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Socialist. Irish. Trade Union Rep. Care about fixing poverty, protecting our NHS & eradicating homelessness. (☘️ Eóin) Armagh, Everton & Celtic
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Dec 15, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

Isreal did kill its own citizens in Israel on Oct. 7th with tanks and helicopters.

There is growing concern that this was deliberate. Source:
Nov 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Two Israeli newspapers and an Israeli TV News Station are reporting that an internal Israeli police report contains evidence & an account that an Israeli Helicopter opened fire & used artillery on Oct. 7th at a music festival in Southern Israel on civilians, citing that the IDF struggled to tell the difference between Hamas and civilians. Sources:

• Haaretz.
• Yedioth Ahronoth Newspaper.
• Channel 12 (Israel).
• TRT World (Turkey).
• Anadolu Agency (Turkey).
• Al Jazeera.…
Jul 23, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Never forget how the BBC reported on Jeremy Corbyn And this.
May 10, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Integrity. Integrity.
Feb 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
ITV: “This is not a third world nation, this is Europe”. BBC: “This is really emotional for me. I see European people with blue eyes”.
Sep 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
On Andrew Marr, Keir Starmer, just now, ruled out bringing energy companies into public ownership.

Below is the promise that got him elected leader last year.
Oct 10, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read

Please pass this thread to any person who continues to deny that schools are driving coronavirus infections. Public Health England yesterday revealed that educational settings were the largest source of CV19 multiple outbreaks of any institution comprising of 36% of outbreaks & over 1,000 in educational setting in England over the last month. See page 24…
Oct 7, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Thread. The UK Government is at a cross-roads in its CV19 response. I want to lay out in the thread below why so many of the very recent decisions the authorities are making will fail. And why we are set for many thousands more infections & thousands of deaths before Christmas First, the government in England think this is a "north of England" problem. People work in regions outside which they live. Uni students traveled outside those regions. Data will soon show CV19 Wave II across the whole of England.
May 17, 2020 16 tweets 6 min read
•Children can transmit CV19
•1,000 CV19 droplets can survive in air of a classroom for 8 minutes just from 1 person talking
•5,000 UK kids CV19+, 500 hospitalised, 14 dead
•75 teaching staff died of CV19 in Mar & Apr
•2 UK kids have died from Kawasaki (MIS-C), 100+ infected This is particularly unintelligent. The virus spreads metres in the air with 1,000 Coronavirus droplets just from 1 person talking in the classroom. The cloud survives 8 minutes. Coronavirus won’t understand the rule that it has to stop at the yellow line & not infect your child.
May 14, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Things we know about this Kawasaki linked Coronavirus disease

• Impacts all ages 1-19
• Afro-American kids worse affected
• Heavier kids worse affected
• Develops weeks after CV19
• Not all had CV19
• More severe than Kawasaki
• For now odds are 1000/1 in CV19+ kid Update on CV19-Kawasaki (PMID) infecting Children:

360 Children infected across 23 countries or states with 5 fatalities
Apr 11, 2020 13 tweets 6 min read
A 30th NHS worker has died from Covid19

A 4th nurse from the Philippines has died from Coronavirus. Nurse Leilani Dayrit passed away 2 days ago

God bless Leilani for her 16 years of dedication to the NHS. The contribution Filipino people have made to keeping us safe is humbling Image A 31st NHS Worker has now died from Coronavirus.

Rest in peace Nurse Elsie Sazuze who passed away 2 days ago. Elsie grew up in Malawi. Her husband says she understood the risks involved but wanted to do her bit to keep me & you safe. These people are the very best of us. Image
Mar 14, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Coronavirus Thread. How deadly is the Coronavirus?

1. What are the symptoms? 2. One in five people who become infected are in big trouble. An illness of 3-6 weeks that for about one in twenty will become critical.
Jan 29, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Some of the seats Tories won at the General Election were places where no Tory canvassing teams existed. They flipped Labour seats without any contact rate or team on the ground. Very unpopular view but a rethink is needed on what really works. Targeted Facebook ads destroyed us And measuring digital reach by the number of views or retweets/shares you get is practically pointless. Zillions can see your video but if the viewer becomes passive, or the content is humorous etc it doesn't translate into votes one. Some viral videos earned no new Labour voters
Nov 23, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
BBC 1 PM news edited out the audience laughing at Boris Johnson when he was questioned on trust. The key moment of the entire night. This is unforgivable journalism Here is the original footage that BBC cut out. You can very clearly hear the audience laughing at Boris Johnson’s trust issues. Trust is central to the election outcome. Erasing this laughter from the clip is shocking BBC
Nov 17, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
I made this short video. It contains facts to disprove the antisemitism smears aimed at Jeremy Corbyn. Please use the video yourself for canvassing.
And I also made a text version rebutting antisemitism smears aimed at Jeremy Corbyn if you want to print it out, laminate it, and take it around the doors with you.
Nov 12, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Thread. Tory claims that Labour will increase taxes on every household is a serious fib. We’re going after the elite & asking them to pay a little more. Here is a breakdown of the ways we will raise taxes. [1/4] Labour will protect all earners with an annual income of £0,000-£79,999 per year. That is the bottom 94% of UK society. Only the richest top 6% of society will be asked to pay more. The few. [2/4]
Nov 9, 2019 25 tweets 4 min read
Thread: Here is a comprehensive fact pack on the 50 occasions over the last 42 years that Jeremy Corbyn pro-actively took a lead to defeat Antisemitism. Help the truth be heard. 1.Corbyn organises Apr 1977 defence of Jewish-populated Wood Green from a neo-Nazi march.
2.EDM 987, Corbyn campaigned to protect Jewish cemetery from sale to property developers.
3.EDM 3933, 7 Nov 1990: Corbyn denounced the rise of anti-Semitic publications.
Oct 1, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Excellent policy from Boris Johnson to open 60 new youth centres. Just a pity the Tories have closed 763 Youth Centres since 2010. For every 12 they close, Boris might reopen 1. Toryism in a nutshell. Excellent policy from the Tories to offer a massive £10.50 per hour wage. Just a pity they’ll exclude under 21s, those on apprenticeships & that 900,000 workers are on zero hours contracts & therefore £10.50 multiplied by 0 = £0.00. Give people decent employment contracts.
Sep 18, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
• There has been a 16% increase in suicide since 2010. An extra 899 people per year are now taking their own life per year, with a total of 6,507. This a tragic epidemic on a national scale.… • There has been a 24% increase in homeless people dying since 2013. Last year, 597 homeless people died, a rate of 3 dead every 2 days. This is a national tragedy requiring immediate action…
Jul 19, 2019 8 tweets 4 min read
• In 2005, Dianne Abbott accused Labour HQ of antisemitism.
• In 2005, Louise Ellman MP agreed Labour HQ has engaged in antisemitism
• Lord Mandelson hit back accusing BBC & others of demonising

3.… • Two years after the 2005 Labour antisemitism scandal, detailed above, Labour's most high profile Jewish Peer, Lord Levy, accused Labour HQ once more of engaging in anti-Semitic smears... this time demonising a Jewish Lord as a "money man"

Jul 15, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
• Political Editor of ITV just now “Isolation of Jeremy Corbyn is becoming more and more stark”.
• Video, Durham on Saturday. There is now a well honoured tradition in UK politics for 2nd weekend every July. It goes like this:

• 1: Corbyn gets massive applause at Durham Rally
• 2: PLP meet 2 days later to viciously attack him then leak
• 3: MSM then report that Jeremy is increasingly isolated