Trentent Tye Profile picture
Microsoft MVP for AppV/RDS, Citrix CTP, XenApp, PVS, Guru. Solving problems before anyone else. ControlUp employee
Sep 22, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
FSLogix can create "CORRUPT" profiles disks.
These containers are generously prefixed with "CORRUPT" in the file name so you know what to delete.

I was asked to look into an issue where a LARGE
number of users were getting these CORRUPT profiles.

Want to see how I solved it? Image I like to RDP onto the target machine and start procmon then have the user logon so I can trace their activity. But this is hard to do on single-session client Windows because... well... you can only have one interactive session! But I still need the data. How can you do it?
Jun 16, 2019 7 tweets 7 min read
@stealthpuppy @reillyusa @james_kindon Bang on. I would suggest a large part of the decision process:
1) the lack of support for IT or the Citrix team first to do the right thing for the business
2) a lack of talent to trust IT/Citrix team to execute
3) legitimate lack of talent @stealthpuppy @reillyusa @james_kindon The new world is automation. If you can’t have an @xenappblog -type environment because no one on your team can script... you will have a bad time. At one time I had a team of 6 and there was myself and one other who knew PowerShell. Business sees this as risky!