True North Eager Beaver Podcast (he/him/Mr Beaver) Profile picture
Now in Season 4!!! Incisive (centrist/progressive) commentary on 🇨🇦 Canadian politics and culture with a focus on media and political literacy. Facts First.
Jun 27 16 tweets 7 min read
1. Who is @FordNation MPP #GoldieGhamari and what is she doing cavorting with VERY well-known international Islamophobe, defender of sex offenders who prey on children, but only if they're White, and guy with a criminal rap sheet as long as an NBA player's arm, #TommyRobinson? Image 2. She took a meeting with him, posted about it on her social media (since deleted), but for some reason, BEFORE agreeing to it, neither she (or her staff) put his name (we are to believe) into the ol' Googler, where there's info about his criminality dating back to 2005!!!
Jun 13 48 tweets 7 min read
Jagmeet Singh says that he is more concerned today than he was yesterday after having read the #NSICOP documents. He accuses the Prime Minister of doing nothing once he knew and Pierre Poilievre of not wanting to know.

Accuses both of putting the party ahead of the country.
Jun 9 15 tweets 6 min read
1. Dear @SarahFischer__ and @PierrePoilievre

When your colleagues dined with Christine Anderson of the AfD, nobody from your party officially denounced it, repudiated it, and there were ZERO consequences for the 3 MPs seemingly devoid of discernment.

2. Nothing appeared on party social media or website, on the Leader's social media or website, there is nothing on party or Leader's letterhead, as well as no audio or video from the party, the leader, Ms. Fischer, the leader's media manager, or any MP, Senator, or official.
Apr 19 6 tweets 3 min read
1. "After 8 years of Justin Trudeau, the debt has doubled" - @pierrepoiLIEvre

"Government debt is measured by economists and federal reserves as % to GDP. Not dollars and cents. Based on the widely accepted measurement by experts." - @PierreIsLying

So let's look at it. 2. When PoiLIEvre/Harper assumed governing office in 2006, the debt-to-GDP ratio was ~43.3%.

When they were given the boot in 2015 -- seven years AFTER the 2008 crash and "Great Recession" -- our debt had RISEN to ~56% (or about a 13% greater share) of GDP.

That's not good.
Apr 19 4 tweets 3 min read
"After 8 years of Justin Trudeau, rent has doubled" - @pierrepoiLIEvre

According to the @CMHC, these are avg. rents in Toronto [bachelor, 1 br, 2 br, 3, br, overall average] in Oct. 2015 (avg. $1,208) and Oct. 2023 (avg. $1,830)

That's ⬆️~51.5%, not ⬆️100% as PP claims.

RE: ⬆️FUN FACT, the CPC was government from Feb. 2006–Nov. 2015.

Avg. rent, Oct. 2006: $995.
Avg. rent, Oct. 2023: $1,830

Avg. rent has ⬆️ ~84% since Harper became PM, EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO!

PP wants you to believe it doubled in 8 years when it hasn't even doubled since 2006.
Jan 25 118 tweets 41 min read
Reading the full text of the Federal Court decision on invocation of the Emergencies Act and posting interesting nuggets

🧵/2 It would seem that this particular one applicant was grandstanding and tried to make it look like she was speaking for way more people than just herself.

She was quickly and summarily bounced out right on her butt.

🧵/3 Image
Dec 13, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1. NOTE: Top row created by @TrueEager with available data from the article for easier comparison.


What a difference a bit more than 2 weeks make.

The kicking the tires phase is over. The PP Honeymoon is over. And the fakeover was a massive failure
Image 2. The last poll, from any company, that had the spread at 10 points or fewer was back in September. Image
Dec 11, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read

According to Department of Finance Fiscal Reference Tables, in the years before Harper became prime minister, there were nine consecutive years of budgetary surpluses, from 1997 to 2007. 2. During that period, inflation rates during that were 1.62% and 1% in 1997 and 1998, respectively, then ranged from 1.73% to 2.76% in the years during which we paid down the most debt, despite that we recorded a surplus of over $79 billion over 8 of those years.
Nov 15, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
A. Three Truths:

1. Israel has right to defend itself
2. Hamas must be eliminated
3. There are STILL rules to war

#PMJT was tasked with this by a collection of Israel's traditional allies as THE geopolitical risk they wish to avoid is Saudi Arabia flipping back to Iran's camp. B. THE goal is to contain this regionally.

SA realpolitik: There are only so many Palestinian civilian casualties it can look past without having to break ties with Israel to work with Iran. The US (and allies) need to show they can rein #Netanyahu in.

And Bibi's not listening.
Oct 22, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read

1. Given he is the leader of a pluralist nation, the prime minister of Canada has to choose words and a tone that reflect that we have many citizens who identify with either side of the current reality for Palestinian civilians and Israeli civilians, in the region. 2. He not only must be concerned with sending the right message to the world as well as to the most immediate concerned parties, but also with not creating division or increasing tensions domestically.
Apr 11, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read

Conservatives have a problem with Trudeau buying doughnuts for his staff.

Conservatives have no problem with Skippy delivering Timmie's to occupiers / terrorizers / hostage takers. 2. Conservatives have a problem with Trudeau charging $6,000 / night for the Queen's funeral

Conservatives have no problem with Candice spending ~ $19,000 on linens, a mattress, and moving costs for a few months.
Feb 27, 2023 21 tweets 20 min read

1. Why have you not yet addressed Canadians via the National Press Gallery, with unlimited questions, to speak to this issue personally?

2. Why will you not put your voice and face to your denouncement of Anderson? @PierrePoilievre 3. Anderson stated your denunciation of her meant you had no business having your position and would have trouble being re-elected.…

Do you consider this meddling in our elections and domestic affairs?

If so, why have you not defended our elections?
Feb 26, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
1. @PierrePoilievre has got to be the biggest, most heinous dick in Canadian political history.

Not only did he approve of 3 of his very key MPs dining with a far-right extremist, potentially a Nazi...

2. But he also attended a rally FOR #Ukraine, a nation Vladolph Putler is LIE-claiming he's liberating from [wait for it] Nazis!!

He then has his minions spin his attendance as proof it was true NOBODY IN THE WHOLE CPC knew nothing about #ChristineAnderson's views.
Dec 30, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
@brianlilley 1. "First off, on the issue of bail, the Trudeau Liberals passed Bill C-75 back in 2019 to make bail easier to get," writes Lilley but then he refuses to commit journalism by answering the questions: Easier to get for whom / for which kind of crimes? @brianlilley 2. "[...] it’s unlikely to happen while the Trudeau Liberals are in power given their hug-a-thug mentality," claims Lilley but, all the highlighted sections are tougher penalties, ways to make it easier / faster to prosecute, or clean-ups of messy parts of the Law.
Dec 30, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read

🌄🦫 @TrueEager has a morning show 🦫🌄

Every Mon, Weds, and Fri at 7 ET, we livestream The Not Quite Daily Beaver

For when you want your Beaver-Grizzly goodness to get you day started with a bit of sparkle✨.

Ep. 35 [2022/12/28]… ⬆️ Correction Ep. 34


RE: ⬆️

If you prefer video, our True North Eager Beaver Media YouTube channel has got you covered.

Nov 1, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
1. So #ThatFuckerDougFord wants to break teachers with a $4,000/day fine for striking.

I'm old enough to remember when he made 39 suspension and seizure orders with $100,000 fines for #OttawaOccupation "truckers" vanish within a week.

No wonder @FordNation won't testify. 2. He promised⬇️, after waiting ~2 weeks to get up off his lazy, unaccountable backside to "stand shoulder to shoulder" in dismantling the Ottawa Occupation... but less than a week later, he flip-flopped and gave a free pass on "severe consequences" .…
Nov 1, 2022 5 tweets 5 min read
@CheriDiNovo @Sflecce 1. A little flashback to what happened when an Ontario government tried to pull this with #Bill115:

Ontario Superior Court Judge Thomas Lederer ound that the provincial government “substantially interfered” with teachers’ right to collective bargaining.… @CheriDiNovo @Sflecce 2. The government was forced to pay:
- $103.1 million to the province’s elementary teachers
- $50 million to the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation
- $56.7 million to the Canadian Union of Public Employees.

Oct 31, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read

🌄🦫 We now have a morning show 🦫🌄

Every Mon, Weds, and Fri at 7 Eastern, we livestream Just a Nibble (The Not Quite Daily Beaver)

For when you still want your Beaver-Grizzly goodness, but don't have time for a full bite.

Ep. 11 - 2022/10/31… RE: ⬆️

If you prefer the eyes version, the episode is available on our YouTube channel:

Oct 29, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read

🌄🦫 @TrueEager has a morning show 🦫🌄

Every Mon, Weds, and Fri at 7 Eastern, we livestream Just a Nibble (The Not Quite Daily Beaver)

For when you still want your Beaver-Grizzly goodness, but don't have time for a full bite

Ep. 10 [2022/10/28]… RE: ⬆️

If your prefer video, you can watch it on our YouTube Channel

Oct 29, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read

For the second time since September 16 #FelixAugerAliassime defeats World #1 #CarlosAlcaraz.

He's on a 12-match winning streak and will play for his 3rd consecutive title tomorrow.


#FelixonFire @felixtennis Image RE: @felixtennis is setting himself up very nicely to be named this year's winner of the #LionelConacherAward, given annually to Canada's male athlete of the year by the sports writers of the @CanadianPress.…
Oct 27, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
1. To all the Conservatives and pro-CON journalists saying the EA wasn't necessary because Trudeau.

To all #TheLoudmouths calling the dismantling of the Ottawa Occupation the worst violation of human rights in Canadian history.

Flashback to 2010.

2. Flashback to when, thankfully-former-PM Harper was in charge...

Stuff like this didn't need get to the 4th weekend before police had a very clear plan and plenty of resources for kettling, riot gear, cages for protestors, tear gas...