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Om tare tuttare ture nama tare mano hara hung hara soha 🙏❤️🌎🌍🌏❤️🙏 Tweets are opinion. Troll blocked. Hate is too heavy a burden to bear, Love is better.
Dec 25, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
The problem with "conservative" philosophies is they assume human nature is eternal, that we're flawed and selfish.

Combined with a closed view of scarcity - finite resources - means their analysis tends to justify selfish behavior. "When there's so only so much to go around, the most fit will strive to dominate and control resources to ensure they survive and thrive in the future; they also assume all intelligent actors will have the same bias"

Such a view overlooks the dynamism of intelligence and time.
Dec 8, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
The point of developing literacy in the decision-loop school of thought is to make better decisions without reliance on any authority.

+ Observe
+ Orient
+ Decide
+ Act

Make better decisions.

Evolve and improve your effectiveness over time. Discussion of John Boyd's
"Destruction and Creation: A Method of Thinking"
Dec 6, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
The GOP has devolved into a political front for white supremacy.

They are on a quest for power. Power to do what?

Protect their tribe.

Protect their tribe's privileges.

Protect their tribe's privileged position in the social hierarchy they imagine is real and exists.
Dec 6, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
I think many kind-hearted liberal folks might think "fighting back" means lying and cheating like the GOP.

It doesn't have to.

We can fight for democracy and rights using something called the OODA loop.

"The strength of OODA thinking is that incorporates adversaries." Many kind-hearted people don't like confrontation.

OODA is perfect for you.

It lets you be strategic in such a way that your opponent defeats themselves.
Dec 6, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read

how many tweets did you see of the fascist holiday card today?


how many tweets did you see about the Crumblies, Oxford, the victims, and potential solutions to the problem?

The GOP war machine is OODA-looping us right in front of our eyes. I mean they have successfully diverted some energy away from a tragedy that hurts their position and directed it onto a position that

a) frustrates their opponents (we the outraged)
b) solidifies their base

I don't really mean that it's a spooky psyop (but it kinda is).
Dec 5, 2021 9 tweets 1 min read
I think many pro-democracy folks think "fighting back"
means lying and cheating like the GOP.

It doesn't have to.

We can develop an mastery of a highly effective
strategic framework called the OODA loop.

"The strength of OODA thinking is that incorporates adversaries." OODA stands for

* Observe
* Orient
* Decide
* Act

... and continuously repeat.
Dec 4, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Looking forward to #Carnaval2022

Que saudades! Image This song comes close to expressing the joy that samba brings

Dec 3, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
I asked some old high school friends who fell into the alt-right and became dedicated Trump supporters what they thought about the whole General Flynn #Satangate scandal. I know and respect how loyal and dedicated they are to their Faith and to their patriotism, even though I think they go overboard with the flags on their trucks, lawns, porches.

They value PURITY of FAITH, and I share and respect that view.
