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'to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities' CRPD Art. 1
Dec 22, 2021 10 tweets 13 min read
@12butterflysfly @DrJessTaylor @Jaimi_Shrive @threadreaderapp There are zero words in there that say "I don't like Jess"
I don't know Jess personally but from what I know of her, Iactually like her immensely
Did you ask me to explain serious issues relating to Disability rights purely on the preconceptions that I didn't like someone you do?
@12butterflysfly @DrJessTaylor @Jaimi_Shrive @threadreaderapp If there's anything I said that's difficult to understand because I have trouble being brief or if there's something you have a different perspective on please, by all means ask or share it
But from where did you get the notion anything in it says "I don't like Jess"
Dec 18, 2021 14 tweets 6 min read
@1s2atomexit Yes, it should
ethical norms of psychiatry & psychology, counseling too
The entire, so called, "mental health" sector, need to be rewritten
In fact, there shouldn't be a "mental health" sector, at all
That in itself is manipulation, deception, domination, deprivation of options @1s2atomexit The very first step for anyone who decided to seek support for some temporarily or long term circumstances they are finding disabling should be to be fully informed of their rights under CRPD Guidance, to ensure they understand them
Dec 18, 2021 29 tweets 24 min read
@12butterflysfly @DrJessTaylor @Jaimi_Shrive Where do I start?
Perhaps it's easier to start by explaining what should be met?
CRPD was ratified by UK around 2010
International disability alliance was funded by several ratifying states to draft recommended steps after Ratification… @12butterflysfly @DrJessTaylor @Jaimi_Shrive By now, every stakeholder (anyone who may affect or be affected by policy) should know & understand their individual rights under CRPD guidance, their consequent responsibilities to respect others' rights
should understand the spirit too: individual rights, not "best interests"
Dec 18, 2021 26 tweets 11 min read
@HengartnerMP Well, you have already started practicing manipulation, deception, deprivation of options & domination @HengartnerMP
By making statement your intent is to "help people with mental health problems"
Convention on Rights of Persons with disabilities is new nondiscrimination treaty @HengartnerMP So I understand, people don't yet realise their unconscious domination, manipulation, deception, deprivation of options.
They may actually believe there is such a thing as inferior people to them, people whose mentality needs "help" becoming as their own, purportedly superior one
Dec 18, 2021 19 tweets 12 min read
@justamom1st @1s2atomexit Actually, people have the right to freedom of thought and belief
So they can choose any religion, philosophy or ideology they like to make sense of their own psyche
This right has historically been deprived from people with disabilities @justamom1st @1s2atomexit So we negotiated the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, a multilateral UN treaty that has now been ratified by 80% of the UN
A treaty like this is a promise by ratifying states to stop discriminating against people with perceived or actual disability
Nov 14, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
@jonathanstea @SameiHuda I think problem, whether psychologists or anybody else, is that we have not had any space to logically, fairly, and reasonably discuss the complex issues of the balancing of rights and responsibilities in an unprecedented pandemic. Furthermore vaccines have been overrelied upon @jonathanstea @SameiHuda In wealthy, developed countries, there was no excuse not to use border control, quarrantine and a host of other measures to stamp the virus out, with vaccines & subsequent medicine technology forming one tool in a toolbox based on traditional safety management
Nov 12, 2021 13 tweets 9 min read
@ClinpsychLucy @CMHLvic I'm disgusted @ClinpsychLucy
You flew to my country& state of origin
Specifically to work on ingratiating your ridiculous framework
With people who have not got their head around CRPD rights or its importance
That's an act of power against a marginalised diverse group of people @ClinpsychLucy @CMHLvic We need these actors focused on understanding our painstakingly negotiated human rights treaty guidance & the wise and considered steps and guidance for its implementation, to bring Psychosocial disability in line w/ wider disability in understanding of rights & responsibilities
Nov 12, 2021 8 tweets 8 min read
@threadreaderapp @Exnihil80688795 @Rufusmay Because if you *do* mean to imply jumping up and down trying to get people to understand & respect rights is pushing individual "view" or "belief"
Really saying we *don't* respect needs or viewpoints of anyone but our group & when people ask us to, we regard then as an imposition
@threadreaderapp @Exnihil80688795 @Rufusmay Why do you think people have to jump up and down?
If not purely because not only are their own needs, will & preferences being respected, but there's a whole system of marginalisation, wherein if you are similar enough to get accepted into one of the cliques you get heard there
Nov 12, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
@Exnihil80688795 @Rufusmay Yes, there's a slight problem though @Rufusmay
When we are discussing matters of policy & of widescale structural changes in society required for the realisation of a ratified convention
We do actually need to know & understand, what that convention & it's guidance says and why @Exnihil80688795 @Rufusmay The guidance and the convention, were not decided upon unilaterally, but painstakingly negotiated in an unprecedented process wherein 80% of the convention itself was drafted by civil society, specifically: Disabled People's Organisations
And the guidance was negotiated likewise
Nov 12, 2021 17 tweets 11 min read
@RoseAnnieFlo @SameiHuda What is "antipsychiatry"?
Honestly, as someone routinely accused of being "antipsychiatry", who is routinely in conversation with others routinely accused of being "antipsychiatry", which would include reading official UN Guidance & human rights reports because they are too! 1) @RoseAnnieFlo @SameiHuda What's fascinating is that I know perfectly well that the comparison with antivaxx propaganda, is not actually applicable to the people who get labelled "antipsychiatry" but to the invocation of the label!
I mean, seriously, I have literally been told I'm in conspiracy with UN!
Nov 4, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
@SenadHasanagic1 @SameiHuda It strikes me the problem lies in the distinction between what has been characterised, and what exists in reality.
A large number of persons have reported, and characterised, common withdrawal experience.
It has not been accepted because it doesn't meet existing characterisation @SenadHasanagic1 @SameiHuda So why, instead of embracing the challenge of understanding & characterising an unanticipated phenomenon, widely reported, is there arrogant resistance to acknowleging or characterising it?
I see two eminent physicians scoffing, instead of helping.
Nov 3, 2021 10 tweets 12 min read
@DickieRAnderson @FalteringlyOn @DrDJWilde @TheCenterGroun1 I know intimately what the local regulations are
My interest in this area derives from being a survivor of having been harmed
The reason we needed to negotiate international treaty relates to entrenched predjudice in existing legal systems & social beliefs
@DickieRAnderson @FalteringlyOn @DrDJWilde @TheCenterGroun1 I have worked both formally and informally in community representation, among other primary stakeholders, in trying to negotiate changes in the law
I am acutely aware of the power imbalances, with one side profiting from deliberately seeding prejudice