Tyler McBrien Profile picture
Managing Editor, @lawfare. Writing in @washingtonpost, @TheAtlantic, @Slate, @LAReviewofBooks, @ForeignPolicy, @MotherJones, @newrepublic, and more.
Pamela Dobberstein Profile picture Diana Roby Profile picture No One You Know ♥️ Profile picture Barb Profile picture Len Grossman: a sympathetic, well-meaning, elder.. Profile picture 63 subscribed
Jun 4 19 tweets 7 min read
Last week, after the jury delivered the verdict in Trump's NY trial, I grabbed my camera, descended the courthouse’s 15 flights of stairs, walked out the revolving front door, and started snapping pics.

Here's my @lawfare photo essay of that historic day: lawfaremedia.org/article/the-fi… @lawfare Newscasters interview a protester with a banner that reads, “CONVICT TRUMP ALREADY.” This protester was a fixture at Collect Pond Park for much of the trial. Image
May 30 57 tweets 11 min read
Good morning from 100 Centre St for verdict watch in Trump’s NY criminal trial.

We’ll start with a rereading of the jury instructions and a readback of select testimony, and then, we wait.

Turn your notifications on, today might be the day.

Then again, it also might not! Image If we get a verdict, it won't be until after lunch. Here's why: jurors want that one last free lunch, and nobody wants to deliver a verdict on an empty stomach.

For more hard-hitting legal analysis you've come to expect from @lawfare, stay locked on this thread and @AnnaBower's
May 29 79 tweets 13 min read
After what feels like no time at all, I’m back at 100 Centre St with @AnnaBower and @katherinepomps for jury charges and deliberations in Trump’s NY criminal trial.

We haven’t yet seen the finalized jury instructions, so I’ll be here live tweeting it all for @lawfare 🧵⚖️ Image While we wait for the thrilling experience of Justice Merchan reading from a piece of paper for an hour, catch up on yesterday's marathon closing arguments with our post-court live dispatch, recorded late last night: youtube.com/live/KmaRmu_7B…
May 28 378 tweets >60 min read
Good morning from Trump’s NY criminal trial where the longest line yet is waiting to hear closing arguments.

It’s DAY number….ok, so I lost count.

Whatever day it is, I’ll be here, live tweeting it all gavel to gavel for @lawfare.

Join me, won’t you? 🧵⚖️ It’s a Green Day, with nary a protester in sight at Collect Pond Park.

Well, except for one: a man holding a sign with the number of children killed and injured in Gaza, wearing a large metal crucifix, and yelling antisemitic things. Image
May 21 107 tweets 18 min read
Good morning from 100 Centre St for DAY 20 of Trump’s NY criminal trial.

Yesterday, we made it through the prosecution’s case-in-chief. But we’re not through just yet. Today, Costello is back on the stand.

I’m here reporting it all for @lawfare.

Join me, won’t you? 🧵⚖️ Image Also yesterday: Justice Merchan limited the admissible testimony of the defense’s potential campaign finance expert witness—who now says he won’t testify after all.
May 21 9 tweets 3 min read
So what exactly happened when Justice Merchan ordered everyone out of the courtroom during *that* tense moment earlier today?

Thanks to Lisa Kramsky, Senior Court Reporter, and the magic of transcripts, now we know. 🧵⌨️ During Costello's testimony, ADA Susan Hoffinger was on high alert and issued a flurry of objections—which Merchan rightfully sustained.

Costello got testy, letting out a "jeeze" at one point, and said "strike it" another time.

Merchan wasn't having it, and excused the jury. Image
May 20 264 tweets >60 min read
Good morning from 100 Centre St for what could be the final week of Trump’s NY criminal trial

I’ll be reporting it all for @lawfare, alongside @AnnaBower, @qjurecic, and Ben Wittes.

Join me, won’t you? 🧵⚖️ Image Protesters are already here in Collect Pond Park. A woman blows a shofar and starts preaching about the bible.

A man holds up an oddly specific sign:

May 16 235 tweets >60 min read
It’s a misty morning here at 100 Centre St for DAY 18 of Trump’s NY criminal trial.

This morning, Cohen is back on the stand.

I’ll be reporting it all alongside @AnnaBower for @lawfare.

Join me, won’t you? 🧵⚖️ Image We already have some good line content, thanks to @JayShams ⬇️
May 14 206 tweets >60 min read
Good morning from 100 Centre St for Day 17 of in Trump’s NY criminal trial.

If you appreciate a good line, this one is a thing of beauty.

I’m here w/ @AnnaBower for @lawfare to report on the much-anticipated cross of Michael Cohen, expected today 🧵⚖️ Image NYC’s hottest club this week truly is 100 Centre St.

Line sitters were maxed out by early evening yesterday. I’m also hearing that this morning one especially enterprising young man parked himself at the front of the line and sold his non-existent spot for a cool $400.
May 13 273 tweets >60 min read
Good morning from 100 Centre St for Trump’s NY Criminal Trial. Today’s episode will very likely be: “The Michael Cohen Show.”

I’ll be reporting it all alongside @AnnaBower and Ben Wittes for @lawfare, join me, won’t you? 🧵⚖️ Image Cohen, Trump’s then fixer, now turncoat has lingered over this entire trial, mostly as a punchline. Even the accountants got in on the fun.

In testimony and recorded clips, we get an image of Cohen the enforcer, Cohen the “pants-on-fire” panicker, and Cohen the self-promoter.
May 9 261 tweets >60 min read
Good morning from 100 Centre St for DAY 14 of Trump’s NY criminal trial and the second day of Stormy Daniels’ testimony.

It’ll be a packed house today. I’ve never seen this many reporters line up this early.

I’m here for @lawfare (if I get in!) 🧵⚖️ Image If you’re in line to report the first ever criminal trial of a former U.S. president, stay in line!
May 7 7 tweets 3 min read
What exactly does DA Bragg have to prove in Trump's NY criminal trial?

For @lawfare, @qjurecic and I wade through the legal mire to answer questions that will only grow in importance as we approach closing arguments and a potential verdict lawfaremedia.org/article/what-m… In-the-weeds legal questions have lingered since the indictment dropped. Chief among them are:

Do prosecutors have to prove that Trump committed one of the three object offenses?

And if so, does the jury have to agree on which one?

And to what standard of evidence?
May 7 236 tweets >60 min read
It’s a gorgeous morning at 100 Centre St (pictured left), where I’ll be covering Lucky Day 13 for Trump’s hush-money-election-interference NY criminal trial for @lawfare

Join me for the ride 🧵⚖️ Image The press and the public don’t know yet who today’s witness is, but the defendant, who found out yesterday, doesn’t seem too happy about it. Image
May 6 198 tweets 29 min read
Good morning from 100 Centre St for DAY 12 of Trump’s NY criminal hush-money-election-interference trial.

Follow along for my gavel-to-gavel live coverage, alongside the indefatigable @AnnaBower and Ben Wittes for @lawfare 🧵⚖️ Image It’s a lively Monday morning. The public line is longer than usual, and includes a group of young people, maybe high schoolers.

It also includes a woman from Rhode Island, who is in town for a conference. “What better sight seeing to do than go to the Trump trial?” she says. Image
May 2 212 tweets >60 min read
It’s a foggy, misty morning at 100 Centre St, where I’m waiting to enter the courtroom for Day 10 of Trump’s NY criminal trial.

I’ll be reporting it all today, alongside @AnnaBower and Ben Wittes, for @lawfare. Join me! 🧵⚖️ Image Its a quiet morning thus far, with nary a protester in sight.

Collect Pond Park, just opposite the courthouse, is totally empty. Image
Apr 30 6 tweets 3 min read
Trump has been held in contempt for 9 out of 10 allegations that he violated the gag order, (all but the first I believe), and fined $1,000 for each of them.

There's also a hearing later this week regarding an additional 4 allegations. In his decision, Merchan dismantles Trump's argument that reposts don't violate the gag order: "There can be no doubt whatsoever, that [Trump's] intent and purpose when reposting is to communicate to his audience that he endorses and adopts the posted statement as his own" Image
Apr 23 172 tweets 26 min read
Good morning from 100 Centre St for DAY 6 (incl jury selection) of Trump’s NY criminal trial. I’ll be live tweeting it all for @lawfare alongside @AnnaBower

Follow this thread for updates 🧵⚖️ Image Yesterday, we heard opening statements and testimony from the prosecution’s first witness, David Pecker.

I spoke to @AnnaBower and Ben Wittes live on Trump’s Trials and Tribulations NY Dispatch.

Watch it here, or listen on the @lawfare podcast feed lawfaremedia.org/article/lawfar…
Apr 19 155 tweets 22 min read
Good morning from 100 Centre Street for Day 4 of Trump’s NY criminal trial.

Yesterday we hit a milestone: a full jury + one alternate.

Today, we hope to hit another: empaneling the five more alternates needed before we start oral arguments.

Follow for updates 🧵⚖️ Image Justice Juan Merchan has been telling empaneled jurors to expect to return Monday at 9:30 a.m. for oral arguments.

But yesterday we started jury selection by taking two steps back, after two jurors were excused for reasons related to public disclosure of their identities.
Apr 18 180 tweets 25 min read
Good morning from 100 Centre Street for DAY 3 of jury selection in Trump’s NY criminal trial.

Here’s where we stand: 7 jurors, 11 to go. This morning we’re starting fresh with the second panel of 96 jurors, who were already been sworn in on Tuesday.

Follow for updates 🧵⚖️ Image To catch up on everything you missed from the first two days, don’t miss my blow-by-blow dispatch, up yesterday in @lawfare
Apr 16 197 tweets 27 min read
It’s another beautiful morning at 100 Centre St in Manhattan, as the press gathers for Day 2 of jury selection in the People of the State of New York v. Donald J. Trump.

I’m here covering it all again for @lawfare. Follow this thread for updates 🧵⚖️ Image And to catch up on everything you missed on Day 1, check out my thread from yesterday ⬇️
Apr 15 219 tweets >60 min read
It’s a beautiful morning at 100 Centre Street in Manhattan.

I’m waiting in line with members of the press to attend the first criminal trial of a former president, Donald Trump, for @lawfare.

Follow this thread for updates 🧵⚖️ Image Today, jury selection begins. But how did we get here?

On this morning’s @lawfare podcast, @AnnaBower, @rparloff, @katherinepomps, and I walk you through everything you need to know as the curtain raises on the trial. shows.acast.com/60518a52f69aa8…