How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App’s a narrative that true DEI was captured by corporate interests and while this isn’t entirely wrong this argument also obscures the fact that there never was some pure version of DEI that later got corrupted. DEI is directly descended from idiotic mid-century woo and HR BS. his 2019 run, Biden heavily implied to his advisers and to the public that he would be a one term president. At the time, those closest to him realized that campaigning at age 81 would be out of the question. But in a Shakespearean fit of hubris, Biden changed his mind. 2/ almost ten years, liberal politicians and pundits have spotlighted and relentlessly attacked Donald Trump’s open bigotry. And remarkably, these efforts didn’t just fail. They coincided with black and brown Americans moving in ever greater numbers toward the bigot’s party. 2/ Harris needs to moderate has congealed into common sense among the commentariat, who seem hell-bent on ignoring the last decade of American politics: the Sander insurgency, the Trump ascendancy, and Biden's presidency. The voters are done with neoliberal governance. 2/ Bash hits Vance for calling Harris a “childless cat lady” even though she has step-children, he says “I criticized Kamala Harris for being part of A SET OF IDEAS…that is anti-family.” He’s using Harris as a vehicle for an *idea*: standing in for a type of dem we all know 2/ you see "wokeness" as a set of specific progressive beliefs about anti-racism, gender, masking, etc., it makes no sense to say the right became woke. But if you think of wokeness as a hermeneutics – a style of interpreting the political world – a different picture emerges. 2/ side wants you to believe that affirmative action means that white male academics can't get jobs and that minorities who get jobs are less qualified or unqualified. That's a lie. White men are still getting tenure-track jobs. The minorities getting jobs aren't unqualified. 2/ this month, Whitney Wolfe Herd told an interviewer that she hoped that AI-enhanced Bumble would "actually teach you how to date," describing a future where your AI surrogate goes on dates with other AI surrogates so as to narrow down your dating pool to a few people. 2/'m disgusted by universities' draconian response to peaceful protests and their efforts to sanction legitimate political speech. Reasonable people can disagree about the protesters' message or strategy. cheering on the NYPD and Columbia's crack down like to invoke the safety of Jewish students and combating anti-semitism. Strangely, almost no mention is ever made of the many Jewish student protesters and their safety. Such as the 20 Jewish students arrested at Brown. 2/ social justice model is deeply entrenched. Universities have loaded up on pseudo-radical faculty at places like Columbia—faculty notably silent about those student arrests, by the way—and you can’t get rid of them. There’s no magic wand to simply “de-woke” the university. 2/