Travis Biziorek Profile picture
12 rentals in Detroit from California | Financially free | Building passive income and helping others do the same. Join me 👇🏼
Jun 5 8 tweets 2 min read
Millennials love to complain that baby boomers had it easier.

This chart is the latest "proof" being handed around.

The problem is it's a complete lie. Here's why... Image This chart tells us absolutely nothing about true affordability.


It doesn't account for the monthly mortgage payment.

To do that, you need the average 30-year mortgage rate for each year.
Feb 12 7 tweets 2 min read
I have a slumlord friend.

No kidding.

He owns over 100 doors in D Class areas of Detroit and takes pleasure in squeezing every last dime out of them.

It's insanely profitable for him but here's the thing... 🧵 The guy's life (let's call him Jack) is a constant reality TV show.

His days are spent driving around Detroit.

He's constantly putting out fires, shaking tenants down for rent, and yelling at people over the phone.
Mar 8, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
I've been seeing a lot of FUD about @PegaxyOfficial online, in their Discord, and it's even seeped into some private telegram groups I'm in.

Let's look at what the data is telling us.

A thread...

cc: @RealCoreyWilton @KenPegaxy Let me start by saying I get it.

After a mega pump to ~26.5c VIS has dumped to a low of 1.2c in less than a month.

That's enough to shake almost any investor. And it's why you should always understand why you're getting into any project/investment.
Oct 16, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
My last 30-days of trading has been absolutely awesome.

I started trading more seriously and working harder in May, but hit a rough patch from mid-August until mid-September.

I had to take a step back, recalibrate, and reevaluate my strategy. Here are some things I learned. First, my trading is heavily options focused. It’s been that way since May. But I noticed that I’m great at identifying solid setups but not great at honing in on when exactly they’ll breakout.

Until a month ago I was still trying to trade weekly (or the next) expirations.