trade had contributed significantly to the crack cocaine epidemic that ravaged urban communities, particularly in Los Angeles.

Webb's reporting drew upon court documents, DEA records, and direct interviews with key players involved in the drug trade and the anti-Sandinista efforts. The series immediately sparked outrage and a nationwide conversation, largely because it highlighted the plight of African-American communities and suggested that the U.S. government had, at least indirectly, contributed to their distress.

The Backlash and Professional Toll

However, the "Dark Alliance" series was met with intense scrutiny from the outset. Major newspapers like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times with CIA influence embarked on a zealous campaign to discredit Webb’s work, poking holes in the series' more sensational claims and discrediting Webb's sources. The backlash was formidable, and Webb’s own newspaper eventually backed away from the story, leading to his resignation.
The criticism hinged on the assertion that Webb had overstepped the evidence, drawing connections that, while suggestive, were not conclusively proven. Webb's career never recovered from the controversy, and he faced a storm of personal and professional challenges until his tragic death in 2004, which was ruled a suicide, shooting himself twice in the head!

Gary’s work was seen by many as vindicated when, in 1998, CIA Inspector General Frederick Hitz testified before Congress, admitting that the CIA had maintained relationships with individuals involved in the drug trade, although the CIA strongly denied that it had any knowledge of drug trafficking. This partial acknowledgment served to restore some of Webb’s credibility among his supporters.Image
John Singleton was fascinated by Gary Webb’s series and they became friends. Singleton created the FX TV show ‘Snowfall’ loosely around Gary’s investigation and based the main character Franklin Saint, on Ricky Donnell "Freeway Rick" Ross a former drug lord best known for the drug empire he established in Los Angeles, California, in the early to mid 1980s. He was sentenced to life in prison, though the sentence was shortened on appeal and Ross was released in 2009 thanks in part to the CIA. Today, Ricky is a businessman and real estate developer.

After the first season of Snowfall, Singleton began getting threats and warnings to shut it down. He refused telling me at one point that the story had to be told. He fully believed the U.S. government disregarded black communities for profit.

On April 17, 2019, Singleton suffered a stroke and was placed under intensive care. He reportedly began to experience weakness in his legs after returning to the United States from a trip to Costa Rica.

Then on April 25th, it was reported that he was in a coma, however, his daughter stated otherwise. On April 28the, Singleton was removed from life support and he died at the age of 51 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.Image