Trussa Profile picture
Truth Seeker/Fam.First+Edu/Defender of Children's Innocence--Stop Putting Inappropriateness in Their Faces!/ HelpTheNeedy/Esp.Vets./ #EconomyWasBoomingPreCov19!
Jun 29 6 tweets 2 min read
@JCGCtruthseeker @Chunkylov @TheDBerkhardt @Williamcallam @CollinRugg @RedsRepair95 Image @JCGCtruthseeker @Chunkylov @TheDBerkhardt @Williamcallam @CollinRugg @RedsRepair95 Image
Jun 28 7 tweets 2 min read
@usanews0 Yes:… @usanews0 Image
Jun 27 4 tweets 1 min read
@medicaremermaid @3rdGener Not true anymore, because many are coming in & not going through the correct port of entry locations. When they do that then people must realize that most of them coming in aren't really asylum seekers. Some of the people who do that are even called "got aways." ... @medicaremermaid @3rdGener ... 0f course, surely you have heard that the J B administration gives them ph0n€5, p@ys f€€s for h0t€I5 in some cities, & in others has even kicked students out of their school(s) to make a pI@ce for them to st@y.
Jun 16 6 tweets 3 min read
@DeepInTheH80921 @TayFromCA @kimguilfoyle Image @DeepInTheH80921 @TayFromCA @kimguilfoyle Image
Jun 10 7 tweets 2 min read
@HughSWard1 @MatthiasRegen @ChrisDJackson Image @HughSWard1 @MatthiasRegen @ChrisDJackson Image
Jun 9 6 tweets 2 min read
@BarbraStreisand I'm no longer a fan of yours, & I know there are millions more who would feel the same way. Perhaps you should study harder before you announce such things, or before picking who you associate with.… @BarbraStreisand Click on pic to see whole screenshot: Image
Jun 4 4 tweets 2 min read
@kendemoura @9FootCouch @lee_borden @FieldGeorge Wow!





Follow the #BidenCrimeFamily activities. It's a timeline from the #OversightCommittee and kept updated with each finding. ..…… @kendemoura @9FootCouch @lee_borden @FieldGeorge ...The timeline is interactive and you can drill in to see the narratives, evidence, witnesses comments, whistleblowers, emails, phone conversations, Biden's pseudonyms he used to disguise his identity while he was VP, texts, videos, audio recordings, money exchanges, ...
Jun 4 5 tweets 2 min read
Then she should hate her own party for propping up this guy who also only changed his stance on lgbtq only after being in the US Senate since 1972, & when under BO's wing he became VP. They knew this, yet they still propped him up:


Check these out too!:


Follow the #BidenCrimeFamily activities. It's a timeline from the #OversightCommittee and kept updated with each finding. The timeline...……
Jun 4 5 tweets 2 min read
@JohnnyVomits @JoeyMannarinoUS @MatthewStadlen Your party:



5-)……… @JoeyMannarinoUS @MatthewStadlen Follow the #BidenCrimeFamily activities. It's a timeline from the #OversightCommittee and kept updated with each finding. The timeline is interactive and you can drill in to see the narratives, evidence, witnesses comments, whistleblowers, emails, phone conversations, ...
Apr 9 5 tweets 3 min read
@fuk_jonny @ARose1477 @its_The_Dr D€m l€ad€rs tr!ck€d many
Am€r!c@ns into believing the guy who they pr0pp€d up as their numb€r 1 l€ad€r w@sn't a R@C!5+!  & a big L!@R!




...…… @fuk_jonny @ARose1477 @its_The_Dr 5-)


There's plenty of info concerning similar s!tu@+!0n5 as in the 6th & 7th l!nks from above, when you look up "The H0us€ C0mm!tt€€ 0n 0v€rs!ght and Acc0un+@b! I ! + y" on YT. ...cont. ...

Mar 20 4 tweets 1 min read
@areyoudumb86 @WolfgangsMom20 @Hyper_Health @Rightanglenews @CollinRugg MSM spr€ad d!s!nf0rm@+!0n to d!v!de p€0pI€ for the D p@rty. Ds are the ac+uaI r@c!5+. D€m l€ad€rs tr!ck€d many Am€r!c@ns into believing the guy who they pr0pp€d up as their numb€r 1 l€ad€r w@sn't a R@C!5+! & a big L!@R!

...continued...⬇️ @areyoudumb86 @WolfgangsMom20 @Hyper_Health @Rightanglenews @CollinRugg 2-)


Mar 1 9 tweets 2 min read
@moscowhq @HarrisonHSmith 🧵In the 70's, 80's, & 90's the different US r@c€s were getting along well. (In that time from what I understand about Russ!a), the US was more like Russ!a at that time. The l g b t q gr0ups didn't put their bus!n€ss out in front of pe0pIe, but especially not
ch!Idr€n. ... @moscowhq @HarrisonHSmith Then pr€s!d€nt B O, starting pu5h!ng the l g b + q stuff, & making rules that made it so that stuff had to be included on some TV sh0ws & apparently each channel started doing it. Now that stuff is everywhere, even in c@rt00ns. Many y0ung p€0ple here wouldn't know that...
Mar 1 4 tweets 1 min read
@runningatnight @shicks4144 @OwenBenjamin I know things were better when I was a kid & the US produced more products. I remember for ex. buying clothes that cost nearly as much as they do now, but then there was much less from Ch!n@, & more from the US, & other countries. Do you care to elorabate on macroeconomics? @runningatnight @shicks4144 @OwenBenjamin We had more quality over quantity when I was a kid, especially in fashion, but I've seen it in vehicles where the inside fabric of roofs in cars is pulling away from the glue that glues it to the board & whatever it is made of that is adhered to the metal of the car. ...
Feb 23 4 tweets 1 min read
@irish_carbomb @KiltedRef Who do you think wrote that, lol! It's the people who wanted you to believe that. I'm an Independent who always studies to decide who the best candidate is. My other response says to look up when J B "changed his opinions" there's good reason. He is a c0rrup+ p0I!+!c!@n who... @irish_carbomb @KiltedRef ..."ch@ng€d his m!nd," but not really, he just needed v0+€s.
“M@rr!@g€ is b€+w€€n a m@n and a w0m@n,” Bid€n s@!d in a 2oo6 M€€t the Pr€ss in+€rvi€w that is l€ss h€r@Id€d th@n the 0n€ in which h€ r€v€rs€d h!s
p0s!t!on s0me s!x y€ars lat€r. H€ rep€at€d..⤵️
Feb 19 4 tweets 1 min read
@FuCkTrUmP723 Look it up J B never v0+€d for s@m€ s€x m@rr!@9€ un+!I after h€ was V P und€r B O.
H€ doesn't c@r€ ab0u+ that the way you think h€ d0es. It's all an @c+ to g€t v0+€5. Why do you think they are
br!n9in9 in all the iII€9@I5? They are repI@c!n9 r€guI@r ⬇️ @FuCkTrUmP723 @c ...c!t!z€ns by the m!II!0ns. They will do ANYTHING to
w!n, but they don't have the r€guI@r c!+!z€n's b€s+
in+€r€5+ in m!nd. They are g!v!ng iII€9@I5 th0u5@nds p€r m0n+h, wh!I€ l€@v!n9 r€9ul@r c!+!z€ns like v€+5, & other h0mI€55 pe0pI€ on the S+r€€+5. ⬇️
Feb 15 4 tweets 1 min read
Something Must Be Done Or Our Const!tutional Republ!c Will Suffer! Remember the Pledge of Allegiance?
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” ...We don't pledge our allegiance by saying: "...and to the democracy for which it stands, ...". We pledge our allegiance "to the REPUBLIC for which it stands." I've never heard Ds mention our Republic🤔? They always talk about a threat to "our democracy" Ds are the thr€@t! ...
Feb 12 4 tweets 1 min read
J B was/is NOT willing to "shut the b0rd€r d0wn," he wants to l€+ 5,ooo !II€9@I5 in p€r d@y! He also wants to s€nd $6o.o6 b!II!0n more of t@x p@y€r5 m0n€y  to
U k r @!n€. Am€r!c@ns have s€n+ them #EnoughAlready. ...
Feb 9 8 tweets 2 min read
@ibramxk Your opinion has no bearing on the facts of that statement. The statement is true. Look it up. Try the Brave search engine because Google censors truth a lot. US president JB is one of the most r@c!s+ politicians I have ever seen, & his political party has been propping him up. @ibramxk I'm sure if other countries have judged Americans by many of J Bs words, then it would be understandable why people from all over the world would think that esp. wh!te people judge them by the color of their skin, & not by their character. You're following the MSMs narrative. ...
Feb 8 10 tweets 2 min read
@nicksortor @Defundmedianow Yes, AND without resetting the leg before putting the cast back on. ... @nicksortor @Defundmedianow ... US citizens will never get the WASTED tax $ that should've NEVER been given to !II€9@Is who should have NEVER been allowed to cross the US borders in the 1st place! It's J B's f@uI+ the b0rd€r5 were open...
Feb 6 5 tweets 2 min read
@Cal_flockhartt @RealistAmerica1 @leslibless Do you honestly think the Ds weren't okay with it. Meanwhile every year you have to pick a D or R, but look at who Ds propped up:
D€m l€ad€rs tr!ck€d many Am€r!c@ns into believing the guy who they pr0pp€d up as their numb€r 1 l€ad€r, w@sn't a R@C!5+!  & a big L!@R! : @Cal_flockhartt @RealistAmerica1 @leslibless 1-)


Jan 29 4 tweets 1 min read
@StevieW64261083 @AlexJonesMW3 D€ms can't do anything without lying or cheating!…

@StevieW64261083 @AlexJonesMW3 Be sure to click the blue link in the above post, as well as read the screenshots.