How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Mwanzia Koster was given 2 weeks notice to leave a TENURED position claiming she shared her UT login credentials with another person. According to the SB 18 anti-tenure law she was fired under, she has a right to due process, including a hearing. None of that happened. told you for decades people who think a fetus’ potential to live is worth more than the actual life of the person carrying it are not “pro-life,” they’re pro-forced birth. Now they’ve told you themselves they will literally murder you for protecting your life. Listen to them. carefully the words used by an adult white man to describe a 9yo Black child to police. A child he knew, because she’s his neighbor and one of the few Black people living there.’all don’t know how a child you send away to study can lie to you every day saying he’s doing great while failed out of school snorting up his nose the tuition you work to send him and, after finishing that, stealing all your life savings and destroying your retirement. met on this wretched app when we lived a 4hr drive apart. After ogling and internet stalking each other for months, we had some virtual dates flirting with wine on videochat, eventually, in-person dates. Soon after, we began an agonizingly sweet, unbearably passionate fling.