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A show about your enemies made by your friends @Liz_Franczak Brace Belden @yungchomsky ace/aro
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Feb 20 4 tweets 2 min read
The reddit for fans of the TrueAnon podcast is not controlled by a group of anybody--this writer is lying. Image This is ridiculous---it's an attempt to get the subreddit banned because two random people posted screenshots from a pro-Palestine telegram channel on it within the past year.
Jan 24 9 tweets 3 min read
Jeremiah “The Bull” Evans plead guilty yesterday to charges of money laundering and securities fraud brought by the DoJ. He is alleged to have defrauded over 500 victims to the tune of $20 Million. But I hate him for personal reasons Image Jeremiah “The Bull” Evans was the lead figure behind ALPHA CON, a widely mocked rise & grind dropship hustle conference that took place in Salt Lake City in 2022. Image
Nov 24, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
This video appears to be of Ross Glick, pictured here in the middle Image I have met Ross before once—he was screaming at a woman in the park and filming her while his humiliated son stood nearby. He seemed totally unable to control himself.
Sep 26, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
Eric Adams claims he changed his cell phone password to prevent his staff from deleting any messages or information. Unfortunately, he told investigators, he immediately forgot the new password and so wouldn’t be able to assist them in opening his phone Image Eric Adams Armenian Genocide denial bribery Image
Jun 3, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
The DoJ is alleging that the vast majority of the Epoch Times revenue was obtained via blatantly criminal money laundering operations ran by its CFO.
Image The Epoch Times is a rabidly right-wing newspaper run by the Falun Gong cult, who put on the show Shen Yun. Falun Gong says “local volunteers” pay for the ubiquitous Shen Yun billboards in major US cities. More on Falun Gong here:…
Apr 24, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Mike Johnson was the convener at the National Day of Prayer and Repentance in Washington DC, which featured Tzachi Mamo, an activist for illegal Israeli settlements and the building of the Third Temple, which he wants to build on a demolished Al Aqsa Mosque. Mamo appeared at the event alongside Byron Stinson, an extremist Christian from Texas who procured five red heifer for Mamo and the Temple Movement. The heifer were allowed into Israel, contravening usual cattle import laws, due to Israeli government support for the cause.
Mar 22, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
For over a month, the German government has been forcing pamphlets on schools in Palestinian neighborhoods calling the Nakba a myth. The pamphlet was written by contributors to Quilette and the Free Press. Here's the pamphlet:… A left-wing Israeli Jew living in Berlin was beaten by undercover policemen at the launch event in September for protesting the pamphlets release, and faces either 25 days in jail or a 2000 euro fine. Here's an article about the pamphlets distrubtion…
Sep 2, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
The rumors on the ground here are that there's some sort of virus on the loose at Burning Man that causes boils/vomiting/hemorrhaging. Apparently that's why they're not letting people in. No idea if this is true. Been in RV all day.

Source: Am at Burning Man/Black Rock City. They're not even letting helicopters take off from here so yeah "mud" is causing this. People are really freaked out.
Jun 10, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Insane behavior from Sapporo USA 👇 Knew they were gonna make some intensely stupid business decisions when this was the first big change SAPPORO USA made after buying up the brewery Image
Oct 11, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
“Future generations will look back on many of the tactics used in the troubled teen industry in the same way we look back on forced lobotomies and ask: How did we allow these practices to pass off as mental health treatment for so long?”… The truly maddening thing about the restraints and isolation punishments is that these programs are essentially self-regulating. If children witness or are subject to abuse at these schools, there’s no one they can tell. Staff control all lines of communication. Image
Feb 19, 2022 20 tweets 5 min read
Jean-Luc Brunel, notorious rapist and modeling agent who was in Epstein’s inner circle, found hanging dead in his cell in Paris 👁… Brunel was notorious before his association with Jeffrey Epstein, having been one of the subjects of a 60 Minutes episode centering on rape and exploitation in the modeling world
Feb 6, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Wow these plucky Ukrainians have a 51 year old woman ready to fight against Russian aggression! Wow these plucky Ukrainians have a 51 year old woman ready to fight against Russian aggression!
Oct 1, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
The last legitimate government of 🇸🇲 San Marino 🇸🇲 was in 1957 when the so-called Provisional Government overthrew the duly-elected Communist-Socialist electoral coalition that had ruled that mighty nation since the end of WW2… One of the reasons: The Communists had allowed too many citizens of San Marino to become police officers in San Marino
Aug 13, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
LaRouche's man in Wiesbaden, Herbet Quinde, served as the go-between between LaRouche's euro intelligence agency and the Spanish secret services. Soon after they launched GAL, a death squad aimed at murdering ETA members inside and outside Spain. Quinde offered to provide the death squads with a dossier on ETA members his group had compiled in exchange for information on Otto Skorzeny's business holdings (!). But Quinde's information was legitimate, and the death squads in Spanish state, managed by the Socialist Party, eventually met with Larouche
Aug 12, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
🚨 NEW SUBSCRIBER EPISODE 🚨 SICARIO III 🚨 feat @sethharpesq on the rise of Zetas, ultraviolence in Mexico, gunrunning, Special Forces, and dope 👁… @sethharpesq Some of Seth’s work 👇 oil smuggling and interview with a Sicario…
Aug 10, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
One of the greatest election posters in American history
Aug 9, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
!!! Virginia Giuffre lawsuit against Prince Andrew filed today in SDNY Will post in order and note anything new—first page is background on Epstein’s scheme and Giuffre’s background
Aug 8, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
May 17, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Reading the classified section Image Image
May 11, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
There is no other Israel—there is only the Israel that exists as it exists, there isn’t some hidden place of justice and beauty secreted beneath it—when cowards walk the fence between Zionism and rejection they are in fact playing their part in defense of Israel “Well, South Africa is surrounded on all sides by these aggressive governments and the natives won’t stop throwing rocks at the checkpoint guards and sometimes they fire rockets from the Bantustans. Vorster is vile of course but I still believe in South Africa.”
Apr 23, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Neutral to sympathetic article about a guy mentioned in the last episode— Paul Linebarger aka Cordwainer Smith aka the Forest of Incandescent Bliss, CIA psywar officer, godson of Sun Yat-Sen and science fiction writer…