Pastor Tope-Ojo ChristKind Profile picture
God-Associate, Christ-Kind, Holy Ghost Ally. Light of the world for God's kingdom expansion - Dispenser of Divine Verities.
May 24, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Recently, I’ve been studying a lot about Jesus Christ as a ChristKind, one of His Kind.

(I imagined it’s natural that I learn more of Who I am; a Kind of Who I am by the power of Holy Spirit)

In one of His Word, Jesus says: “So this is my command: Love each other deeply, as much as I have loved you”

Now, there’s always a supernatural confirmation of His Word – especially when we are sincere to live just like Him in this world

One of my associates called me last week, that his younger brother and his family relocated to another country (from UK
May 23, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
There exist two categories of sin: original and personal (sin is sin though)

We’ll rather call Adam’s disobedience “original sin” because it was the first incidence of sin

All sinfulness in all people throughout all time can be traced back to his tragic choice refer Gen 3:17-19 Each of us has inherited a diseased nature that is bent toward wrongdoing, so much so that we cannot resist the temptation to sin

In this sense, sin is universal

When, individually, we choose to disobey, sin has become personal
May 21, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
I’ve been having a real blast with Holy Spirit – my SuperAlly today.. highlights below:

He is so personable you know? He usually takes on great roller-coaster of amusement, you’ll be giggling in ecstasy, you don’t want it to end

Perhaps because today is TGIF – there’s Anana Concert later today where we’ll be immersed in the cloud of Glory (details in attached flyer; if He bids you to attend, you’ll sure be grateful you did)

Perhaps because today marks Two weeks He’s asked me to be posting specifically about Jesus Christ, the Gospel,
May 20, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
There are 3p’s enemies of the Sabbath rest:

The notion that we understand exactly what we need and how to get it or the precise nature of our problem and how to solve it

We at times turn to work, food, alcohol, sex, or worse to ease emotional pain We feed our hunger for significance by chasing relationships, pursuing positions of power or fame, or exhausting all our resources in support of some noble cause

We create and nurture the illusion of security by filling bank account, fretting over every new medical report
May 19, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
It’s not enough merely to believe there is a God. You must believe in the God Who is there

To enter our Sabbath rest, we must come to God in humble submission to His truth and in complete dependence upon Him

In order to cease our striving, we must transfer our trust away from Image our own abilities, our own accomplishments, our own strength, and place it on His provision

In six days, God created the world, gave it order and purpose, and then imbued it with life and everything needed for it to flourish

Then, on the seventh day, He ceased all activity to
May 11, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
When we read the scriptures (by the way, I’m on my 8th different Bible version, reading the Bible back-to-back in the last One Year. And I’m still reading), the Word comes alive by the power of Holy Spirit!

Records of OT scriptures are usually prelude to the real deal in NT I’ve always wondered why Joseph and Mary would have to escape to Egypt with Jesus Christ – God in human flesh in order to avoid Him being killed by the usurper Caesar Augustus turned Herod

Why? Jesus Christ is God! He could have just supernaturally wiped out every obstacle to
May 10, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
Jesus Christ speaking about the worth/value of being a ChristKind, uses this illustration/parable below:
“Heaven’s kingdom realm can be illustrated like this:”
“A person discovered that there was hidden treasure in a field. Upon finding it, he hid it again. Because of uncovering such treasure, he was overjoyed and sold all that he possessed to buy the entire field just so he could have the treasure”
Above parable describes me – Bro Samuel Tope-Ojo’s current position as a ChristKind
I’ve actually searched for the Truth (Christ) for so long before Christ
May 9, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
The sum total of life is Christ

Without Christ, life makes no sense nor meaning

Christ is the Gospel and the Gospel is about giving. Giving is living

Whenever Jesus Christ shows up, He doesn’t just preach the Gospel

He’s either healing the sick, opening eyes/ears of the blind/deaf, delivering the oppressed of devil, making resources available, raising the dead or even feeding the multitudes

We don't lack what we distribute. We only lack what we don't give out

When we give money, encouraging words or help others to feel good about themselves,
May 6, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
It’s exactly a year ago that I commenced my ChristKind journey in God’s Kingdom. Glory!!!
I’ve been filled with Holy Spirit prior to May 2020 but I was yet to start walking and working in the Supernatural, preaching Christ
The very first time I’ll call up someone on phone to pray for him/her (can’t remember again now), was during the covid lockdown in year 2020
My legs almost would not hold me, I was practically shaking like jelly fish silently hoping the call would not go through, so I could relax
Fortunately, the person picked the call at almost the
May 6, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
When you are full of Holy Spirit, the Word (logos) comes alive when you read

Holy Spirit gives you deeper understanding, He even teach you the Word

Apostle John in the opening Word of his Gospel gave an account that reach back to a time before Genesis 1:1 He tells us that “In the beginning,” – before God created the heavens and the earth, the Word (Greek word logos) existed!

This Apostle pointed to something that existed before eternity past, farther back than our finite minds can conceive

Before the earth, before the planets
May 5, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Who is Jesus?

For most people even amongst the Christians, there’s challenge correlating Jesus of history and the Christ of Christian faith together

Many opinions also surround the person and works of Jesus Christ

Jesus speaking in the scriptures says: ‘even though you do not believe me, believe the works (that I do), that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father’

Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish Supreme Court in ancient days came to see Jesus under the cover of the night. Nicodemus wanted to ‘know’ more of Jesus
May 4, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
There is a pattern of ministrations that Holy Spirit (my SuperAlly) has been bringing to me lately

Believers that are losing consciousness of their identity as “sons of the Most-High, God’s representatives on earth”

And this is as a result of life issues/challenges they are facing

For the umpteenth time my dear brethren, you need entrench the following infallible Truth about you, very deliberately in your consciousness:

•In this life, you are created in God’s Image and Likeness
•You are created to take Dominion – Reign and Rule over the earth
May 3, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
There is one of the hymns we used to sing that’s making better meaning to me now, that I am full of Holy Spirit (Oh Sweet Holy Spirit.. there’s a way He makes Word come alive!)

The chorus of the hymn goes thus:

O, the children of the Lord have a right to shout and sing
For the way is growing bright, and our souls are on the wings;
We are going by and by to the palace of the King!
Glory to God, Hallelujah!

As Christians – lovers of God, we walk on the highway of light, and our way shines brighter and brighter until the perfect day
Apr 20, 2021 21 tweets 7 min read
Dear family, kindly permit me please, to express my sincere and hearth-felt appreciation with this testimony (a bit long pls), to also proof that Holy Spirit is VERY REAL in the lives of us ChristKinds. And please note that in this world, we are indeed the Supernatural Advantage! I will not be silent, I will always worship and praise our God. For the Testimony of Jesus, is the Spirit of Prophecy!

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

GSWMI/PSSBC were powerfully and gracefully present
Apr 7, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
The Bible, talking about Jesus says: “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God”

Consequence of this is that every Christian (born again) has become “the righteousness of God” We are Righteous and not sin-conscious/sinner! (Now religion and doctrines will not let you know this…)

How do we attain Salvation? Just by 2 simple steps: Believe (Faith) and Confess Jesus Christ. (Refer Romans 10)

So, Faith is the Most Critical Factor in the life of every
Apr 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
The ‘Newness’ of life that comes with accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is simply out of this world. (Sincerely).

When we are filled with Holy Spirit and are led by Him, we transform to Supernatural being with ability of Christ and even more! (Now you just try Him!) Image Since I came into Christ, I’ve been working and walking the Supernatural very effortlessly with obvious evidences – something I had erroneous belief was only limited to ‘super-anointed’ ‘upper-class’ ‘erujeje (awesome)’ ‘ministers’…
Mar 31, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
There was a season in my life that I was in utter turmoil

Restless and exhausted; troubles met me at every turn

Outwardly I faced conflicts and inwardly emotional turmoil every single day and for years

As a promoted senior management staff of a Tier-1 Nigerian bank, with chauffer driven brand new 4-wheel-drive official car at a time and for years; I was always in distress in spite of my seeming ‘flashy’ appearances

Many a times, I’ll be moved to want to jump on the 3ML bridge into the lagoon, commit suicide and end it all..
Mar 13, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Dear Abba Father, I thank you for the ability of your Word in my spirit.
I am a doer of the Word, not just a hearer.
The results of living in, and by the Word are evidently manifested in every areas of my life today and always, in Jesus' Name. Amen! Health, Prosperity, Success, Victory, Glory, Honor and other glorious provisions of the Gospel are my present-hour realities in the name of Jesus! Amen!

And I dispense eternal verities all over the world, preaching Christ – Salvation, Holy Spirit in-filling, healing, deliverance
Mar 10, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Jesus Christ speaking in Mark 16:17-18, is very emphatic as to the criteria for living in the supernatural – Faith/Belief in Him!

In all my years as ‘religious Christian’ I’ve always believed that supernatural advantages are exclusive to the ‘super anointed’, the ‘super righteous’ and ‘super holy’… but alas! What an ignorance…

When we believe in Christ Jesus and accept Him into our lives as our Lord and Saviour, we have Holy Spirit deposited in us, as a seal/identity of our salvation. This is scripture.
Feb 15, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Dear Zion Citizen,

Obedience is better than sacrifice. That says the scriptures, correct?

So, when you are running away from sin, what is that? It is a sacrifice!

Why? You are not meant to be ‘running away from sin’. If you are ChristKind, you are to be able to say just like Jesus Christ (our joint-heir) that “for the ruler of this dark world is coming. But he has no power over me, for he has nothing to use against me”

The soul that sin shall die! – Amen.