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Explore Ireland's archaeology, history, heritage & stories with the experts from @abartaguides Join Tuatha for exclusive itineraries, articles, courses & tours
Daniel O'Donnell Profile picture 1 subscribed
Nov 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Powerscourt House & Gardens • 18th century • Wicklow

The new mansion on the Powerscourt Estate was completed in 1741 by the architect Richard Castle, famous for such buildings as Leinster House, Russborough House and more. Powescourt House and Garden... Powerscourt Gardens • 19th century • Wicklow

In the mid-19th century, the gardens were redeveloped under the direction of architect Daniel Robertson. Influenced by the Italianate garden design, the fountain in the lake is based on the fountain of Piazza Barberini in Rome. Looking down towards the la...
Nov 2, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Did you miss The Hellfire Club #TuathaTalk? Or want to watch back to take a few notes?! 🧐

Have no fear – a recording is now available on our Member Courses page. We'll be announcing this month's #TuathaTalk very soon, so keep an eye out for updates 👀

🔥 recording: tuatha.ie/courses/hellfi… A portrait of the members of the Dublin Hellfire Club that h
Oct 27, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
It's time for our fifth #TuathaTalk! The Hellfire Club and the Murdered Tomb with @JackmanNeil

Neil carried out a archaeological research project on the famous Dublin landmark back in 2016, and tonight he’s going to share some tales of debauchery and dark deeds 🔥 A portrait of the members o... Here we are now– all the lads
James Worsdale’s portrait of the Dublin Hellfire Club shows a number of the key members. Henry Barry Lord Santry, Clements and Ponsonby (both died at the Battle of Fontenoy) Richard St George and Simon Luttrell (described as the Worst Man in England) A portrait of the members o...
Oct 25, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Entrance to Oweynagat Cave • early medieval • Roscommon

The souterrain that transports you from the monumental landscape of Rathcroghan into the depths of Oweynagat Cave, the ‘Cave of the Cats’. A black cat sits near the entrance of an early Medieval sout Discover more about the story of Oweynagat Cave – the archaeology, folklore and legends – in our Tuatha article:
