Hello again, Bright Beach Mob Thread #3:
Marat Balagula’s African adventure and credit card scams gone awry
This thread will mainly be sourced from Economic Warfare by R.T. Naylor, All is Clouded by Desire by Block and Weaver, Historical Dictionary of Israeli Intelligence by Kahana, and yet again Red Mafiya by Friedman
Link to thread #2 for reference:
Hello again, Brighton Beach Mob Thread #2:
Gasoline scams, the rise of Marat Balagula, and spy games
This thread will mainly be sourced from All is Clouded by Desire by Block and Weaver, Russian Organized Crime by Williams, Blood Covenant by Franzese, and again Red Mafiya by Friedman, and here is a link to thread #1, in case anyone needs a reference point
OK I said I’d do this last week, don’t want to be a liar, so here goes:
Thread #1 (of several) about the early Brighton Beach “Russian Mafia” in the US
These threads will be sourced from a number of places, but this first one in particular will lean heavily on “Red Mafiya” by Robert I. Friedman (1950-2002), a reporter for the Village Voice who was known for writing a none-too flattering biography of JDL leader Rabbi Meir Kahane