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Jun 24 11 tweets 5 min read
In Pakistan, there are around 517 Gurudwaras. Most of these Gurudwaras are extremely important to Sikhism as they are directly connected to the lives of Gurus. Nankana Sahib is to Guru Nanak what Ayodhya is to Lord Rāma.

Today, Sikhs do not own any of these Gurudwaras including Nankana Sahib. Most of these Gurudwaras are owned by Muslim WAQF board and are non functional. A few of them are owned by ETPB which is also headed by a Muslim.

Most of the 20,000 acres of Nankana Sahib Gurudwara has been leased to private players. This land is currently being looted and occupied by Land Mafia.

How is it that Khalistanis who threaten and lynch powerless, weak people in the name of Beadbi do not even have the courage to talk about it? Is this not beadbi?

Is there not a single Khalistani who has the courage and conviction to fight for Guru Nanak's Jamnasthan?… Gurudwara Balila in Nankana Sahib is the place where Guru Nanak spent his childhood.

Today this Gurudwara is owned by Muslim WAQF board. And Daily worship does not even take place. Image
Jun 22 13 tweets 5 min read
This is a painting of Harmandir Sahib from 1860.

On the same Parikrama, one can see Yogis performing Yoga. One can see pilgrims performing Surya Namaskar. There are Brahmans writing down Panchanga. Sadhus applying Tilak to pilgrims.

This modern version of SGPC 'Sikhism' resembles Islam rather than original Sikhi.Image Here is another old picture of Yogis and Udasis meditating on the Parikrama of Harmandir Sahib. Picture taken c. 1905 Image
May 31 8 tweets 5 min read
The sheer audacity to say this. This is shameless approbation and THEFT!

Forget about Algebra, Early Muslims did not not know of any number greater than 400. They did not even know about the concept of "thousand" until 8th century. They thought 14+13=24.

Indians knew Algebra much BEFORE Islamic prophet & religion was even born. Attached is Bakhshali Manuscript dating back to 3rd century CE. It is an Algebraic treatise. Have you anything like this from the Arabian desert? No, you simply plagiarized Algebra from Indians!

The first Muslim who wrote a treatise on Algebra was Al Khwarizmi. The English word 'Algebra' comes from his work. But he was not from deserts of Arabia. He lived in a region which had Hindu past. He studied Hindu sciences and mathematics. It is an academic consensus that Al Khwarizmi's work is taken from Hindu mathematics.Image The Bakhshali manuscript, carbon dated to 3rd century CE, is an ancient Hindu treatise on Arithmetic and Algebra.

It deals with simultaneous equations, quadratic equations, arithmetic geometric progressions & quadratic indeterminate equations.

Bakhshali isn't earliest Indian Algebraic treatise. Early Algebra is found in Shulba Sutras dating back to at least 800 BC. Traditional Algebra reached its pinnacle in the works of Aryabhata & Bhaskara. What makes Bakhshali special is it offers mathematical proof to its theoriesImage
May 13 17 tweets 11 min read
Recently, Dhruv Rathee @dhruv_rathee has published a video titled 'Aurangzeb and Modi'.

The entire video is full of factual blunders, false equivalences and downright fraudulent claims. Its purpose is Hindu holocaust denial.

The following is the gist of his video :

1) Shivaji Maharaj was 'Secular' like Congress. He worshiped Sufis and had Muslims in his army.

2) Modi=Aurangzeb.

3) Aurangzeb did not have any religious fanaticism, but simply used religion for his purpose.

4) There was no Hindu Muslim conflict in India before the advent of Hindutva, BJP, Godi Media and 'whatsapp university'.

5) Hindus were never oppressed by Muslims. Hindus were never enslaved by Muslims. Hindus and Muslims lived together in perfect harmony until the advent of Hindutva, BJP, Godi Media and 'Whatsapp university'.

This thread is a fact check


Blunder 1:

Dhruv Rathee uses an article from Govind Pansare, a CPI communist politician, to claim that Shivaji Maharaj was worshiper of a Muslim Sufi named Yakut Baba of Kelsi.

Note: Pansare was no historian but a card carrying communist comrade.…
May 7 4 tweets 3 min read
Urdu is NOT even a language. Here is my open challenge to those who disagree:

For anything to be a distinct language, the basic premise is that one should be able to write a single sentence in that language without using loanwords from other languages distinct from it.

Anyone who claims that Urdu is a distinct and unique language should walk the talk and write one sentence in Urdu without using the following Hindi words.

The following words are all Hindi (Ultimately deriving from Sanskrit and Prakrit):

मैं आप तू का की यह वह​ हम तुम कहाँ यहाँ जहाँ वहाँ तेरा मेरा तुम्हारा हमारा वो तो अब कब जब तब वह यह है तो तू इस उस किस जिस और के को ने से ही में पर हां ना हम भी कभी तभी यही वही यहीं वहीं कहीं किन उन जिन कौन क्या कैसे वैसे जैसे ऐसे ऐसा वैसा जैसा ये वो

I challenge anyone to write a single sentence in Urdu without using any of the above words. Just one sentence.

Au contraire, I can write thousands of Hindi sentences without using a single Urdu word. Thus, I can show that Hindi has a separate and unique existence that is independent of Urdu. The same cannot be said of Urdu.

Urdu is not even a language. It is just a few Perso-Arabic words squatting on top of Hindi (Just like Mosques squatting on top of Hindu temples) and written using script of invaders. For political reasons, it has been glorified as a 'distinct language'. Do we recognize Hinglish as a distinct language and give 'classical language' status to it?

Any statement that Hindi and Urdu are one and the same is basically legitimizing an imposter at the cost of original.
May 5 22 tweets 14 min read
Abandoned to death: Ongoing Hindu genocide of a 1000 years.

Important thread about the unknown genocide of Kalash and Kafiristan tribes.

PS: This will be a long but informative thread about the past and present of a hardly known Hindu tribal community. Please read until the end.

Who are the Kalash?

The Kalash is a native tribe of around 4000 people residing in valleys of the Chitral District in Pakistan. This district shares borders with Nuristan in Afghanistan.

Unlike their neighbors, the Kalash are NOT Muslim even today. Their history in the last 600 years has been one of fierce resistance, determination to survive and fight back in the face of repeated genocides and prospect of extinction.

I begin by positing forth a few factual technicalities before proceeding with the actual story. Readers interested in actual story are free to skip whatever follows in brackets.

[Until 1895, the neighbors of Kalash people on Afghan side of the border, known today as Nuristanis, formed one cultural continuum with Kalash and shared their Non-Muslim religion. They were known to Muslims as 'Safed Posh Kafirs'('White Robed Kafirs') and 'Siyah Posh Kafirs'('black robed Kafirs') . This entire Hindukush region was formerly known as Kafiristan ( Lands of the Kafirs). Durand line divided Kafiristan into two. Kalash people fell under British protection but another section of Kafiristan fell to the lot of Afghan king Amir Abdur Rahman. The Amir forcibly converted the Kafiristan on his side of the border in 1895. This Kafiristan was then renamed as 'Nuristan'('Land of the light'). Linguistically speaking, the Kalash people are speakers of Indic language family( Sanskrit language group) whereas Nuristani languages are classified as a separate branch of Indo-Iranian linguistic family. Having specified these internal distinctions, the rest of the thread continues to tell the one history of Kafiristan and its people ]
Apr 22 5 tweets 3 min read
It would not be correct to say that the concept of Devaninda does not exist in the Vedas and did not exist before 8th century AD. It certainly did.

In the Vedas, there is a frequent reference to देवपीयक/देवपीयू. ​ This compound is a synonym of देवनिन्दक and comprises देवः+ पीयक(reviler)​= reviler of the Gods. It means exactly the same as Devaninda.

This word is frequently mentioned in Vedic literature from Atharvaveda onwards. Attached are references from Monier Williams Sanskrit dictionary and Alexander Lubotsky's Indo Aryan lexicon for the meaning of the word. The Vedas are regarded by practicing Hindus as divine knowledge emanating from Brahma and considered very ancient. Even an uncompromising Western skeptic like Michael Witzel dates Atharvaveda to 1200 BC. Therefore, its antiquity is not in question.Image
For instance, the word Devapiyu meaning 'abuser of Gods' is mentioned in Atharvaveda 12.5.60 (Brahmagavi Sukta).

Here are the popular English scholarly translations by Sanskrit scholars of this word:

Ralph Griffith translates it as 'Blasphemer of the Gods'. William Whitney translates it as 'God-reviler'. Dr. Tulsi translates it as 'reviler of Divinities'. There is a consensus here among all known English scholarly translations of Atharvaveda that Devapiyu means exactly the same as Devanindaka.Image
Apr 21 6 tweets 3 min read
Fact Check: Until March 22 1935, the official name of the country was PERSIA.

On the advice of his Nazi allies in Berlin, Reza Shah Pahlavi changed the official name of country from Persia to Iran. Iran was preferred for its 'racial affinity' with 'Aryan'.

Yes, Iran was one of the older names. But it is not correct to say that 'It was only in the west that Persia was used'. Why was the official name change needed from Persia to Iran?

The official Government directive read: "As Iran is the original home of Aryan race, and since the world (read Nazi Germany) is talking about the greatness of Aryan race, we have renamed our country to Iran" Image
Apr 15 8 tweets 3 min read
Jews, Hindus and ethnicity. (A thread)

Kerala had considerable number of Jews till 1948.

These Jews belonged to two very distinct classes.

1) White Jews

2)Black Jews

According to Jewish records, the so called 'black Jews' were slaves with 'filthy Hindu complexion' . They were originally drawn from native Hindu population. The 'black Jews' of Hindu descent were subjected to worst form of discrimination.Image
Buchanan visited Jewish settlements in 19th century

He noticed that

1) White Jews looked down upon black Jews as 'inferior race' as they had 'Hindu complexion'. Image
Apr 15 4 tweets 1 min read
You are factually incorrect. These verses were composed in the late world of classical antiquity and have nothing to do with the co called Babylonian captivity or wars against Philistines. And no context is justified here. Ancient Israel was full of idol worshipers. Where are they today? Ancient Israel was inhabited by polytheists and Idol worshipers who worshiped Baal, Asherah, El etc. Where are those people today. Where are their temples?

They have all been genocided much before any babylonian captivity. Hebrew Bible talks about mass kiIIings of Baal priests. One can not use any excuses like "babylonian captivity" to justify Genocide.
Apr 7 5 tweets 3 min read
Alexander's encounter with Brahmins:

When Alexander came to the land where Brahmins lived (probably somewhere in Kashmir), Brahmins wrote him a letter. They said 'O king, why do you come to the land of sages? If you come here looking for wealth, you are sorely lacking in wisdom, for we have no wealth. We have only knowledge and patience. This knowledge cannot be taken away from us. You will see nothing here except a troop of naked ascetics. If you stay here for long, you will have to live off seeds of herbs like us.

Alexander saw their bodies were weak and unprovided for, but their souls were filled with fruits of wisdom.

Alexander asked them-"why do you not possess food and clothes?"

Brahmins answered-"We have small need of food and clothes. A man is born naked from his mother and returns naked to the earth, it is wrong for him to fuss about what he should wear. Every place is
a place of fear, despair, and terror. The earth is our mattress, the sky our covering, and we watch the road for death to come. An ambitious man struggles to gain something that is not worth the effort he has put forth, and then he passes from the world while his gold and treasure and crown remain here. Only his good deeds will accompany him, and his head and glory will both return to dust.Image
Alexander was impressed. He asked them “What do you need that I can provide? I will not hesitate to give you my wealth, or to undergo suffering for you.”

The Brahmins answered, “Great king, close the door of death and old age for us.”

Alexander answered, “But death and old age cannot be undone”

The Brahmins answered, “Wise and puissant king, since you know that there is no recourse against death, and that there is no disaster worse than old age, why do you long for the world in this way, why do you breathe in the scent of this poisonous flower so eagerly? All you will receive is suffering, while your enemies will inherit the wealth you acquire; to make oneself suffer for another’s profit is the act of an ignorant man or a fool. White hairs are a message from death, and what makes you hope that you can stay in the world?”Image
Mar 31 14 tweets 5 min read
This person claims that Bhojashala is 'biggest fraud of Indian history'.

She further claims that 'Bhojashala' was coined only 70 years ago. That it had never existed before.

That there is no inscription or text predating 20th century that mentions any Sarasvati temple or Bhojashala at Dhar.

Is this really true?

This thread does a Fact CheckImage
The first text I cite is Prabhavakacarita. This text was composed by Prabhācandra in 1277.

It describes an incident which occurred around the year 1140.

The Chalukya king Siddharaja Jayasimha attacked Dharanagara (Dhar). There, he met a group of students studying in what the text calls 'Bhoja's Pathashala'
Mar 30 23 tweets 8 min read
This is American national myth.

In this myth, Americans are the Good 'empathic' angels. Nazis are bad demons. American angels had nothing to do with Nazi demons. America fought the good war and vanquished evil. But they still did not bomb their enemies.

However, there is no truth in the myth as we shall see in this thread. This American national myth hides a very dark reality.

The reality is that Hitler was funded by US multinational corporations. Americans gave Hitler the weapons, tools and oil he needed to wage world war and carry out a holocaust.

American government tacitly approved their support. Americans were thus complicit in Hitler's crimes.
Mar 27 4 tweets 1 min read
Sri Lankan Police unleashes violence on Hindus celebrating Shivaratri: Devotees manhandled, Brahmins beaten, women assaulted and Puja vandalized.… Vedukkunari Malai is an ancient Shaivite Shrine that once drew pilgrims from India. Hindus have worshiped at the hill for thousands of years. It is also mentioned in Tamil Nayanar literature.

The Lankan Government wants to take over the hill and throw out Hindus. This is done at the behest of Simhalese nationalists .
Mar 26 6 tweets 3 min read
Hello LIAR,

Holi was and IS a Hindu festival.

And Jahangir did NOT celebrate Holi.

In your article, you conflated Holi with a Persian festival that Mughals celebrated: Eid-I-Gulabi or Ab-e-Pashi.

This festival had NOTHING to do with Holi.

This was originally a Zoroastrian rain festival dedicated to Zoroastrian rain deity Tishtrya (Tir) celebrated by Persians. Muslims appropriated this festival and rededicated it to Khawaja Khizr. Unlike Holi, It was celebrated in the rainy month of Tir (June-July).Image
In your article, you claim that Muslims celebrated Holi.

Here is how they really celebrated it.

1757: Abdali's son played Holi in Mathura . With Hindu blood.

He ordered a massacre of Hindus. Streets were drowned in rivulets of blood. Hindu Murtis were broken and trampled.

Sadhus and cows were killεd.

Severed heads were put up on display.Image
Mar 24 9 tweets 4 min read
Russia, Tajiks and Hindus: A history

Do you know? There was a time when Hindu merchants owned almost half the land of Central Asia.

Who were these Hindu merchants and what happened to them?

This thread 🧵 tells their story

It also offers some historical background behind recent terror attack in Russia.Image Today, there are barely any Hindu merchants in Central Asia.

Their history is barely known. However, this cannot underestimate their importance.

For example, in Turkestan ASSR, which comprises today's Uzbekistan, Tajikstan, Turkmenistan and Kyrzystan, Sindhi Merchants owned almost 40% of the land in 1865.Image
Feb 4 7 tweets 3 min read
Reclaiming Gyanvapi:

In 1669, Aurangzeb destroyed Kashi Vishvanath which is the holiest place of Hindus.

For the next 300 years, Hindus constantly fought multiple battles for Vishvanath.

They laid down their lives & sacrificed everything.

This thread(🧵) tells their story! Image Aurangzeb's first invasion of Kashi Vishvanath took place in 1664.

He proceeded with his army but was stopped by Dashnami & Naga Sadhus.

A battle took place from morning to evening.

Even with less number & poor equipment, Sadhus fought very bravely & decimated Aurangzeb. Image
Feb 4 6 tweets 3 min read

For someone who calls herself an expert,this smacks of ignorance & poor understanding.

Gyanvapi was NEVER a Mosque. In official revenue records, it was ALWAYS a Hindu temple

Hindu worship has ALWAYS been performed within disputed site & it never lost its Hindu character Image For any structure to be a valid "Mosque", it has to be on WAQF land.

Gyanvapi is NOT on WAQF land. Not then, not now.

In 1936, Deen Muhammad filed a suit claiming that Gyanvapi was WAQF property & demanding Muslim be given right to pray.


Because Muslims had NO RIGHT! Image
Apr 11, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
She says- "The British gave railways and infrastructure".

Iran was extremely poor in 19th century. Before advent of oil, Iran was as poor as Afghanistan. The Maharaja of Mysore had more revenue than the king of Iran.

Still, without getting ruled by any colonial power, Iran… British ruled Nigeria too.

Can these British colonialist fanboys @dhume and @TuckerCarlson show us anything as big as Victoria Terminus that was built by British in Nigeria?

Anything close to it?

No, all they could manage to build in Nigeria was sheds.

Apr 9, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
When Anchor said "Mughals destroyed Hindu temples"

Rajdeep Sardesai retorted "What about Buddhist temples destroyed by Hindu kings?" (at 2.05)

Dear @sardesairajdeep, I CHALLENGE you to name three Hindu kings who destroyed Buddhist temples.

Just three.

Au contraire, I can… @sardesairajdeep This myth of Hindu kings destroying Buddhist temples was planted by Marxist propagandists.

One of the names they frequently cite is Mihirakula. They claim that the Hindu (Huna) king Mihirakula destroyed Buddhist temples.

This myth is based on very late sources and sectarian…
Apr 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
No, YOU are wrong.

Which Indian wife?

Humayun's mom Mahan Begum was a Persian. Akbar's mom Hamida Banu Begum was a Persian. Aurangzeb's mom Mumtaz Mahal was a Persian.

And yes, Mughals definitely knew of their Turani homeland and dreamed of getting it back. Which is why Shahjahan conducted the expensive Balkh invasion at no real profit whatsoever.

Even a late Mughal like Aurangzeb considered himself a Turani (Central Asian) and NOT Hindustani (Indian).

Infact, Aurangzeb said Hindustanis are naturally inferior and meanImage In Aurangzeb's India:

Foreign Muslims such as Iranis and Turanis commanded high status and occupied high positions.

Mughals looked down upon native convert Indian Muslims for being dark and ugly ( We are talking about people like Puncture Khan Mohammed Zubair).

This is why these native Indian Muslims married women from Kashmir so that their children could look fair and pass off for genuine "Mughals".Image