TravellersAgainstRacism Profile picture
Irish Traveller highlighting and challenging the #Racism & #Prejudice Traveller people face online and in everyday life.
Jun 3 5 tweets 1 min read
I was around 6, and we were camped on a waste ground full of rubble and waste.

It was out of the way & nobody knew we were there except some Catholic missionaries. They approached our camp and asked us could they could speak to the adults. We were about 15 wary children so we kept our distance and started to shout as we were taught. Our parents came out & spoke to these men, and they invited them into our trailers for a cup of tea.

They would then come to our camp every couple of days and speak to our parents, eventually gaining theirs and
Nov 15, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
A Traveller commits a crime: its the entire community to blame.
A settled person commits a crime: individual action.
A Traveller moves onto land: kick them off and move them on.
A settled person moves onto land: home and house them. A Traveller wants to go for a pint: barred because of ethnicity.
A settled person wants a pint: can cause trouble and still be allowed back.
A Traveller has a funeral: close down pubs and bars.
A settled person has a funeral: unlimited places free to book for the wake.