Jolly Brandon Profile picture
Reformed Baptist. Paleocon. Heritage American. Reading some Wendell Berry. Enjoying some G.K. Chesterton.
2 subscribers
May 15 24 tweets 7 min read
Which 19th-century prophet predicted this?

"All prayers, catechisms, and Bibles will ultimately be driven out of the schools ... Humanity ... cannot get on without a religion, and it will take a false one in preference to none."

🧵 THREAD I am seeing some R.L. Dabney disrespect on the timeline, from persons who are not worth mentioning.

Perhaps you have heard the name, but maybe don't understand why Dabney is so appreciated by many. Image
Apr 2 8 tweets 3 min read
Saying “physiognomy is real” is a top-notch dig because it insults both body & mind. Much of the time, it holds true. Turns out, you CAN judge a book by its cover.

🧵 a short thread... (1/7)

Guess which guy wrote “The Boniface Option” and which guy calls CN a deep state psyop?
If I were to ask you which guy writes about culture for American Reformer, and which one writes about Taylor Swift for TGC, how long would you have to think about it? (2/7)
May 9, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
During this Christian Nationalism controversy, I have replied to our G3 brothers many times and received no response. That is, until this morning, when I replied with a Doug Wilson video clip. Then I had Josh Buice and Virgil Walker in my replies within seconds...


Here, @William_E_Wolfe, an author of the CN statement, asks a question that gets SIX TIMES as many likes as the OP, and yet @JoshBuice never saw fit to respond.

(2/8) Image