Trey the Explainer Profile picture
A T-Grade Internet Celebrity whose main goal is sharing information about paleontology, biology, anthropology, history, and science. I make Youtube videos 🤙
Jun 8 6 tweets 2 min read
Growing up in the American south & seeing the utter decimation this one vine can do leaves such a huge impact on you.

It’s like wow. A guy in the 1940s destroyed America’s ecology bc he thought it looked pretty & thought it would help stop erosion.
Now there’s no going back.

Each year you kind of realize that the entire forest will look like this eventually. And after humans are gone, the buildings and streets too.
Everywhere will be buried underneath a carpet of the creeping green menace that is kudzu
Jan 27 6 tweets 2 min read
I don’t care how many times I have to do this. This random dude on Quora is just flat out wrong & hasn’t read the sources he claims to be quoting.

The ancient historians Plutarch & Curtius Rufus explicitly give details on Alex’s sex life which included both men and women.
Image Alexander’s bisexuality (if we were to classify it by today’s standards) was something nobody questioned in antiquity. 2 of the 5 surviving ancient sources we have on Alexander describe him having an explicitly romantic, long-term relationship with a Persian courtier named Bagoas
Apr 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Truly the end of an era A part of me will miss his high quality journalism
Feb 27, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
She read a single Wikipedia article and suddenly believed she’s an expert on this stuff Exhibit A

My sister in Christ, humans weren’t around hundreds of millions of years ago. 100 million years ago was the f*cking Cretaceous period.
Dec 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Not enough people talk about these beautiful bronze sculptures of Africans in Greek and Roman artwork There were also plenty of marble ones too
Jun 30, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Made a quick speculative map of the conquests of the Egyptian Pharaoh "Sesostris" as recounted by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. According to him, Sesostris was a legendary Pharaoh of Egypt who dominated almost the entire known world, turning Egypt into a superpower. Image According to Herodotus, this Sesostris conducted military campaigns as far as Scythia and Thrace in Europe & naval voyages into the Arabian Gulf. He left giant stone reliefs as evidence of his conquests.
Jun 29, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
It’s really weird seeing transphobes trying to use archaeologists to support their beliefs.

My first osteology manual literally said this in the sex determination section: Image Even determining the sex of a skeleton can be incredibly hard. Not everything is clear cut. There are males who have more feminine-looking skeletons and females with more masculine-looking skeletons.
Jun 29, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
My favorite thing in ancient history has to be when world leaders challenged each other to single combat in the middle of battles.

It’s one of those bad ass things mentioned in some histories that I hope really happened because it sounds so epic. Image It’s like imagine if Joe Biden decided to fight Kim Jong-Un one on one
Jun 2, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
For people wanting the context to this amazing image, the original story is pretty overblown. The media kinda just ran with an inaccurate version of what the archaeologists actually said about the specimen. (A thread) The original story is that a Late Paleolithic skeleton was found in a Prague suburb with its head pointing eastwards & surrounded by domestic jugs. They archaeologists noted that this type of ritual was only previously seen in female graves.
Apr 30, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Image Image
Jan 19, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
I read a good portion of Trump’s “1776 Report” which is essentially his plan to modify the US education system on how American history is taught and geez is it awful. There’s a telling amount of justifications for slavery and conservative revisionist history in it. its interesting that they left out any mention of Sally Hemings in the Jefferson section or Washington’s dodging of abolition laws and using legal loopholes to avoiding freeing his slaves in Philadelphia.
Jan 17, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Image RIP everybody. This is what they took from us. Image
Jan 31, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Don’t ever do this. Gold Fish are an invasive species, they decimate local ecosystems. This isn’t funny or cute, this is awful. If you really want to help these fish just be a good pet owner. I repeat do not release fish into the ecosystem until you know they are native.