Tyler O'Neil Profile picture
Managing Editor, @DailySignal. Author, Making Hate Pay & The Woketopus. Husband, Father, Eagle Scout, @Hillsdale grad. RT not endorsement.
Feb 16 8 tweets 6 min read

USAID wasn't just spending your tax dollars💰 to promote woke causes overseas, it also ties in to the Left's dark money and influence network that called the shots in the Biden administration.

USAID has funneled money to the Tides Foundation, sent cash to the same groups George Soros' Open Society Foundations was funding, and served as a revolving door—former USAID workers go to work at left-wing foundations and activist groups.

I have the receipts🧾 here.

dailysignal.com/2025/02/16/wok…Image WHAT IS USAID?🤔

While the acronym suggests USAID is about aid, it’s really about soft power. John F. Kennedy established USAID as a tool to fight Soviet Communism abroad.

In recent years, the agency has promoted the classic woke causes:

1⃣critical race theory
2⃣climate alarmism
3⃣gender ideology
4⃣a preference for technocratic government

USAID spent:

1⃣$1.5M for DEI in Serbia's workplaces
2⃣$47,000 for a transgender opera in Colombia
3⃣$2M for promoting s*x changes in Guatemala
4⃣$250M on a Climate Finance for Development Accelerator to help countries meet their climate goals in the Paris Agreement

These initiatives echo the spending of Hungarian American billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, and that is no accident.Image
Jan 21 10 tweets 9 min read

What made Joe Biden's presidency so bad? It wasn't just Biden's age—there was a fundamental mismatch between the issues impacting Americans' lives and the priorities of the federal government.

While Americans struggled with inflation, Biden bragged about "investing" in green technology, even as his administration cracked down on oil and gas. The Biden admin opened the border while Americans struggled with increasing crime and lawlessness. The Biden White House celebrated Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday.

Much of these and other policies trace back to a woke influence campaign propped up by the Left's dark money network. My new book, "The Woketopus🐙: The Dark Money Cabal Manipulating the Federal Government," has the receipts.

It works like this: the Left's dark money network (think George Soros, Alex Soros, Arabella Advisors, The Tides Foundation) feed the woke nonprofits. Those woke nonprofits then send staff into the unelected bureaucracy. Those bureaucrats then prioritize the woke agendas of those nonprofits, partly because they used to work there and partly because they agree with the ideology.

The Woketopus succeeds at getting woke policies that are out of step with the American people enshrined into federal regulations.

President Trump has replaced Biden, but he also needs to combat this influence campaign. This thread will explain why it's still a problem and what he needs to do about it.


The Woketopus is a massive influence campaign, composed of woke nonprofits pressuring the federal government to take extreme stances.

It's a compound word with two parts: "woke" and "octopus."

I define "woke" as a comprehensive worldview that combines at least four elements:

1⃣Critical race theory: the idea that America is systemically racist for whites and against blacks and that we need fundamental change to root that out.

2⃣Gender ideology: the idea that a nebulous sense of gender identity overrides biological sex, such that doctors should be allowed to sterilize kids, males should be allowed in women's private spaces, and gender pronouns should be forced on people, regardless of the consequences.

3⃣Climate alarmism: the idea that human beings are destroying the environment by burning fossil fuels. In truth, fossil fuels can now burn very cleanly and it is emphatically not a "consensus" that CO2 emissions will destroy civilization.

4⃣A preference for technocratic government: trust in bureaucratic elites and institutions over the people's elected representatives. After COVID-19, Americans are waking up to the rot in the health and other establishments, but the reckoning is just beginning and woke wants it to stop.


Dec 10, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
🚨DEEP STATE GEARING UP President-elect Donald Trump poses a serious threat to the woke bureaucrats staffing the federal government.

The massive left-wing influence campaign I call The Woketopus🐙 won't go away on Jan. 20. Far from it.

Instead, the left-wing ideologues in the administrative state have a three-part strategy to hamstring Trump, undermine his admin from within, and prepare for the next liberal administration.


dailysignal.com/2024/12/09/wha…Image 1⃣GOVERNMENT IN EXILE

Some of the bureaucrats, knowing Trump will fire them, have already found their next jobs—in the left-wing nonprofits that form the arms of the Woketopus.

Tracy Stone-Manning, for example, will leave the Bureau of Land Management for The Wilderness Society, a woke environmentalist group.

All the woke nonprofits that staffed and advised the Biden administration will welcome back their old colleagues and their ideological allies. Bureaucrats will flock to the Center for American Progress, the Human Rights Campaign, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Southern Poverty Law Center, among others.

From there, they will influence the political discourse and bide their time⏱️ for another liberal administration.

Dec 5, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read

Employees at America's sixth-largest labor union, the United Auto Workers, are on strike, accusing the UAW of union-busting.

The strike✊ began this week, but apparently it's inconvenient for the legacy media's narrative. Please RT this to get the word out there.

dailysignal.com/2024/12/05/iro…Image UAW Staff United is still on strike in Manhattan, and the legacy media still seems utterly disinterested in covering this story.

Dec 5, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read

Advocates of "gender-affirming care" made at least 6 false and dubious claims in the Supreme Court oral arguments for U.S. v. Skrmetti today.

Transgender medical interventions are so grotesque, advocates use euphemistic terms like "gender-affirming care" to hide their true nature. The arguments today illustrated once again that gender ideology considers natural puberty to be unhealthy for some minors and prefers the artificial facsimile of puberty created by Big Pharma products...💉


dailysignal.com/2024/12/04/fac…Image 1⃣US SG Elizabeth Prelogar claimed that "puberty blockers" entail "just pressing pause" on natural growth.

In reality, these cancer drugs—not approved by the FDA for gender dysphoria—have serious side effects & hormone doctors disagree with Prelogar. 2/9
Nov 19, 2024 8 tweets 6 min read

The Southern Poverty Law Center has taken aim at Not the Bee, the real-news partner of The Babylon Bee. The SPLC is threatening to doxx the people who write for Not the Bee, to reveal their identities to expose them to ridicule and ostracization.

The SPLC is trying to silence Not the Bee because it publishes news that contradicts the SPLC's woke narrative. But I also suspect there's a secondary motive at play.


First, a word on the SPLC. What is it?

As the name suggests, the group was founded to provide legal representation to poor people in the South. Yet, as I wrote in my book, "Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center," Morris Dees used the SPLC to sue Klan groups into bankruptcy, a noble mission but one that SPLC lawyers described as "shooting fish in a barrel" in the 1980s. When he ran out of Klan groups, Dees turned to ever more mainstream conservative and Christian groups.

Today, the SPLC releases a "hate map" that plots mainstream groups like the Center for Immigration Studies, Alliance Defending Freedom, and Moms for Liberty alongside chapters of the Klan. Their crimes? Disagreeing with the SPLC's woke agenda. The SPLC has become the Left's cancel culture enforcer.

This makes the SPLC quite useful to the Left, which is why companies like Eventbrite and NextDoor still use the SPLC despite its many scandals.


Nov 15, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
🚨'ROTTEN TO A CORE': 5-year FEMA veteran reveals woke bias at the disaster agency.

FEMA supervisor Marn’i Washington infamously told agents to avoid houses with signs supporting Donald Trump in the aftermath of Hurricane Milton. FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell condemned this, suggesting that Washington acted alone.

Washington said she didn't act alone, and FEMA sources told me that Washington's probably right. A former employee who worked at FEMA for 5 years said Criswell's statement is a "complete lie."😲


dailysignal.com/2024/11/15/not…Image 'COMPLETE LIE': The former FEMA employee told me that he also witnessed FEMA leaders encouraging staff to avoid whites and conservatives on the supposition that they would be hostile.

"They were told to avoid Trump, avoid any house that has a Trump sign, in a verbal meeting," he said. "I've seen that happen."😲

"We were told, 'Don't go into any house that looks suspicious,'" the former employee recalled. "They would use words like, 'hick,' 'cowboys,' 'rednecks.' You can change that over to 'Trump supporters,' 'MAGA.'"

Referring to Washington, the fired supervisor, the former employee said: "She's saying, 'I didn't make this up on my own.' I believe her because I've totally seen it."

"I believe she did exactly what she was told to do," he said. "I read Deanne's statement—it's a lie, it's a complete lie."

Oct 21, 2024 8 tweets 5 min read
🚨Why is the Biden-Harris administration so woke? Didn't Biden campaign as a moderate?🤔

This chart explains what happened. Bear with me: I know it looks like a conspiracy theory, but I have the receipts.

In short: The Left's dark money network funds a system of woke nonprofits that staff and advise the administrative state, getting their far-left policy agenda implemented in the federal government.

My book, "The Woketopus: The Dark Money Cabal Manipulating the Federal Government," outlines exactly how this works and zeroes in on a few key issues.Image One of the biggest issues for me has been the weaponization of federal law enforcement against conservatives.

At the center of this is the Southern Poverty Law Center, a far-left smear factory that puts mainstream conservative and Christian groups on a "hate map" with the Ku Klux Klan. The SPLC targets organizations that oppose its far-left agenda on critical race theory, immigration, transgender issues, and more.

SPLC President Margaret Huang has bragged that federal law enforcement reached out to the SPLC for advice on combatting the "domestic terror threat," and FOIA documents reveal the extent of the SPLC's influence in government. SPLC leaders and staff have visited the White House at least 18 times, according to visitor logs.

The SPLC has also received funding💰 from the Foundation to Promote Open Society, the Proteus Fund, the New Venture Fund, and the Tides Foundation.Image
Oct 7, 2024 7 tweets 5 min read
🚨EXCLUSIVE: How many U.S. Muslims deny Hamas' crimes on Oct. 7? A surprisingly high amount.

A @J_L_Partners poll commissioned by @Heritage asked the general population and U.S. Muslims whether Hamas committed murder and rape on Oct. 7. 64% of Americans said Hamas did. Only 31% of U.S. Muslims agreed.

39% of U.S. Muslims said Hamas did NOT commit murder and rape on Oct. 7😲

dailysignal.com/2024/10/06/ame…Image Only 1/3 of U.S. Muslims☪️ said Israel🇮🇱 has a right to exist as a Jewish homeland. Two-thirds of the overall American population supported Israel's right to exist.

A large plurality—43%—of U.S. Muslims said Israel does not have a right to exist as a Jewish homeland, while only 11% of the overall American population agreed.Image
Oct 1, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
🚨EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Eric Cubin, a radiologist, was booted from his state's Board of Medicine for supporting a bill named after @ChoooCole, a bill that would ban transgender experiments for minors, which are falsely called "gender-affirming care." Now, he's suing.

Today, @LJCenter is filing a preliminary injunction, asking a federal court to restore Cubin to the Wyoming Board of Medicine while the court considers his First Amendment lawsuit against Gov. Mark Gordon.

Cubin claims Gordon unconstitutionally retaliated against the doctor for his free speech.

dailysignal.com/2024/10/01/exc…Image “I was removed from the Wyoming State Board of Medicine because I took a stand to protect the children in our state," Cubin told me.

He explained that he sent a letter to the Wyoming House of Representatives because the Wyoming Medical Society (of which he is a member) publicly opposed Chloe's Law. He asked the society to clarify that not all of its member doctors oppose Chloe's Law, but the society did not respond to him.

"I had been misrepresented by the Wyoming Medical Society and had no choice but to speak up for what I believe to be right," he told me.‼️ “I urged our legislators to be circumspect about the information they were being provided and cautious about what they allow physicians to do to kids in our state—something that is now the law across Wyoming."
Aug 30, 2024 6 tweets 5 min read
🚨Legacy media outlets are touting the 200 "Republicans" who signed an open letter backing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.🤔 I was curious, so I teamed up with @TheElizMitchell and did a little digging.
As it turns out, this list has three groups of "former Bush, McCain, and Romney staff" who arguably don't belong and may have been added just to pad the numbers:
1⃣INTERNS. Yes, people who interned for a presidential campaign or a Senate office are on this list as if they represent GOP politicos.
2⃣Apolitical staff. There's a guy who flew Marine One for George W. Bush (props) who also flew Marine One for *checks notes* Barack Obama. Not exactly a GOP politico, huh?
3⃣People who went on to work for Democrats in more political roles.
If you want to publicly back Harris, fine. But this list doesn't represent some sort of groundswell among Republicans. dailysignal.com/2024/08/30/lis… 1⃣Exhibit A of someone who does NOT belong on such a list: Felice Gorordo. Yes, Gorordo did work in the Bush administration. But in 2011, Barack Obama appointed him as a White House Fellow. Then, in 2018, he joined the Biden Cancer Initiative. He may be a fine guy, but he's not evidence of a GOP groundswell for Harris.Image
Aug 23, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
👖🔥PANTS ON FIRE: Democrats told 5 massive lies at the #DNC, and they repeated them over and over. Here's my article and thread breaking them down 1/7
Image 1⃣Trump supports a "nationwide abortion ban."
FACT CHECK: False. Trump has repeatedly stated that he would leave abortion up to the states.
Aug 21, 2024 15 tweets 6 min read
🚨GASLIGHTING: The Southern Poverty Law Center, which pushes financial firms to blacklist conservative and Christian nonprofits, claims that @ADFLegal's warnings about debanking are a conspiracy theory. But it gets worse... dailysignal.com/2024/08/20/gro…
Image SPLC blatantly lied, saying that ADF itself "characterizes" debanking as an "anti-white and anti-Christian conspiracy." This echoes SPLC's previous accusation that ADF's efforts at viewpoint diversity are somehow rooted in "white supremacy." dailysignal.com/2024/08/12/now…
Aug 14, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
🚨'ANTI-SCIENCE': Former HHS, FDA leaders slam FDA's "duplicity" on so-called puberty blockers💉 after evidence reveals a high-ranking FDA official urged approval for these drugs while admitting they increase suicidality, depression & seizures in youth‼️
“During the Trump administration, the media falsely accused us daily of ‘politicizing America’s public health agencies.’ Yet the same media is now silent on Harris and Biden’s FDA’s anti-science, purely political insanity,” former HHS Chief of Staff @brianeharrison told me.
Jun 5, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
🚨BREAKING: SPLC puts a gay organization, @againstgrmrs, on the "hate map" as an "Anti-LGBTQ+ hate group." The SPLC also put doctors⚕️ on the map with KKK chapters: @segm_ebm @donoharm @genspect. Their crime? Disagreeing with transgender orthodoxy.
dailysignal.com/2024/06/05/spl…Image The SPLC claimed it “documented 86 active anti-LGBTQ+ hate groups—about 33% higher than 2022, and the highest number ever recorded by the SPLC.” What does that actually mean?🤔 It means they chose to smear more groups as "anti-LGBTQ+ hate groups." Image
Mar 13, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
🚨BREAKING: Librarians in a South Carolina school district HID their card catalog from parents😲 A librarian wrote that she did this to prevent moms and dads from scouring it "for critical race theory books."‼️ @Moms4Liberty got receipts🧾 through FOIA

“Instead of listing these books as available in the library, they are making a conscious decision to include them in curriculum read aloud in class so parents don’t know," the Anderson County Moms for Liberty chair, Carly Carter, told me.
Mar 7, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
🚨BREAKING: The Southern Poverty Law Center tried to sic the DOJ's hate crimes division on @Moms4Liberty @DefendingEd @ADFLegal @FRCdc @FAIRImmigration @CIS_org and others with a briefing on its annual hate map report. @OversightPR has the receipts.🧾
Image Before releasing the 2022 hate map in June 2023, the version including parental rights groups👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, the SPLC reached out to the DOJ to offer a briefing. The DOJ confirmed to @dcexaminer's @BreccanFThies the briefing did occur. Here's the teaser SPLC sent.
Feb 22, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
🚨NOT THE ONION: The Anti-Defamation League told me it doesn't consider Audrey Hale, the Nashville shooter who identified as transgender⚧️ and wrote about "white privilege," a left-wing extremist because Hale referred to her victims as "faggots," an anti-LGBTQ epithet.😲 Image ADL released a report Tuesday, claiming right-wing ideologies motivated all the "extremist murders" of 2023. I found this curious🤔 b/c 3 pages of Hale's manifesto, published by @scrowder, echo left-wing talking points and the Left pushes gender ideology.
Jan 11, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: The federal government reached out for advice on “domestic terrorism” to a group that suggests conservatives and Christians harbor a KKK-like hatred and has itself inspired terrorism against a Christian nonprofit.
Law-abiding Americans increasingly are convinced that their government views them as an enemy, perhaps even a "domestic terrorism threat." This newly unearthed video📽️ may confirm those fears. Image
Jan 3, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
🚨BREAKING: Claudine Gay takes to New York Times to offer "words of warning," claiming that "trusted institutions of all types—from public health agencies to news organizations—will continue to fall victim to coordinated attempts to undermine their legitimacy." I wonder why. 🤔

Gay's warning here is symptomatic of an establishment embracing radical ideas that undermine their original goals, then acting impudent when those ideas blow up in their faces. Her public health comment is telling—institutions abused power during COVID. dailysignal.com/2023/01/12/not…
Dec 14, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
🚨GASLIGHTING AMERICA: New SPLC report on "pseudoscience" seeks to demonize all dissent from transgender orthodoxy and discredit the doctors who warn against "gender-affirming care." SPLC calls them tools of "white supremacy" & "theocracy" 🧵
dailysignal.com/2023/12/14/spl… "The controversy over trans health care is manufactured to reinforce both white supremacy and the political goals of the Christian Right," R.G. Cravens, a research analyst at SPLC, says in a video announcing the project. How, exactly? 🤔 Image