I woke early a couple of weeks ago and wrote this. I'm not a poet but think this is a poem. Decided to post after our conversation @amandapalmer and our many @monaeltahawy
I predict a riot
A post-pandemic riot
A riot of women who have spent this time thinking and observing
It is the patriarchy’s nightmare:
the people intensely introspecting,
reading and thinking and talking to each other
Nov 14, 2018 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
#ThisIsNotConsent and nothing-no way of dressing or behaving-nothing protects women from the patriarchal system. I’ve been assaulted and harassed by barristers at work, where I was dressed like a Victorian. Rape culture does as rape culture says
To be clear, I talk about these experiences of assault in the legal profession (the very people tasked with upholding the law) because I can. I have privilege and as @monaeltahawy says: that privilege obliges me to fight 10 times as hard as someone who doesn’t #ThisIsNotConsent