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Interested in history, politics, science, social science, and the like. Featured on MSNBC 🔎🤔📈🧐😄
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Mar 19 56 tweets 6 min read
Some opinions I have that are left wing or otherwise possibly unpopular or contrarian in this sphere:
1. Toxic masculinity is real (but so is toxic femininity). 2. Depending on the definition, the idea of rape culture doesn't seem that unreasonable.
Mar 10 5 tweets 1 min read
There is an interesting subreddit called r/BarbaraWalters4Scale (referencing the fact that Walters, MLK and Anne Frank were all born in 1929) with a interesting time comparisons. For example:
>Joe Biden was born closer to Lincolns presidency than his own. >Obama is the only president to serve under the same flag he was born under
>Jimmy Carter lived through 41% of the independent US
>Nintendo existed at the same time as the Ottoman Empire
>Hitler was alive when the big chungus cartoon was released
Jan 18 5 tweets 2 min read
If TikTok is banned for a while in the US the contents will likely eventually be deleted. Many would say good riddance but I would consider this a loss to the historical record. TikTok contains a record of the trends, attitudes aesthetics, and political debates of the time. Image It also gives a record of how Americans reacted to many historical events like the pandemic, BLM riots, the 2020 and 2024 elections, Jan 6th, withdrawal from Afghanistan, invasion of Ukraine, 10/7, the rise of AI and the Trump assassination attempt.
Jan 15 82 tweets 26 min read
1/ Thread about Indian people outside of India and the USA. There isn't going to be a thesis or an argument made, just facts about Indians in various countries.
Will discuss:
South Africa
Trinidad and Tobago Image 2/ New Zealand. Indians make up 5.8% of New Zealand population, they are mostly Hindu. Image
Nov 23, 2024 24 tweets 6 min read
Thread about Europooreans, or an attempt to asses the material well being disparity between the US and Europe without any monetary measures. Each one of these measures tells you something, but nothing tells you everything. Image AC. Are the rumors that Europe lacks AC true? Yes. Image
Sep 19, 2024 52 tweets 17 min read
1/ THREAD. Was the 2020 election fair? Will complete this thread in multiple parts over the next couple of weeks.
>General Voter Fraud Claims
>Claims about 2020 election
(may not be in that order for states)
I will not be writing about Michigan since the total vote disparity there is relatively large.Image 2/ Why am I doing this thread? Firstly because most of my followers think that it was rigged.
Sep 14, 2024 25 tweets 10 min read
1/Thread about women in law enforcement. Image 2/ Women in the US make up about 14% of police officers. This number has grown rapidly since the early 70s though less than people may think since female officers are more common on TV than real life.…
Aug 31, 2024 33 tweets 9 min read
Going to do a thread on the 1986 book "Men and Marriage" which is critical of the feminist movement. It is pretty old so I am taking some of the social science cited at the time with a grain of salt, but it is certainly an interesting time capsule.… Why men are less sexually secure than women: Image
Aug 7, 2024 53 tweets 21 min read
1/Thread about race, immigration and Islam in the UK. I am not British, so if I get something wrong please correct me. Image 2/ First, we can see that immigration particularly from non-EU countries has increased in recent years:…
Aug 1, 2024 25 tweets 7 min read
1/THREAD Cambodians in the donut industry. A case study in ethnic nepotism: Image 2/ Most of the information in this thread comes from the 2020 documentary Donut King about Ted Ngoy and his Southern California donut empire. Image
Jul 18, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Price of escort by eye color:
Image Hair color: Image
Jul 10, 2024 32 tweets 12 min read
1/Thread with data that I could find about immigration and race in France. I am obviously not an expert and don't speak French so if you think I am not presenting the full picture please correct me, especially if you are French. Image 2/ France was about 8.8% muslim in 2016:…
Jun 7, 2024 23 tweets 6 min read
New Pew report on Trump vs Biden polling:
>40% of dems think that criminal justice system should be harsher
>59% of Republicans are pro-natalist
>56% of Republicans support seperation of church and state Image 38% of Trump supporters are sympathetic to abortion: Image
May 28, 2024 34 tweets 14 min read
1/THREAD What is going on with gender relations in South Korea? Image 2/Of some major countries polled, South Korea has the highest percent of people saying that there is a great deal or fair amount of tension between men and women:…
Apr 30, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
Quick thread on this new report on underemployment, which is defined as getting a degree and working a job that doesn't need one. They estimate that after 10 years 45% of college graduates are "underemployed"…
Image most people who start out underemployed stay that way: Image
Mar 13, 2024 18 tweets 6 min read
1/ Thread on Haitian immigrants in America, since we may be getting more of them: Image 2/ Haitians seem to have a lower incarceration rate than other immigrants when they are legal, higher when they are illegal:…
Feb 3, 2024 32 tweets 9 min read
Going to do a thread on this book which looks at 6 islands that have shifted from one group to another:… As the author points out, contention between groups characterizes pretty much every diverse country: Image
Jan 23, 2024 50 tweets 14 min read
Alright, since the poll respondents requested, here are some excepts from Roy Baumeister's "Is there anything good about men"… The main thesis of the book is that men and women each have their own things that they are good at, and that the things that men are good at are vital to society flourishing. Image
Jan 20, 2024 26 tweets 10 min read
Thread on people who allegedly scored very well on IQ tests, what evidence there is and what they did with their lives. This is looking at test data only, not claimed smartest people based on accomplishments. Image The Guinness book of world record used to keep a record for the smartest person. Here were the entries in the early 80's. Marilyn vos Savant held the title from 1985 to 1990, until it was discontinued. Image
Nov 30, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Trying to find info on race in Ireland but I can't find very much. If you have more, please include. It looks like Ireland is about 87% white, down from 94% more than a decade ago. @KeithWoodsYT Image A while ago, a professor predicted that Irish could be a minority by the middle of the century:
Nov 14, 2023 43 tweets 13 min read
1/THREAD Here is the story of Yusef Salaam New York's new city council member for district 9 and a member of the notorious "Central Park 5" Image 2/Many young men were picked up the night of the incident, Yusef Salaam was not among them. They gave statements: all recorded here.