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Intel Analyst. Digital Forensic Investigator. Journalist.
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May 24 4 tweets 3 min read
A search of the NY Department of State, Division of Corporations, allows you to search every single business entity in the State of New York. There are MANY for Donald Trump. One that isn't there? The Donald J Trump Revocable Trust. If the checks were paid by Donald Trump and his Trust, where are the business records?
Michael Cohen sent the invoices to Trump Org and Trump Org logged them...but NOT AS BUSINESS RECORDS, but as TRUST RECORDS. They were merely doing the account for his TRUST. Notice that in the so-called "hush money" notes between Trump and Weisselberg (who was Trump's trust, the person who could administer payments and checks because Trump could not), it says "WIRE MONTHLY FROM DJT". It does not say from "TRUMP ORG".Image
Nov 28, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
CISA admitted that there were "other" initial infection vectors beyond Solarwinds and there still might have been more undiscovered. @Rasmussen_Poll Image From the CISA/FBI joint statement on SOLARWINDS ORION HACK. Buried in the STIX IOC file: "CISA has determined that this threat poses a GRAVE RISK to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and STATE, LOCAL...GOVERNMENTS, as well as CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE ENTITIES." @Rasmussen_Poll Image
Jul 10, 2023 23 tweets 7 min read
Igor Danchenko is a Russian national who claimed to be associated with the GRU. He was the subject of a counterintel investigation and played cat and mouse with US Intel for years (1) He ends up at Brookings Institute, where he is introduced to Christopher Steele by Fiona Hill. Hill also introduces Clinton operative Charles Dolan Jr. to Danchenko and Steele (2)

Jun 30, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
🤯MIND BLOWING🤯Vadym Pozharzsky asks Hunter Biden for LEGAL intercession in Ukraine. Contradicting claims from the Bidens that Hunter was never involved with Burisma's legal issues. (1)…
What was the response of Heather King when queried about next steps? To reach out to the STATE DEPARTMENT and Carlos Pascual "the top US Energy Diplomat and former Ambassador to Ukraine" to explain "the issues you've emailed me about today per Vadim's emails to you". (2)
Jun 23, 2023 25 tweets 4 min read
🚨IRS Whistleblower Testimony: Summary🚨 PART TWO
37: The FBI does interview Rob Walker and attempts to omit mention of "dad" or "big guy". Walker claims Bobulinksi exaggerated the "10%" thing and to his knowledge Joe was never involved in that deal. (1) 38: Walker does however admit that Hunter would have his dad drop in on important meetings. Also that his dad did meet with CEFC and with other business partners while he was VP and after. (2)
Jun 23, 2023 25 tweets 4 min read
🚨IRS Whistleblower Testimony: Summary🚨 PART ONE
1: He starts by making it clear he is non-political and has a mixed voting record. He's never contributed to anyone politically, nor does he participate in politics.
2: He often votes for both R's and D's. (1) 3: He is a New Yorker with multiple awards from the IRS and DOJ. He was the Special Agent in charge of the Chicago Field Office.
4: In his tenure, he has recovered over 3.5 billion dollars for the IRS (including using undercover ops to do so).
Jun 20, 2023 22 tweets 8 min read
🚨ANATOMY OF THE STEAL🚨 How did they steal the 2020 election without algorithms and how did it stand up to recounts? Well, just read the Dominion manual. THIS is how it happened. 👇 (1)
@KariLakeWarRoom @RyanAFournier @kylenabecker @mrddmia @KanekoaTheGreat Image Yes, it likely involved the ballot printers as well. (2) 👇 Image
Jun 15, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
🚨BURISMA/PUTIN/RUSSIA/HYPOCRISY🚨 The CEO of Burisma in 2014, who brought HUNTER BIDEN onto the Board, was Harvard schooled Russian National, LEONID PETUKHOV. Petukhov was not only an attorney at Baker & McKenzie, but an occasional wine sipping guest of VLADIMIR PUTIN. (1) ImageImage Hunter worked directly with Petukov at Bursima. There are no 7 degrees of separation here. (2) Image
Jun 14, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
🚨Indictment Charges Breakdown🚨
18 U.S.C. § 793(e) - The only part of this part of the Espionage Act that is applicable appears to be the "willful retaining" of documents. It ignores that there was an ongoing negotiation regarding classification and PRA status. (1) 18 U.S. Code § 1512(k) - This basically says that trying to cover up not returning documents would lead to the same punishment/sentence as committing the actual crime of not returning documents. It's redundant. (2)
Jun 13, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Mykola Zlochevsky is the owner of Burisma (it's complicated, but let's just stick with him). Zlochevsky was a Russian/Soviet loyalist politician in Ukraine, aligned with his boss, Viktor Yanukovych, the former President of Ukraine (1) Yanukoyvch was removed from power in a revolt (ahem, insurrection) that was supported by the US Government in 2014 (wait, I thought we supported democracy 🤷‍♂️). Yanukoyvch escaped/sought asylum in Russia. Some of the Yanukoyvch Oligarchs/Ministers stayed (2)
Jun 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The fact remains, we have NO IDEA if Joe Biden sold, shared, destroyed, any classified or top secret documents.Nor do we know if he had any taken by Kathy Chung, James Biden, Hunter Biden, etc. Why? Because unlike Trump, there was ZERO urgency or awareness of Biden’s docs. (Cont) In fact, he retained custody of these with no attempt to claim they were declassify for decades. Where was the concern from the Archivist or FBI? Where were the spies and moles? (Cont)
May 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨BOMBSHELL🚨 Not only did Crowdstrike admit to Adam Schiff they had no concrete evidence that data was exfiltrated from the DNC, but the dates are exactly in line with my timeline.
April: Hack
May: Dolan in Cyprus to promise Galkina State Dept job.
July: Seth Rich murdered. Image In addition, the "indicators" would be perfect examples of penetration from XBT from Galkina/Dolan/Danchenko to be used as staging. ImageImage
May 22, 2023 25 tweets 7 min read
🚨The DNC "Hack" (long thread)🚨
(1) On 10/2006 Igor Danchenko (Steele Subsource 1) is under investigation for being a Russian Spy. He has contacted a member of Russian intel and also has two known FBI espionage subjects in his circle. Image (2) During this same time, Danchenko has asked questions about US Military movements to a former Intel Community Intern. They say he identified himself as part of the Russian GRU. Image
Apr 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
No, the Blinken/Intel Letter was not benign. We are supposed to believe that Aspen Digital (funded by Biden mega donors) coincidentally had an exercise/conference about a Hunter Biden “Russian leak” scandal 2 weeks before the intel letter was written? (Cont) Image That Facebook was told by the FBI to expect a Russian disinfo campaign to drop. That Yoel Roth said he was specifically told the Biden laptop was done by Russian intel…No, the letter didn’t “just happen”. (Cont) ImageImage
Apr 3, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
🚨Michael Cohen UNSEALED Search Warrant 2018🚨
According to the FBI Cohen's "crime" was using personal funds, which triggered an in-kind donation. The premise is Trump and the campaign knew it was for campaign purposes but Cohen made the payment himself. (cont) (2) Trump and Daniels denied the allegation of an affair in 2011. (cont)
Apr 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Democrats are Communists. A comparison of Dems and points taken directly from the Communist Manifesto:
1. Minimum Wage.
2. Abolition of independence and individuality.
3. Government control of business.
4. Freedom, culture, and law are "classist".
(cont) (2)
5. Abolition of the family. Family is the foundation of "capital and private gain".
6. State intervention to stop "exploitation of children by parents".
7. Replacement of "home education" by "social education".
8. Education and Family are "clap-trap".
Mar 29, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
🚨TRUMP COUP RELATED🚨 Tom Firestone, former EDNY and Anti-Corruption Attorney at the US Moscow Embassy is an interesting character. He is a big wig at USUBC (US Ukraine Business Council) as well as the following below. (Special attention on #4 of this thread)👇 (Continued) (1) Image (2) USUBC is interesting because David J Kramer who handled the Dossier for John McCain and gave it to the FBI/Buzzfeed is a Senior Advisor there. Burisma was a full member with a board seat. Blue Star Strategies/Sally Painter were active members. (Click for full image) (2) Image
Mar 21, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
(1) Let's clear up the Burisma investigation.
A: The UK seized/froze the money of Zlochevsky/Burisma days after Hunter Biden joined the board.
B: Burisma knew following the Euromaidan, they would be under investigation, so they woo Joe Biden's son as insulation. (2)
C: It is true that Ukrainian prosecutors did not cooperate with the UK's Serious Fraud Office (SFO), BUT it should be noted Viktor Shokin (the Prosecutor later fired via the "Quid Pro Joe") wasn't even employed at this time.
Mar 1, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read
The plot a coup against Trump in a public place and suppress the evidence in plain sight, knowing we will do nothing. #CouncilOnForeignRelation (continued below) (Continued)
Dec 20, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
The KING of Aspen Institute/Security Forum is ADAM SCHIFF. He has been the main speaker for several of their annual forums. I am going to list regular speakers/attendees below. Prepare to be UNSURPRISED at the names listed given the #TwitterFiles revelations. @mirandadevine Only going to give the highlights (then a link for your own info) 2014: ROBERT MUELLER, MICHAEL CHERTOFF, LISA MONACO, MIKE VICKERS, MICHAEL HAYDEN, JOHN MCLAUGHLIN, MIKE ISIKOFF, MICHAEL MCCAUL, KEN DILIANIAN, MICHAEL FLYNN. (1)
Nov 28, 2022 26 tweets 4 min read
1: Link to an overall timeline related to the effort to impeach Trump over the Ukraine "call".…
Let's be clear, we are simply laying out a timeline that calls for investigation, not implying "guilt". @RonColeman (1) To those who don't want the big picture, here are the specifics regarding Vindman. It starts with Burisma and an organization called The US Ukraine Business Council (USUBC). Top players in the USUBC are Michael Bleyzer and Tom Firestone. (2)