Trump Defined Profile picture
Rate Trump on a scale of 1-10. If you said “Pile of Sh*t,” welcome to TrumpDefined. One part Humor, one part Outrage, two parts Bourbon. #Resist
cynsight Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 23, 2019 36 tweets 13 min read
I occasionally talk to people who are not really paying attention and they want to know why Trump is so bad.

My head explodes at this question, and I struggle to provide a coherent answer. So I organized my thoughts for the next time I’m asked Why He Must Go...

Because he’s a grossly incompetent, self-serving, morally bankrupt, narcissistic, egotistical, ethically shallow, xenophobic, misogynistic, blatantly dishonest, manipulative, dangerously erratic, hypocritical bigoted turd.

But also....
