AshleyLee 🕊️🌹 Profile picture
Felt the Bern in 2016, and had the duct tape ripped off my eyes as to how the world really spins. Still Berning, stronger than ever, ever since. #Bernie2020
Sep 27, 2019 33 tweets 17 min read
Feeling nostalgic lately about all the coverage the #Bernie2020 campaign has received from the MSM this year. Their integrity and in depth reporting has been inspirational to watch as the year has unfolded🙃

Join me as I reflect on some of the greatest #BernieSlanders of 2019 📸 No better place to start than with the reputable Washington Post and their #1 fact checker Glenn Kessler slamming Bernie for his claim that 3 families own more than the bottom 1/2 of the US combined. To be fair, he spoke for the WRONG 1/2, as THEY are "not especially meaningful"
Sep 14, 2019 15 tweets 8 min read
Okay, here's #MyBernieStory:
I went to college because you HAD to have a degree to make it in the world. $80k later, I have to live with my Mom, because my $1,200 rent payment is going to my loans instead. I can't default because my Mom co-signed. I WILL NOT destroy her credit!(1 ...Plus it's impossible to declare bancruptcy anyways. I've worked for a non-profit for ~8 years hoping to get some of my loans forgiven. Turns out 99% who try that fail. So, with interest rates at 14% and ALWAYS rising, I will NEVER pay them off. (2