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Interested in history, politics, science, social science, and the like. Featured on MSNBC 🔎🤔📈🧐😄
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Jul 18 4 tweets 2 min read
Price of escort by eye color:
Image Hair color: Image
Jul 10 32 tweets 12 min read
1/Thread with data that I could find about immigration and race in France. I am obviously not an expert and don't speak French so if you think I am not presenting the full picture please correct me, especially if you are French. Image 2/ France was about 8.8% muslim in 2016:…
Jun 7 23 tweets 6 min read
New Pew report on Trump vs Biden polling:
>40% of dems think that criminal justice system should be harsher
>59% of Republicans are pro-natalist
>56% of Republicans support seperation of church and state Image 38% of Trump supporters are sympathetic to abortion: Image
May 28 34 tweets 14 min read
1/THREAD What is going on with gender relations in South Korea? Image 2/Of some major countries polled, South Korea has the highest percent of people saying that there is a great deal or fair amount of tension between men and women:…
Apr 30 9 tweets 3 min read
Quick thread on this new report on underemployment, which is defined as getting a degree and working a job that doesn't need one. They estimate that after 10 years 45% of college graduates are "underemployed"…
Image most people who start out underemployed stay that way: Image
Mar 13 18 tweets 6 min read
1/ Thread on Haitian immigrants in America, since we may be getting more of them: Image 2/ Haitians seem to have a lower incarceration rate than other immigrants when they are legal, higher when they are illegal:…
Feb 3 32 tweets 9 min read
Going to do a thread on this book which looks at 6 islands that have shifted from one group to another:… As the author points out, contention between groups characterizes pretty much every diverse country: Image
Jan 23 50 tweets 14 min read
Alright, since the poll respondents requested, here are some excepts from Roy Baumeister's "Is there anything good about men"… The main thesis of the book is that men and women each have their own things that they are good at, and that the things that men are good at are vital to society flourishing. Image
Jan 20 26 tweets 10 min read
Thread on people who allegedly scored very well on IQ tests, what evidence there is and what they did with their lives. This is looking at test data only, not claimed smartest people based on accomplishments. Image The Guinness book of world record used to keep a record for the smartest person. Here were the entries in the early 80's. Marilyn vos Savant held the title from 1985 to 1990, until it was discontinued. Image
Nov 30, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Trying to find info on race in Ireland but I can't find very much. If you have more, please include. It looks like Ireland is about 87% white, down from 94% more than a decade ago. @KeithWoodsYT Image A while ago, a professor predicted that Irish could be a minority by the middle of the century:
Nov 14, 2023 43 tweets 13 min read
1/THREAD Here is the story of Yusef Salaam New York's new city council member for district 9 and a member of the notorious "Central Park 5" Image 2/Many young men were picked up the night of the incident, Yusef Salaam was not among them. They gave statements: all recorded here.
Oct 23, 2023 25 tweets 9 min read
1/ THREAD there is a common narrative on the right that Jews are receiving their comeuppance for supporting immigration of people who hate them into the west. Wanted to gather some data on Jewish opinions on immigration, Islam and more from various countries. Image 2/ I am not trying to present any thesis on this issue, just gather data. Please add more if you have it.
Israel: Plurality of Israelis think that Europe should take in Syrian refugees (in 2015), while 80% don't think that Israel should.…
Jul 21, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
1/ Thread: There is a common narrative in politics, that social issues are a distraction by the elites, and the real issue is class issues. Heres why I don't think that narrative is accurate: Image 2/ Attitudes on immigration are much more predictive of voting preferences than income:…
Jul 20, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Women are less interested in dating than men: Image Women are also more picky. College educated women especially so: Image
Jul 11, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
They make about 16% of the population.…

Jul 9, 2023 32 tweets 9 min read
Some excerpts from this book about dysgenics, mutational load etc.… Rise in allergies: Image
Jun 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Blacks and Hispanics spend up to 30% more than whites of comparable income on visible goods like clothing, cars and jewelry Compared to white households of similar income, the typical black and Hispanic household spent $2,300 more per year on visible… Black women are more likely than white women to purchase jewelry and luxury cars:…
Jun 4, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
I used to be extremely opposed to drug laws/"the war on drugs" but I am coming around. Some reasons why: Image I used to think that there were tons of drug users who are rotting away in prison, but only 4% of people in state prisons are drug possession offenders, and of course many of these are pleas down from more serious charges:… Image
Jun 3, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Jared Taylor video on Biden's new executive order, for DOJ. From leaked rules to agents: If the victim describes a perp only using race, officers can't take that description into account. Image
May 29, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
A few qualitative descriptions of low trust countries from the very interesting blog thosewhocansee.…
Israel: Image The Arab world: Image
May 14, 2023 29 tweets 12 min read
1/ Thread about how the US criminal justice system is different and in many ways more lenient than that of other 1st world countries. Main source is Trials Without Truth.… Image 2/ The author describes how the US criminal justice system is much more more complex, and procedure oriented than those in Europe. Compares it to the rules in American football vs the rules in soccer. Image