Tracking the crimes and corruption of Donald Trump & allies since 2020. Inspired by @sarahkendzior’s books. A partner of @DeprogramUSA. Signal: trumpfile.2025
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Sep 20, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Anyone know who Clarence Thomas is with in this leaked photo from Bohemian Grove in 2005?
The two on the right are actor Glen Ash and possibly a geologist named Shell Medall. Who's on the left?
Here are a few more photos that appear to have leaked last month, from 2003 and 2005. Clarence Thomas has been visiting Bohemian Grove with Harlan Crow since the late 90s.
Donald Trump himself, not just Project 2025, has said he will militarize police departments, build new detention centers, and even send armed troops into U.S. cities to HUNT for immigrants like the Nazis did.
But this won’t just impact undocumented immigrants. 🧵
Trump has called immigrants criminals, psychos, animals, rapists, murderers and even subhuman. He is repeating after Adolf Hitler every time.
Did you know that before building the concentration camps, Hitler was also exploring a way to DEPORT Jews to Africa – and not just Jews?
Aug 27, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Today in 2016, Sen. Harry Reid sent a letter to James Comey warning that Russia was tampering in the 2016 election (which the Senate Intel Committee confirmed four years later).…
The letter from Reid to Comey came after senior intelligence officials warned Congress that Russia may be actively engaged in an effort to “falsify" the 2016 election results.…
Aug 22, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
25 years ago this month, Donald Trump affiliate Semion Mogilevich was found to be the mastermind of the largest money-laundering operation in history, funneling BILLIONS into the U.S. from Russia.…
Thread: Semion Mogilevich & Rep. Pete Sessions.
Let’s talk about a few times Donald Trump endorsed the type of authoritarianism that Project 2025 is promising. 🧵
From 1985-90, Gorbachev ended book bans, gave workers the right to strike, opened elections to multiple parties, loosened state control of the media, and allowed citizens to start their own businesses.
In 1990, Trump called these advancements a sign of “extraordinary weakness."
Aug 16, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Today in 2017, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher met with Julian Assange in London and discussed a possible deal:
Assange would cover up Russia’s involvement in the Clinton email leaks, and Donald Trump would pardon him.…
In 2021, a Spain news network released video of the 2017 meeting between Julian Assange and Rep. Dana Rohrabacher.…
Aug 5, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Today in 1987, Reagan’s FCC repealed the Fairness Doctrine, our only defense from televised “news" programs becoming outlets for propaganda and outright lies.
The move helped Reagan ally Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, which launched the year before.…
In return for Ronald Reagan’s help, Rupert Murdoch’s news outlets drove a ‘public perception’ program aimed at gaining public support for an aggressive ‘regime change’ in Central America.…
Jul 23, 2024 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
About this time in 2016, Ernest Champbell joined the staff at One America News.
On his very first day, he was given a warning: you have to support Russia, or you’re out. 🧵…
Champbell left OAN after only four months because he couldn’t stomach being a part of publishing Russian propaganda.
In an interview with the Daily Beast, he said the far-right’s obsession with Russia is rooted in hate.…
Jul 20, 2024 • 24 tweets • 7 min read
You've seen the tweets and texts where JD Vance calls Trump “an idiot” and “America’s Hitler.”
JD Vance was once a fierce “Never Trump” Republican. He was also an ally to Muslims and immigrants, until he ran for office.
Why did he change his tune? It’s NOT just money. 🧵
Vance changed his tune after meeting Peter Thiel, the GOP mega-donor and tech billionaire behind data and surveillance company Palantir.
Thiel is a proud supporter of Christian Nationalism (or as he calls it: conservative nationalism).…
Jul 20, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
"We often forget how fragile a creation democracy is... Even in the cradle of democracy, ancient Athens, rule by the people could barely survive for a couple of centuries.
And throughout its brief history, Athenian democracy was besieged from within by the forces of oligarchy and tyranny.
There were plots led by generals to impose military rule.
There were secret clubs of aristocrats who hired squads of assassins to kill popular leaders.
Terror reigned during these convulsions, and civil society was too intimidated to bring the assassins to justice...
When it comes to the machinations of power, we are all too similar to other societies and ones that have come before us." - David Talbot, The Devil's Chessboard
Books like The Devil's Chessboard, released in 2015, are a reminder that it is nearly impossible to know the full history of how the worst events in any society were possible. By the time all the pieces start to fit together, it's too late to matter.
This month in 1954, the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking & Currency questioned Fred Trump, Donald’s dad.
Fred admitted to lying to the government about the value of his properties. Sound familiar?…
In 1954, Fred Trump and over 30 other real estate developers were under investigation by the Federal Housing Administration for attempting to rip off the U.S. government.…
Jul 7, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Today in 2020, Homeland Security’s intelligence division submitted a report that Russia’s propaganda network was behind a campaign to smear Joe Biden as having cognitive decline.
The intelligence report was blocked by Chad Wolf.…
Intelligence identified the first claim of Biden’s mental decline coming from a Russian fake news site in March 2020.
Chad Wolf thought sharing the report with law enforcement (his job) would “make the president look bad,” since Trump nicknamed Biden “Sleepy Joe” in April.
Jul 4, 2024 • 29 tweets • 8 min read
Where was Donald Trump today in 1987?
He wasn't celebrating Indepence Day with his family. He wasn’t even in the United States.
He was in Moscow, meeting with Soviet intelligence agents.
This is the story of the KGB’s recruitment of Donald Trump. 🧵
We’ve been saving this one for Independence Day for a reason! If you don’t have time to dive in now, then save it for later.
Posting now and updating every minute or so. Here we go!
Jul 3, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
On 2/3/2014, Donald Trump called Fox News for a 6-minute interview in which he praises Russia and says making America great again means crashing the economy and sparking riots.
The interview has been pulled from the Fox News site. But I've had this clip on my phone for years.
Here's another clip I keep on my phone: Lauren Boebert admitting she knows some of the insurrectionists on the morning of J6.
Jul 2, 2024 • 32 tweets • 6 min read
THREAD: Hi, this is the creator of Trump File. When I started this project during my quarantine in 2020, I never imagined I would be writing this. I hope you will read it in full.
Our small team has described in detail how the Council for National Policy operates, how they have become today’s GOP, and how they plan to overthrow our democracy (Project 2025).
If you’re new here and haven’t heard of them, search Twitter for “from:trumpfile CNP"
Jun 29, 2024 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
After Trump was elected, Congress tried to pass a BIPARTISAN bill that would stop Trump from removing sanctions on Russia without lawmakers’ approval.
Today in 2017, Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) blocked it. Spoiler alert: He did it for Russia. 🧵…
This bill was intended to stop Donald Trump from using the White House to do favors for Putin. It passed the Senate with 98% support.
The Trump White House urged GOP House members to “stop it, slow it, weaken it, dilute it” the following week. Pete Sessions was happy to help.
Jun 16, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
This month in 2020, Parler tried to strike a deal with Donald Trump’s campaign. If Trump joined the app, they’d give him 40% of the company.
The White House stopped the deal.…
By December 2020, prominent GOP figures and people close to Trump had joined the Parler app — and the MAGA community was using it to plan a trip to D.C. on J6.…
Jun 13, 2024 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
THROWBACK THURSDAY: When Ivanka Trump was 14 years old, her father signed her to Elite modeling agency. At least four of the top executives and agents were known to be sleeping with their underage talent.
"The models were basically prostitutes.”…
In the late 1970s, Donald Trump befriended Elite Model Management founder John Casablancas. Within a few years, the two seemed inseparable, even closer than Trump and Jeffrey Epstein – another associate of Elite.
29 years ago today, the FBI concluded a years-long manhunt when they found “the Godfather of the Russian mob” living in Trump Tower.…
When the FBI searched Ivankov’s Trump Tower condo, they found an address book with a fax number for the Trump Organization and a phone number registered to another Trump Tower condo owned by Trump Org.…
May 30, 2024 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
When the time comes to start rolling out the worst parts of Project 2025, GOP governors won’t resist; they are in on the plan.
If you are in a red state, you need to talk to your family about an action plan if Trump wins — especially if you are LGBTQ+ or a person of color.
Republicans have already created abortion refugees. We will likely see gay and trans refugees in the not-so-distant future.
If you live in a red state, now is the time to look at your closest blue state as a potential, possibly temporary escape from Christian authoritarianism.
May 26, 2024 • 21 tweets • 8 min read
Today in 2006, Supreme Court justice, Federalist Society plant, and alleged rapist Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.
During his confirmation hearings, he lied under oath at least six times.…
In 2003, George W. Bush nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the US Court of Appeals (DC).
The Senate delayed his confirmation multiple times, due to concerns that he lacked experience and had shown too much partisanship throughout his career.…