Tawny “My Name is Tawny” Newsome Profile picture
@realSpaceForce 🚀#StarTrekLowerDecks🖖🏾/ ‘True Story’ on Netflix /💿‘Material Flats’ /🗣@yoisthisracist/
Mar 29, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Hello it’s midnight and I found the plantation my family is from. I’ve been cross-referencing census info and property records with all the stories about the property passed down through my relatives, and found it. What do I do, write a letter? Lol. They have wine tastings now. There’s one story that the original owner Joel Dortch Newsom was estranged from his kids and left the property to his slaves when he died. But the kids showed up and snatched it anyway. I don’t have proof or anything. My great aunt Honey always had the scoop and she’s dead now.
Nov 28, 2018 7 tweets 3 min read
In case anybody wants to see nice stuff on this website, here’s a tiny lil thing that made my heart sing tonight: My pod-friends @MagicTavern invited me to do their live show with them tonight in Chicago. I’ve never done their live show, and they all have these cool costumes 1/?? A few days ago @morepeoplehappy asked me if he could help procure me some costume pieces since he knew I was flying in. Which, first of all, SO KIND to offer to get this stuff FOR me. I asked for elf ears and uh maybe a vest? (Idk what murderous, half-elf restauranteurs wear).