Kassiane Profile picture
Radically neurodivergent activist. Biracial. Aikido fills the gymnastics shaped hole in my heart. Changeling cosplaying as a real girl.
dmnsqrl Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 11, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Today in things I don't want to have to explain to people whose job it is to know them: tax credits don't do shit for many to most disabled people People on SSI do not have enough money to benefit from a tax credit. Its under $800/month y'all. Which is far below the poverty line. But people on SSI do not pay federal income taxes if they don't have a part time job .
Mar 28, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
There is no debate with child abuse apologists. #YesAllABA is abuse. How destroyed does your moral compass have to be to support 40h a week of holding hostage everything a child loves til they comply? Yall can say it works all you want, but interrogate what works means. Your kid will break themselves to access 1 minute w.their favorite toy and you think that's good? How morally bankrupt is that?